My world double door

Chapter 292 Complex Acceptance

"it's me."

Li Yang walked out of the teleportation tree house on his Earth Dragon Beast and saw several elves walking over with smiles and nods.

"Mr. Li Yang, we have been waiting here for a long time. Under the order of the Elf Queen, we will take you to marry the female beast master Leslie and the female water mage Aisia."

When the transformation occurs, they can no longer have the identity of elves. The immortal who greeted Li Yang paid attention to his words, and said to Li Yang with a friendly smile: "They have completed the transformation ceremony, and they can be born with you from now on. Heir, I am waiting for you in two different places in the Elf King City, please come with me."

"Thank you very much. Thank you very much."

When Li Yang heard the words of these immortals, he immediately nodded and spoke with a kind smile. After finishing speaking, he rode the earth dragon beast, looking around curiously at the scenery of the Elf King City around him, and followed them on the huge as if on the ground. The elves shuttled on the divine tree of life.

The powerful spiritual power allowed him to easily sense the vigorous vitality contained in this ancient tree.

"No wonder it is said that the elves have a long lifespan. They were born and raised in a place that contains such powerful vitality. Their bodies naturally absorb more vitality than other races. It is strange that their lifespan is not long."

Li Yang complained silently in his heart, and then looked at the sacred tree of life in front of him that was like a barrier in the sky. He shook his head with emotion in his heart, while silently speeding up the energy circulation in his body to absorb the vitality contained in this sacred tree of life. .

With such majestic vitality around you, you won't be able to take advantage of it.

The silent smile in Li Yang's heart also caused the Earthly Dragon Beast to speed up the operation of its dragon power.

Vitality not only helps increase lifespan, but also promotes cultivation qualifications and physical potential. Even if it is to speed up cultivation, Li Yang cannot let the Earthly Dragon Beast miss such an opportunity.

Under the influence of the [Psychic Knowledge] magic, the Earthly Dragon Beast can be said to have a spiritual connection with Li Yang. As soon as Li Yang's thoughts came to his mind, it automatically began to speed up, and its eyes revealed a ferocious expression, slightly narrowed. , walking comfortably behind the Immortal Elf who was leading the way, walking through the Sacred Tree of Life, the most important area of ​​the Elf King City.

The Divine Tree of Life is too huge. When walking in it, you can constantly see the elves living in houses among the branches that have grown from the Divine Tree of Life. For them who are born to be sensitive, the huge Divine Tree of Life is almost as wide as the earth. , you can walk freely on the tree trunk without falling.

On the road, from time to time, I saw scenes of little elves who were learning to enter a certain extraordinary system working hard to practice with each other. I could also see the newly born elves being held in the arms of the female elf, waiting to be fed, and even running around and playing by myself. There are many elves.

‘No wonder the elves and humans are friendly races. This is indeed the case. ’

Li Yang looked at the scenes around him and couldn't help complaining in his heart. Then he saw that the surrounding environment was becoming more and more high-end, and he knew that he must be heading to the residence of the Elf Princess and the Elf Beast Controller Leslie.

Otherwise, they would not be constantly walking through the trees to better areas like they are now - after all, their identities are very precious even in the Elf King City, otherwise they would not be sent to participate in various events. Clan fight for hegemony.

In this way, while traveling, not long after, the three immortals took Li Yang to a stop in an elf tree house.

"Mr. Li Yang, this is the residence of our female beastmaster Leslie."

The three immortals stopped in front of the wooden house, then turned around and looked at Li Yang with a smile: "Would you like to take a look at Leslie's room first, and then go to the Elf Princess, or should you go to the Elf Princess first and then come back? Looking at Leslie?”

"this one……"

Li Yang rolled his eyes, followed by a bright smile on his face: "Let me go to Leslie's room and take a look."

"Please, Leslie is waiting for you in the room."

An immortal spoke with a smile on his face, but as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a creak, and the female beast master Leslie pushed the door open and walked out with a smile on her face.

"Li Yang..."

Leslie looked up at Li Yang. She had undergone a transformation and had not changed much in appearance. It was just that her ears had changed to be more in line with human aesthetics. At this time, she looked with a complicated face as she walked on the ground dragon beast. Li Yang outside his room.

The soft sunlight shines on the trunk of the sacred tree of life, casting a bright shadow. Leslie walks out of the door and gently lifts her beautiful legs. Her skin is so delicate that it wants to be licked immediately. Her figure is tall, well-proportioned and delicate. The delicious feeling that fills the whole body is difficult to describe in words.

‘Still so cool. ’

Li Yang looked at Leslie and thought that he would have sex with her later. He swallowed his saliva secretly. With bright eyes, he got off the back of the dragon beast with a smile on his face and reached out to hold Leslie's hand. , smiled at the three immortals, and then led Leslie to the door of her room.


The Earthdragon silently blew out hot breath from its nose, then lay down in front of the door, tilted its head, and fell asleep silently at Leslie's door.

The three immortals who led Li Yang looked at each other in confusion, thought about it, and decided to wait here.


Although her expression was complicated, Leslie did not resist Li Yang who walked up to him and took her hand, which had never touched any man before. He held her delicate hand and walked towards the room.

Although she had little communication with this man, and she became his wife in a short period of time because of his lust, this did not seem to be an unacceptable thing in the magical world.

What's more, she has now undergone physical transformation and transformed into an elf who can give birth to children for humans. She doesn't even have the reputation of an elf. She can only follow the ancient decision of the tribes to marry Li Yang and become his woman.

Of course, the silver font still flashing around her neck reminds her all the time who she belongs to!

It wasn't until she reached her cabin that Leslie saw Li Yang closing the door, then she pursed her lips and said, "You..."

But before Leslie could finish her words, she saw Li Yang holding her in his arms impatiently, and then kissed her hard on the lips.

Leslie's face flashed red, but she didn't avoid it. After a moment, when her lips parted, she was about to ask again when she saw that Li Yang had quickly untied her belt, lifted her skirt, and squatted down. He kissed his private parts fiercely.


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