My world double door

Chapter 277 Just call me madam

Some of the bones of Geler and his son's relatives were still useful when Li Yang 'conquered' Wen Mier. After all, only by completely getting rid of the past can we truly accept the present.

However, since Li Yang had 'negotiated' with Wen Mi'er when she felt the bones of Ge Le and others, then Ge Le's rotten corpses were of no use. Supreme Wei Lang cleared them cleanly to avoid any influence. Feeling.

With the disappearance of the bodies of Gullah and others, the whole world seemed cleaner.

After their actions were completed, Li Yang smiled and invited them to his living room and entertained them with the good things that Ge Le had placed at home.

"In just three years, you have gone from a junior soul mage to where you are now. This speed is really admirable."

After sitting down, Wei Lang, who didn't have a good relationship with Li Yang, just sat and drank tea. Rule took the initiative to speak to Li Yang, with wonder and curiosity in his eyes: "I feel that you are stronger than me now. You have to be a lot stronger, can you tell us how you did it?"

"Actually, it's not just him. Many people are very curious about what kind of inheritance can create a genius like you."

After Lule finished speaking, Weilang took advantage of the situation and spoke to Li Yang with emotion.

"Well, please forgive me for not being able to speak directly."

Li Yang rubbed his hands: "When you know it, you will know it naturally. Otherwise, if you tell it when you don't know it, it will not be good at all."


Sometimes 'honesty' is the best way to deal with problems. Li Yang said it very frankly, and everyone could feel this, so they were silent for a while and no one mentioned the topic again.

The warning of the World Spirit has been broken, and they need to re-understand the world.

This is a big, big thing.

"Gele is dead. To a certain extent, he brought it upon himself, but the dark crisis is real. We hope that you can think carefully when doing things in the future. This is also what many people mean..."

I won’t mention the matter of cultivation anymore, but Wei Lang still has to mention the matter of killing the magic master. Even though the warning of the world spirit has been broken, the dark crisis is real in front of me. The magic master Scholars can no longer be consumed within the life group, so Weilang must give a warning.

Li Yang nodded with a smile, saying that he would think about it carefully next time.

Then the topic was quickly ignored, and they waited until Ice Queen Wenmier woke up.


In the bedroom of the room, on the large bed made of magic materials and magic arrays, Wen Mier slowly woke up and felt a wave of relaxation all over her body. She couldn't help but exhale comfortably and lay on the bed. Stretched.

An indescribable sense of relaxation and joy filled her whole body. Wen Mier couldn't help but relax her body comfortably, and placed her tall, delicate, white and crystal-clear body on the bed, with her bare feet overlapping each other, and her white and tender calves. The flesh rested on each other's backs, looking around in confusion.

For some reason, she had a feeling in her heart that she was going to see Li Yang. She couldn't help but get up and look at the clothes she was wearing. She found that they still fit her, so she didn't change them. She put on shoes and socks on her white and tender feet, and passed by to meet her dead husband. Le's magic photo was taken, and she walked out of the bedroom calmly, following the strong scent of Li Yang that remained on her body and walking towards the living room that she felt.

When she was in the frozen soil of [Colster], she walked barefoot on the frozen soil in order to better understand the world. Now that she has returned to human land, she naturally has to put on her shoes and socks.

‘The group photo in the room must be quickly changed to that of me and Li Yang. ’

‘Are Team Rule and this Supreme One here because of Geler’s death? I hope they won’t embarrass Li Yang. ’

Wen Mi'er felt the breath in the living room and had two thoughts in her mind. Then she walked out of the living room with an elegant posture. As expected, she saw the Lule team from the [Lion Kingdom], and a The Supreme of the Lion Kingdom.

Her eyes first fell on Li Yang, and when she saw him looking at her with the same smile, she felt slightly relieved. Then with a calm smile on her face, she walked over to Li Yang and sat down quietly, stretching out a beautiful Su put her hand on the back of Li Yang's hand and held his fingers together. Then she looked around politely with her beautiful eyes and said with a smile:

"Mr. Immortals of the Lion Kingdom, and Venerable Weilang, are you here for Gele's death?"

With a smile on her face, Wen Mier held Li Yang's hand slightly with firm eyes: "Gele's death is a foregone conclusion, and my man Li Yang is a strong man whose fighting ability is not weaker than that of the Venerable. His There is still a lot of room for improvement in terms of strength, and I think there is no need for us to pursue anything over a dead man."

Hearing Wen Mier's words, everyone from the Lion Kingdom looked at each other in confusion, and then Wei Lang couldn't help but say: "That, the Ice Queen."

"Just call me Madam."

Wen Mier interrupted, and showed the hands she and Li Yang were holding with a smile: "Since I already have a place to belong to, there is no need to use the title of Queen anymore."

"Um, well, Mrs. Wen Mier, we are here to arrange a marriage between you and Mr. Li Yang."

Seeing Wen Mi'er's appearance, Wei Lang glanced at Li Yang with piercing eyes. The fact that Li Yang's first known cultivation when he appeared was a soul mage flashed through his mind. Then he looked at Wen Mi'er. Son, spoke in a low voice.

"Um, he was the one who arranged the marriage between me and Li Yang."

Wen Mier was stunned for a moment, with a slightly stunned expression. Then she saw the smiling eyes of everyone, and then looked at Li Yang, who was also smiling. She couldn't help but was about to stand up in shame, but was held down by Li Yang, and then Holding her tightly in his arms: "My dear queen, will you marry me?"

"I, I do."

Wen Mier's face turned red by Li Yang's fierce movements, and she spoke in a low voice with a trembling voice. After speaking, she and Li Yang kissed each other deeply.

Everyone around immediately applauded.

"A wedding witnessed by the Supreme and the Immortal team together was truly romantic and committed."

Rule spoke in praise, and then said with a smile: "I think this will definitely become a good story for the human race."

While speaking, he was relieved in his heart, knowing that this time the death crisis of a magic master was over.

"Of course, I think there is nothing better in the world than this."

Wei Lang also smiled and spoke.

Immediately afterwards, under the witness of Lule and others, Wen Mier successfully married Li Yang. They had a dinner together, and that night they rose into the sky together, flying in the night sky under the shining of magic lights. , spread the news throughout the city.

The whole city rejoiced, and the news spread to the seven countries as quickly as snowflakes. The evil husband of the Snow Queen was killed by the Sunshine Prodigy, and the story of the two forming a new family became a new beautiful story.

In such a joyful atmosphere, a new batch of servants were replaced in the 'Li Yang' mansion, and the immortal team of Wei Lang and Lu Le left the city with Li Yang and Wen Mi'er seeing them off.

The matter in Gullah came to an end.

However, along with this beautiful talk, there was also a terrifying gossip in the high-level circles of the Immortals: Li Yang possessed extremely terrifying soul talent power, and in just fifteen days, Han Han was actually defeated. Ice Queen Wen Mier turns from hatred to love.

Perhaps his spiritual means are more powerful than his physical body.

Although I don’t understand why the aura of soul power is only at the level of a super soul mage, it’s best not to believe in his soul cultivation.

It's like Li Yang's magic power has just broken through to the super transcendent level, but he can emit red light magic from his eyes and break the perfect forbidden spell of the immortal magician.

After watching the battle between Li Yang and Gelu and Wen Mier recorded on the public domain magic circle, this news attracted widespread attention from the extraordinary people of the Seven Kingdoms.

If there is a battle with Li Yang, what you have to watch out for is not only his terrifying physical strength, but also the powerful hidden power of his soul.

"What a monster."

This is the thought that arises in the hearts of everyone who has watched the video of Li Yang's battle.

Of course, there are others who are more confused than them.

"What, Li Yang now has the fighting power of an immortal?"

Shengli and Di'en, who were in two countries, looked confused. They looked at Li Yang's battle video with disbelief, and then thought about how they had fought fiercely with Li Yang before. Although they were defeated, they had the power to resist. situation, his face looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Oops, Li Yang must have known that he could break through so quickly, so he deliberately provoked us to make a bet with him, right?"


That night, in the bedroom.

The magic portraits of Gullah and Wen Mi'er had long been destroyed and replaced with new ones. The new portraits were taken by Li Yang and Wen Mi'er together. There was warm light in the room, and Wen Mi'er was being held by Li Yang. Her long, round and white legs kissed her all the way from the bedroom door to the bed.

The clothes on her body were unbuttoned, and her delicate and beautiful shoulders were lying on the red bedcloth. Her black hair was scattered behind her shoulders and was pressed on the bed. Her snow-white neck was slightly straightened, her expression was blurred, her eyes were slightly narrowed, and her red lips were slightly open. Li Yang kissed deeply.

The hot breaths spurted each other, and the long snow-white legs that were clinging to the bed were lifted up to her shoulders by Li Yang, who kissed her passionately and caressed her.

"Oh, baby, do you know what I'm going to do tonight?"

Li Yang stood up, stretched his hands across Wen Mier's legs to his shoulders, hugged Wen Mier's body firmly in his arms, and held Wen Mier's legs on his shoulders, pressing her tightly to his shoulders. position, stroking her beautiful long legs with her palms, feeling the unique feeling brought by the spirit ice body, and spoke to Wen Mier from an extremely close distance.

"Isn't it a one-night stand?"

Wen Mier's cheeks were slightly red, and she held Li Yang's neck, opened her beautiful big eyes, and spoke softly.

"You guessed it right, then I'll reward you with a non-stop night."

Li Yang smiled and immediately pressed forward hard.


Wen Mier spurted hot air from her lips, the magic bed shook slightly, her eyes were blurred, and she hugged Li Yang's neck tightly.

The matter of coming back to avenge her husband had long been forgotten.




Although the spirit ice body is beautiful, Li Yang did not stay too much in the public domain.

He only stayed in his new mansion for a month. After the mana in his body increased steadily and he accumulated less than half of the area of ​​​​the Dantian, on the first month and twenty-one day after the end of the competition for hegemony among the clans, Li Yang smiled and held Wen Mier's hand, and together they got on the space-traveling magic weapon heading to the royal city of [Lion Kingdom].

While traveling through space, he quickly arrived at the capital of the Lion Kingdom.

The large amount of gold captured in the [Golden Valley] was still untraded in the [Qiankun Bag], and his cultivation level had risen to this level. Li Yang attracted enough attention as soon as he returned to the capital.

But Li Yang was not in a hurry to see anyone. Instead, he brought the gentle Wen Mier to his mansion in the royal capital.

"My baby Hera, look what kind of surprise my husband has brought you."

"You have an immortal sister."

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