My world double door

Chapter 264 I’m very angry now! Sixth level genetic evolution (please vote for more updates)

Base City No. 3, genetic laboratory.

As a laboratory that embodies the highest technology, the defense of the entire laboratory can be said to be extremely tight. In the silver-white passage, it can be said that there are three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry, but when Song Tianyuan leads the way, Li Yang follows behind. However, these sentries did not play any role.

Li Yang easily arrived inside the genetic laboratory and saw more than fifty scientific researchers wearing lab coats.

"General Song, you..."

A researcher in a laboratory looked at Song Tianyuan in surprise, but he hadn't finished speaking yet.


The powerful thunder soul power swept across the entire place, the brilliance of soul magic flickered non-stop, and the thunder magic instantly filled the entire laboratory.

"Create me a limit-unblocking potion without any backdoors. Use the already created level six genetic potion with the highest technological enhancement capabilities, and completely eliminate all backdoors."

Li Yang spoke in a calm tone. After speaking, the scientific researchers who originally wanted to greet Song Tianyuan immediately devoted themselves to research and development.

In a short time, bottle after bottle of limit-lifting potions were delivered to Li Yang. Li Yang took them and drank them one by one.

But after drinking, his face looked a little strange.

"Why do you feel like this limit-breaking potion doesn't have any effect?"

Li Yang murmured in his heart. He could clearly feel that after drinking the limit-breaking potion, it only made his genetic power more active. Nothing else had any effect. Only the fifth-level perfect genetic potion had an obvious effect. Some, but not much.

At the very least, it was definitely not to the extent that it would affect his normal fighting and use of genetic power, so he couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

But after he was doubtful and felt the thunder magic, mana, and soul power in his body, he couldn't help but pat his forehead, feeling somewhat relieved.

"It seems that some wonderful reactions occurred under the influence of the extraordinary system and the genetic medicine."

The corner of Li Yang's mouth curled up slightly, thinking of the little changes he made to his genes when he practiced thunder magic, and the changes brought to his body by the rich vitality he absorbed from her when he became the princess of the Lion Kingdom, and he couldn't help but smile. smile.

This is really... wonderful!

"There are still two hours to get my seven bottles of level six genetic medicine, right?"

Li Yang looked at the busy scientific researchers in the laboratory, licked the corners of his mouth, his eyes fell on Bi Yueyue's perky little butt, and pinched it.

"While restoring the level 6 gene potion, I will also think about how to enhance my body, which has already taken level 1 to level 5 ordinary strength gene potion, into an enhanced version. I am here waiting for your good news."

Li Yang has been targeted since he started trading non-contaminant materials. Every tube of medicine was left with a backdoor. Fortunately, those mechanical products only had one positioned backdoor and nothing else.

Moreover, even if the medicine they take has a backdoor, it is still a weakened version compared to the medicine they take.

This dog is more pretentious than Song Tianyuan. The first time they met, it was like this and then. In fact, he had already begun to pay attention to and study him, and even everything he did in the apocalyptic world was recorded by him.

When he first came, he had already ambushed the invisible robot. If he hadn't shown his fearful space power, he might have taken him down.

Those invisible robots had no vital signs. It was not easy for Li Yang to detect them even if he did it intentionally. What's more, it was unintentional, and there was a big boss like Song Tianyuan nearby to attract attention. He could detect the presence of ghosts. .

However, the sixth-level genetic potion is of great importance to him after all. In addition, his spiritual power has been successfully cultivated into the super soul inheritance: the magic soul technique, and he has reached the realm of super soul magician in one fell swoop.

In addition, he practiced so much soul magic, so to be on the safe side, he chose soul control this time.

As a result, this test broke such big news.

Now that he knew about this, he naturally couldn't bear it. Not only did the sixth-level genetic medicines need to be the best and most complete, but the medicines he had already taken also wanted better effects.

He believed that since these researchers could develop a limit-breaking potion, they could also develop a potion that would enhance the genetic potion they had already drank.

"You guys who control the world in the apocalypse are really insidious."

Li Yang fucked Bi Yueyue and looked at Song Tianyuan in front of him who gritted his teeth and said, "Fortunately, your wife is pretty and allows me to make up for it, otherwise I really wouldn't have anywhere to vent my anger."

"I'm very angry right now, can you bear it alone?"

After Li Yang finished speaking to Song Tianyuan, he bit Bi Yueyue's lips and asked softly.

He is a perverted lunatic and idiot who bullies others in the magical world, and he is also a cunning and cunning controller in the apocalyptic world. Unpleasant things happen one after another.

He is really angry!

"It's so big, it's really big, I, I can bear it."

Bi Yueyue felt Li Yang's fierce anger and let out a harsh low moan from her throat.


One hour……

Two hours...

In the laboratory, seven bottles of bright red potion were finally freshly baked and respectfully delivered to Li Yang.

Li Yang, who had vented his anger for two hours, was still angry in his heart, but when he saw that the genetic potion was ready, he stopped working on it. He first waved his hand and put all seven bottles of potion into his [Qiankun Bag], and followed closely. Then he took out a bottle and drank it.


He raised his head and lowered his head with a bottle of genetic medicine, and a surge of power surged through his body. The strong power of the medicine caused earth-shaking changes in Li Yang's body in an instant.

There was a faint roar in his brain, and the power in his body rose rapidly like a rocket. The magnetic field power in his body became stronger and stronger, and began to grow at an extremely high speed.

The power is getting stronger, and it seems that a slight shock can tear the world apart.

The speed is getting faster, and it seems that I can cross the continent with just one jump.

Perception is getting stronger, and vision, hearing, smell, touch, and taste are all rapidly improving to a terrifying level.

The final result is that the physical body is improved countless times, the biological energy in the body is as strong as an ocean, and the terrifying power of the magnetic field is overwhelming.

Transformation! Transformation! Transform again!

The deepest transformation of genes is constantly being completed, and the aura on Li Yang's body is constantly surging, and a powerful and terrifying aura like an abyss beast gradually floats out of him.

Bi Yueyue on the side was frightened. She felt that her man in Tiantian in front of her seemed to have changed. There was an unfamiliar aura about him that made her extremely worried and scared.

Fortunately, she had reached her peak, her whole body was limp, and she was often communicated with in depth by Li Yang, so even though this breath was almost suffocating at this moment, she could still bear it.


The heart beats one after another, like a strong man beating a drum.


The sound of blood flowing was like a river rushing and waves surging, resounding continuously.

Terrible high temperature radiated from Li Yang's body, and the surrounding air was boiling hot. Bi Yueyue, who fell to the ground, could not bear the high temperature and hurriedly retreated. Along with the scientific researchers, they all retreated to the corner and used equipment to resist. He looked at the high temperature and looked at Li Yang who was undergoing transformation with wonder in his eyes.

The aura exuding from Li Yang's body became heavier and heavier. As the genetic transformation deepened and continued to thicken, Bi Yueyue also retreated further and further away.

This transformation and heavy momentum lasted for three hours before it came to an abrupt end.

After the transformation is over, the faint roaring feeling in the brain ends, the soul is warm all over, and the spiritual space containing the soul seems to have received stronger support, making the entire soul feel more comfortable.

The three parts of human spirit, energy and spirit are integrated into one. As the physical body undergoes great transformation, the soul is also fed back, and the foundation becomes more solid!

"Huh~Level 6 genetic evolution!"

Li Yang was a little surprised at how quickly the sixth-level genetic potion took effect. It took only three hours for his whole body to transform. Feeling the condition in his body, he couldn't help but murmur, clenching his fists, surging and turbulent. The power surged endlessly in his body, causing a glimmer of light to flash in his eyes involuntarily.

"I don't know, the magic master's power is stronger or weaker than mine now."

Li Yang's eyes were gleaming, and he couldn't help but think to himself, and then waved his right hand suddenly.


A terrifying sonic boom came, and Song Tianyuan who was standing aside was slapped in the face by Li Yang. He was instantly knocked to the ground without any resistance. Only then did Li Yang show a satisfied smile. meaning.

He then clenched his fists again. When his fingers clenched into fists, powerful power burst out. He could clearly feel a wave of soul power flowing through his fingertips, and a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

"Theoretically, whether it is magical power or physical power, as long as it reaches a certain level, it can affect space. Using magical power can cause fluctuations in space at the level of a super mage. However, using physical power, I have now reached level six. Only the gene potion level, that is, the power of the magic master level in the magic world, can cause some fluctuations in the space."

Li Yang thought to himself, and then the smile on his lips became even brighter.

"Fifteen times transformed into a magic master?"

Li Yang waved his hands and kept thinking in his heart.

Gene potions are different from the extraordinary powers in the magical world. Basically, just drinking one bottle will cause earth-shaking transformation.

For example, even if you only take one bottle of the fifth-level genetic potion that is the benchmark for super extraordinary beings, it is comparable to an ordinary super peak extraordinary person. Only the perfect qualifications in the magical world can compete with the ultimate fifth-level genetic potion.

For example, an ordinary super transcendent person would basically die in one move in his hands.

According to this inference, he should now be comparable to the peak extraordinary person of the magic master level with ordinary qualifications, but not as good as the peak magic master level with perfect qualifications.

If that Geler wasn't perfectly qualified, he would be able to fuck him right now.

But...he doesn't lack a bottle of genetic potion.

Li Yang waved his hand, and another bottle of level six genetic medicine appeared in his hand, which he drank.


The power of the blazing genetic medicine continued to surge through his body, and his body, which had reached a terrifying level, was once again strengthening crazily. Li Yang exhaled and silently closed his eyes to feel the changes brought about by the genetic transformation.

The strength of the physical body, biological energy, and magnetic field increased crazily. After the second bottle of genetic medicine was 90% effective, this change completely stopped.

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