My world double door

Chapter 278 Leisure time

[Lion Empire] In the royal capital, a terrifying genius comparable to the Supreme One returns to the kingdom. This is undoubtedly a grand event for the entire kingdom.

Under normal circumstances, the king would take the royal family members to set up a family banquet to welcome him, and then take the nobles and important ministers in the city to host a banquet with Li Yang as the leader.

But Li Yang, who just wants to live a good life, obviously doesn't want to deal with this, at least not now, so after coming back, he happily led his new beautiful wife back to his mansion.

Outside the wide gate of Li Mansion, the beautiful little princess Hera blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at her husband who was returning in front, and the tall, round and crystal-clear Ice Queen Wenmier beside her husband.

My husband has been away for two months and brought back a sister?

"I have heard the name Ice Queen since I was a child. I never thought that one day I would be able to share a husband with you."

Hera's beautiful little body maintained the posture that a princess should have. She looked at the tall and beautiful Wen Mi'er with a slightly emotional expression, and spoke softly with a smile.

"The fate between people is sometimes so wonderful."

Hearing Hera's words, Wen Mier couldn't help but reveal a smile on her face, and said softly, and then looked at Li Yang beside her with tender eyes: "Although I have the title of Ice Queen, since I have followed my husband, We will be a family from now on, you can just call me sister, our identities are equal."

"I just think it's a bit fantasy. After all, I read your story in a book when I was eight years old."

Hera bit her lip and couldn't help but speak. Compared with Wen Mier's age, she could indeed be a daughter.

From now on, the two people have become sisters.

"Hahaha, wouldn't it be a beautiful thing to be sisters with the characters you read in the books when you were a child?"

Li Yang laughed when he heard the conversation between the two. He held Wen Mier's bare hand with his right hand, stepped forward with his left hand to hold the little princess Hera in his arms, and kissed Hera's young girl's face hard, feeling the youthful feeling. The young girl felt different from Wen Mier's mature and gentle mood, and she said with a smile: "Let's go, my husband will take you to have a good exchange of feelings."

Hera's face turned red and she lay shyly in Li Yang's arms. She let her husband hold her butt with his left hand and pick her up and walk into the room. Her pretty face was pressed against Li Yang's neck and she looked away with big eyes. Wen Mier has a noble temperament.

Wen Mi'er smiled sweetly, took Li Yang's hand and followed him towards the mansion with light steps. She curiously looked at the decoration of the mansion, and within a few steps, she was taken to the bedroom by Li Yang.

"Do you want to share your feelings together in this way?"

The door was closed, and Wen Mier, who was pushed down on the bed by Li Yang, opened her eyes in surprise, looked at the rosy-faced little girl Hera lying next to her, and couldn't help but ask Li Yang.

"Yeah, what if it's not like this?"

Li Yang licked his tongue, activated the magic circle to shield the room from prying eyes, and rushed forward with a big smile.

"Oh, isn't this contact a bit too direct?"

"It's directly effective, my baby."


The princess of the kingdom is young and the ice queen is mature.

The intermediate son of the wood element brings vitality, and the high-level son of the ice element brings powerful and nourishing power.

Young and delicate, mature and crystal clear.

The wonderful enjoyment makes people want to stop.

Wen Mier's noble body is either supporting the pavilion in the garden of the mansion, or holding the little princess and lying by the pool with her legs crossed, chatting...

Familiarity is in place.


Back in the capital, there are only two important things: practice hard and deal with the gold.

As he slowly came into contact with the Supreme Being, the top powerhouse in the magical world, Li Yang became more and more aware of the limitations of these worlds. Compared with magic, cultivating immortality was a better way out, so he believed in himself [Yin Yang Zhi Miao]. The practice of Sutra has become more and more important.

Of course, now that he has received the help of a new assistant who has the level of a magic monk, which is equivalent to the body and energy of a golden elixir monk in the world of immortality, the rapid progress of his magic power is also the key reason for Li Yang to stay in the magic world and work hard and practice hard. .

After breaking through to Foundation Establishment, the liquid mana continued to accumulate, and Li Yang also took the time to learn other magic during their free time.

For example, advanced thunder magic, "Silver Thunder", "Golden Thunder" and "Thunder from the Sky".

After he realized [God's Will Thunder], the practice of these three advanced thunder magics became much simpler. After he brought his wife Wen Mi'er back to the capital, he mastered them all in just three days.

As for what I was doing during the month I was in the public domain... I was doing it all.

Three days later, the mastery of three advanced thunder magics further improved Li Yang's use and understanding of thunder magic. He then calmed down and began to study the three super thunders of "Endless Thunder", "Holy Thunder" and "Illusion Thunder". magic.

The self-enlightened [God's Will Thunder] greatly improved Li Yang's control over thunder magic. Even if it was three unfamiliar super thunder magics, Li Yang could master them without any effort. It took him fifteen days to learn them all. master.

Over the past few days, the accumulation of mana in Li Yang's body has begun to stabilize.


In the early morning of this day, the little princess lay carefully under the quilt and pretended not to wake up. Wen Mier, who had always been so affectionate, also stopped and remained motionless.

Li Yang patted Wen Mi'er's butt, and with Wen Mi'er's somewhat pitiful expression, he smiled and took out a piece of gold prepared for her: "Your body is only the last step away from the peak of the magic master. One step forward, I think these golds can provide some help for your breakthrough."

"Is this gold for me?"

Wen Mier looked at the gold on the ground in surprise, and couldn't help but ask Li Yang with bright eyes.

"Of course, it's not for you, who else could it be for."

Li Yang had a slight smile on his face and said with a chuckle.

"Oh, hubby, I love you!"

Wen Mier jumped up excitedly and threw herself into Li Yang's arms, hugging Li Yang and kissing him fiercely, regardless of the physical fatigue caused by continuous love.

Seeing her being so excited, Li Yang moved his eyes and pressed her down on the bed without any courtesy.

Three hours later.

Wen Mier wrinkled her face, her whole body suddenly tightened, and she gritted her teeth and remained silent.

After a few minutes, Wen Mier relaxed all over and begged Li Yang pitifully for mercy. She was relieved when she saw Li Yang pull away.

"I have some old properties and people to deal with outside the royal city. You should have a good rest at home and come back after I finish the work."

Li Yang dressed neatly under the service of the little princess Hera, then patted the two girls' buttocks and said with a smile.

"Okay, husband, we will wait for your return at home."

Hera, who had been looking forward to her husband's return before, her eyes lit up and she spoke hurriedly. She had been exhausted for more than a month.

Her cultivation level was very different from that of Li Yang and Wen Mier. She basically spent her time sleeping and being sprinted, which was really too uncomfortable and tiring.

Wen Mier was feeling better, but not much. She nodded hurriedly and said that she would practice hard at home. Then the two women walked together and took Li Yang all the way to the space teleportation area.

After arriving at the teleportation area and revealing his magical aura, he immediately obtained the space teleportation permission. Then he waved goodbye to his two wives, one big and one small, took out a space teleportation chariot he just got from Gulle, and sat in the car. Kanai quickly crossed the space and left the royal city, rushing towards Kablo City.




The champion of the Lion Kingdom Tournament, the King of Lions!

The champion of the human race's competition for hegemony, the first genius of the human race!

The one with the best performance in the race for hegemony will be famous in the mainland!

Possessing supreme-level combat power, he powerfully kills the Immortal of Darkness, the evil evil Gler, the first immortal killer!

Transformed into a super mage level Thunder Mage!

As Li Yang's deeds progressed, the vigorous events spread crazily throughout the continent, especially in the Lion Kingdom.

Among the [Lion Kingdom], the most popular ones are the cities that Li Yang passed through during the competition, such as the important city [Cabro City]

Li Yang's slave girl, Karin, the proud daughter of a noble, lived a very relaxed life these days. When Li Yang received the title of "King of Lions", someone warned her rival family to watch their hands and feet.

When Li Yang obtained the [Number One Prodigy of the Human Race] and showed her invincible fighting power in the realm of super transcendent beings, some people had already begun to quickly distance themselves from her rival family, ostracizing them everywhere, leaving the other party with almost no place to stand.

It wasn't until word spread about Li Yang's fighting skills in the [Golden Valley] that the next day, someone knocked on the door with a smile and showed her the heads of important members of her rival family.

Since then, the Karin family's great revenge has been avenged.

However, the way of revenge is not the knight genius her father once bet on, her former husband Alegon.

It's just that after the man who snatched her away got an achievement that had nothing to do with her, he was easily possessed by others.

What's funny is that she came to be a maid, but since becoming Li Yang's maid, her life has become easier than being the wife of the city lord.

After all, as Li Yang's maid, she only needs to be a vase and doesn't need to think about anything. However, being the wife of the city lord has to face all kinds of crises and debts, which is simply not a life for human beings.

In fact, with her relaxed expression these days and the sufficient training resources, she was actually promoted to the level of an intermediate knight.

But now, as Li Yang's deeds come out one after another, her life in the city is infinitely better than being the wife of the city lord, and even the life she once imagined is nothing more than that.

Karin was wearing a pure white dress, her hair was tied with silver jewelry, and she was wearing white gauze gloves on her hands. With a smile on her face, she was walking down the street to attend an invitation banquet of a noble lady. Her behavior was already there. The temperament of a lady.

During the aristocratic banquet, Karin smiled sweetly and complimented each other with the noble ladies. She seemed to have returned to the days when she was a noble lady.

No, it's better than before.

Karin looked confused for a moment, then regained consciousness, finished the banquet with a smile, and then took the carriage back to the mansion.

When she arrived outside the mansion, she nodded to the servants. Just as she was about to do something, she saw a figure suddenly appeared in front of her. She was stunned for a moment, and then immediately knelt on the ground: "Master, please come back..." Oh~~"

No more updates, only six thousand words, alas.

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