My world double door

Chapter 263 Damn it!

"Stupid thing, you deserve to die."

Li Yang grinned and searched the [Qiankun Bag] with his mental strength. He couldn't help but mutter: "I don't know if that heat vision killed that guy."


With a wave of his hand, the [Tianxuan Mecha] immediately flew out of the Qiankun Bag and sprayed a powerful biological cooling agent onto his body, making Li Yang feel much more comfortable instantly. He then took a bottle of magic potion, and his body A large amount of energy was added instantly.

Li Yang then looked at the sky, used an invisibility magic, and then suddenly flew out of the earth, stopping outside the atmosphere directly facing the sun. Then he allowed his body to absorb the strong sunlight energy to help the injuries in his body recover, and then silently Run the magic power to restore the physical condition.

It wasn't until more than ten hours passed that Li Yang suddenly opened his eyes and suddenly felt like a new person.

"Phew, these damn pieces of trash."

Li Yang breathed out, and then felt his body regaining its health. Thinking of encountering this kind of encounter in the magical world, he gritted his teeth silently.

Some people living in this world really pollute the air!

How can the same human being be so disgusted?

Li Yang doesn't understand, but...

"The Gullah family, right... I'll kill your whole family tomorrow!"

Li Yang looked at the time, clenched his fists, and suddenly disappeared from the place again.

Thirty-five days passed.

It’s time to make the sixth generation genetic medicine!


Apocalyptic world.

Base City No. 3, inner city area.

Li Yang's body quietly appeared from Bi Yueyue's warm living room. The moment it appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of several women in the living room. Seeing that Li Yang was back, all the women couldn't help but show happiness on their faces. smile.

"Husband, you are back!"

Bi Yueyue stood up and greeted happily. While saying hello, she trotted into Li Yang's arms. Behind her, three beautiful ladies and the little slave girl also ran over excitedly.

"Has General Song contacted you? What happened to the level 6 gene potion I ordered?"

Li Yang held Bi Yueyue in his arms with a smile, patted her butt, stretched out a hand to touch a lady's face, gently stroked her soft cheek, and asked in a low voice.

While touching, he looked at this fair and tender lady. If Li Yang remembered correctly, this should be the wife of the evolver who gave him [Golden Armor] and [Tianxuan Armor].

As expected, he is the richest one, and his wife is more beautiful than the other two.

Li Yang looked at this beautiful lady and sighed in his heart. As he thought, his palm slid down and penetrated into the collar. The beautiful lady immediately bowed forward happily, allowing Li Yang to touch her more comfortably.

"Not long after I received the message from General Song, all the seven bottles of level six genetic medicine you ordered are ready!"

Hearing Li Yang's words, Bi Yueyue spoke with a smile. Li Yang's eyes suddenly raised slightly when he heard the words: "Okay, contact General Song immediately and tell me that I will pick up the potion in two hours."


Bi Yueyue nodded hurriedly and spoke. She knew that she, a man, never liked to deal with such complicated and trivial matters. As she spoke, she took the initiative to contact General Song Tianyuan at the base and told her man's request.

"General Song replied and said he would be waiting for you at the base center building at any time."

Bi Yueyue contacted Li Yang in just a moment and received a reply immediately. She immediately raised her head and spoke to Li Yang.


A smile appeared on Li Yang's lips, he nodded with a chuckle, and then pressed the head of the beautiful lady in front of him with twinkling eyes: "I'm very angry now, come here, I want to vent my anger!"

"Oh~ let out the fire~oh~"


Two hours later, Li Yang absorbed the surging spiritual power coming from all directions and refined it into his body. He felt a little better. Then he asked Bi Yueyue to wash her clothes, put on noble clothes, and joined hands. Followed him to the base city center building.

Not long after, Li Yang once again saw Song Tianyuan waiting for him in the conference room.

"Mr. Li, I'm glad to see you again. The seven bottles of level six genetic medicine you ordered have been produced, and thermal vision, clairvoyance, ultra-long-distance vision, ultra-macro vision, and ultra-super vision have been provided according to your requirements. The upgrade capabilities of nine abilities, including hearing positioning, super perception, super energy resistance, super resilience, and super energy intake, allow you to synchronize these abilities with your genes.”

Song Tianyuan shook hands with Li Yang first with a smile. Li Yang stepped forward to shake hands with him with a slight smile, and then looked at him with a kind smile. Song Tianyuan also looked at him very politely, and then saw Li Yang. Yang's eyes flashed.

"General Song, these level 6 genetic medicines are very important to me. You won't do anything to me, will you?"

Li Yang smiled and spoke in a leisurely voice. As he spoke, he mobilized the powerful demon soul power to invade Song Tianyuan's soul, which was very strong but did not use any means at all.

The soul power with the magic power of lightning instantly put Song Tianyuan's soul into a numb and stiff state, and the information contained in the other party's soul was easily learned by Li Yang.

His face darkened instantly.

"How could it be? For the sake of our own reputation, it is impossible for our base city to do such a thing. After all, only by gaining everyone's recognition and trust can the base city have appeal, can it unite people's hearts, and can the base city be maintained."

Song Tianyuan's eyes were dim, but the expression on his face and voice did not change at all, and he maintained a smile. He answered what he would say even if he was awake: "Fake when residents customize genetic medicines, which greatly damages credibility." This behavior is tantamount to digging your own grave, and we will never do it."

"So, you have dug your own grave and are waiting to die."

When Li Yang heard this, he let go of Song Tianyuan's hand in silence. The next moment, the power of the thunder demon soul in his mind suddenly swept towards the ten sixth-level genetic evolvers and dozens of fifth-level genetic evolvers surrounding them.

Intermediate Soul Magic: [Soul Stun]

Advanced soul magic: [Soul Stiffness] [Psychedelic Magic] [Soul Confusion] [Soul Blade]

Super Soul Magic: [Soul Fall] [Soul Uplift] [Soul Freeze]


It was as if the sound of thunder and lightning was heard in the soul, and the brilliance of magic shone like a sea wave sweeping through all the hidden genetic evolvers around.

Formed by the power of thunder and lightning souls, the flashing [Soul Blades] swept across the entire space in an instant. The thunder soul blades instantly slashed into their souls at a speed that even the souls could not dodge, causing the souls to suffer heavy damage. Divide into two halves.

Immediately afterwards, before they could recover, powerful soul control magics instantly invaded their mental space and directly controlled them to stay in place.

In the central building of the inner city of Base 3, the brilliance of soul magic shone, and there was silence for a moment.

In the entire space, only Li Yang and Bi Yueyue were able to think and move normally.

Even Bi Yueyue felt a terrifying force emanating from Li Yang's body, causing her body to tremble uncontrollably, fear, her whole body stiffened, and she looked at Li Yang with panic in her eyes.

"I said, you do it."

Li Yang indifferently took out the palm he was holding from Song Tianyuan's warm smile, wiped it on his clean clothes, and said in a calm voice: "Immediately ask the genetic laboratory to develop the genes I take. All hands and feet above and below the potion release the recovery potion that makes up for the shortcomings.”

"Re-deploy the level 6 genetic medicine that has been produced, eliminate all backdoors, and use the most advanced technology to create the most powerful level 6 genetic medicine."

Li Yang's voice was calm, but Song Tianyuan on the opposite side immediately nodded with a smile on his face. Then, with Bi Yueyue's astonished look on his face, he immediately issued instructions one after another, ordering the researchers in the base city to follow Li Yang's orders.

One of the controllers of Base City, General Song Tianyuan Song, is actually so obedient?

Bi Yueyue looked at Li Yang in disbelief, and then suddenly thought of the terrible sense of energy that Li Yang just exuded. She thought of the mysterious power attack she and her ex-dead husband suffered when they ambush Li Yang. They were completely helpless. Perception is unpredictable, but it loses any ability to resist in an instant.

Could it be that……

Bi Yueyue looked at General Song Tianyuan and Song in front with eyes full of shock.

This general left a backdoor in the potion for Li Yang and deliberately created a flaw?

so now……

"The order has been issued. In one minute, the basic gene potion limit-lifting potion will be delivered. After three minutes, the first-level gene potion limit-lifting potion will be delivered. In six minutes, the second-level gene potion limit-lifting potion will be delivered. , in fifteen minutes a level three gene potion limit-lifting potion will be delivered, and in thirty minutes a level four perfect gene potion limit-lifting potion will be delivered."

"In one hour, a level 5 perfect gene potion will be delivered. After three hours, your level 6 gene potion will return to normal, and the effect of the potion will reach the most perfect level."

Song Tianyuan spoke respectfully, and Li Yang snorted, his face darkening slightly: "Damn it, in thirty-five days, you actually spent twenty-five days trying to leave a backdoor for the strong and reliable sixth-level genetic medicine. "

"I drank so many genetic potions, and you actually monitored me from the first time I traded non-polluting resources. You used various means to leave a backdoor in my genes. I'm your mother, and I've provided you with so many A precious non-polluting resource.”

The more Li Yang talked, the angrier he became. He couldn't help but raise his foot and kicked Song Tianyuan in the stomach. As a result, the powerful kick shocked him backwards, but Song Tianyuan, the sixth-level genetic evolver, did not move at all.

Li Yang's face darkened, but Li Yang, who was mentally controlling them, knew that the other party really didn't resist at all.

This is purely because the sixth-level genetic evolution is too strong, and his power cannot shake it at all.

This forced Song Tianyuan to use high-strength level six genetic medicine.

"Don't let those genetic medicines come over."

Li Yang walked back to his original position with a dark face, and the surging thunder soul power instantly filled the entire space, exercising more powerful control. He then looked at Song Tianyuan with slightly narrowed eyes and said, "Take me to experiment with you." Room, I want to see everyone’s controllers.”

From Song Tianyuan's soul memory, Li Yang did not read that the other party had taken any measures to prevent the current kind of soul manipulation. However, for the sake of safety, he still felt that it was better for him to control the researchers to develop it safely and without worry. good.

After all, there is no way to prevent the emergence of such a thing as a memory erasing potion...

Thinking quietly in his heart, Li Yang immediately hugged Bi Yueyue and controlled Song Tianyuan all the way to the genetic laboratory in Base City No. 3.


When the guard at the door saw Song Tianyuan coming, he hurriedly came over to greet him, but before he could say the second word, he was stunned, and then turned around and opened the door for Song Tianyuan.

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