My world double door

Chapter 293 Oh, Li Yang

Chapter 293 Oh, Li Yang~

How is the wedding held?

Who should be invited to the party?

After getting married, should you live in the elves or follow him back to the human race?

Does Li Yang like her body or the person, or does he want to use her profession as a super beast master to benefit the human race?

If you want to use the power of her super beast master to benefit the human race, it will be difficult, because the elves’ beast master profession mainly relies on the elves’ innate ability to get close to natural life. Except for some special ones, the human race Physique, but does not have this ability.

However, do you want the son of the wood element to have a physique that is not suitable for a wood mage and become a beast master?

Do not make jokes.

Therefore, this is also the fundamental reason why the beast master is an extraordinary system unique to the elves and not available to other races.

If it could spread to other races, it would have spread all over the continent, just like magicians.

Magician Apprentice, Junior Magician, Intermediate Magician, Senior Magician, Super Magician, Magic Master... Each level is strictly divided based on the power level of the Abyss Demon Clan.

In other words, the names of each stage of the magician correspond to the different levels of strength of the demon clan, completely echoing them.

This is also the only professional level name that is completely aligned with the demon clan. This shows how powerful the magician is... However, even such magicians have spread to all intelligent races on the continent of life. Beast masters are not like this. So powerful, why not?

You must know that even some inferior races have a few magicians who are unable to use them. This shows the popularity of magicians.

The existence of each profession and the characteristics closely related to each profession cannot be changed by the will of the individual or even the will of the race.

It is this characteristic that makes the various races different.

Leslie thought about it and felt that an outstanding talent like Li Yang might not be so superficial and only wanted her beautiful body. After all, what was the point?

Compared with this, she believed even more that Li Yang wanted to marry her back to gain her professional power as a beast master.

Therefore, when she arrived at home, she couldn't help but want to ask the reason, and wanted to tell her heart one by one - the fact that she would belong to Li Yang in the competition for hegemony among the clans had already settled and could not be changed. , and now she has completed her elf transformation and made a complete change. From every aspect, the matter that she belongs to Li Yang has been settled.

Under such circumstances, when faced with inquiries about his private property, Li Yang is unlikely to feel any other meaning of dissatisfaction - such as not wanting to be his person or something.

However, Leslie never expected that she had just entered the room and locked the door. Before she could say the second word, she felt cold.


"This...this, actually, actually, can, can this be done..."

Leslie opened her mouth tremblingly, and stood there with a red face. Seeing Li Yang licking her crazily, she couldn't help but put her hands together on Li Yang's hair, her red cheeks glowing red.


Li Yang opened his mouth and told her the answer with pure practical actions. Leslie suddenly exclaimed and then pursed her lips. Her eyelids were slightly drooped and she fell backwards with Li Yang's support. Then she felt a lightness in her body. Shen was put on the bed.


Leslie snorted suddenly, tilted her head back, panting hot breath from her nose and sprayed it on Li Yang's lips, responding to Li Yang clumsily and obediently, feeling that everything about her was being controlled~~ ~Account.


Leslie exhaled through her nose, her eyelids kept trembling, and she felt waves of feelings in her chest that made her heart pound.

It turned out that Li Yang was not honest either.

Leslie didn't know how long it took before she finally felt a little more comfortable on her chest.


Leslie's mouth was sore from the crazy kiss and she couldn't help but snort heavily. Then she saw Li Yang finally raised his face and turned his head over her with a smile.

She breathed a sigh of relief and took advantage of this time to quickly recover from the soreness and pain in her mouth.

Who knows, just as she recovered, something suddenly touched her lips. She immediately opened her eyes, blushed and opened her mouth.


"Wow, wow, wow..."

Outside the tree house, the three immortals who came to see Li Yang off had been waiting silently at the door of the tree house for three days. They could still hear the sounds of hula hula, but they had not seen this terrifying human being. When Tianjiao came out, he hesitated silently.

Although Li Yang is a genius with terrifying strength in the human race, he is still a young man under the age of thirty after all.

At this time, he hasn't come out for such a long time. Could it be that something happened to him at Leslie's house?

However, with Li Yang's current status, what's wrong with marrying him?

Puzzled, the three of them decided to knock on the door and have a look.

After all, this matter seemed too fake to them.

Due to the special ethnic structure of the elves, the time for them to reproduce each time is less than fifteen seconds, which is very short. At this time, Li Yang has been here for three full days.

Their fifteen seconds, Li Yang's three days, what is this concept? This is impossible, absolutely impossible.

Therefore, after not coming out for such a long time, and still hearing this kind of overwhelming sound, they had to wonder if something went wrong.

"Dong dong dong..."

While thinking about it, an immortal who was leading the way couldn't help but stepped forward and knocked on the door. Then he controlled his voice and said: "Mr. Li Yang, are you okay? We are a little worried about your safety. If nothing happens, If so, can you let us see you?"

"You know, the normal reproduction time of our elves is only tens of seconds. Although humans are much stronger than elves, three days is really too long."

The immortal who knocked on the door spoke with a serious look.

If there is any problem, it will be clear just by showing up. There is no disguised profession in this world that can deceive the immortals. As long as a person is real and appears in front of them, they will definitely be able to identify Li Yang at the first time. Nothing happened.

The faces of the three immortals were solemn. Li Yang was the number one genius among all races, and he had such terrifying power and achievements before he was thirty years old. Such a person is too bright, attracts too much attention, and is of great significance. , so no matter what, he cannot make any mistakes during the time he comes to the elves.

They have already hatched various means and are ready to break in at any time.

After hearing the voice of the immortal elves outside, the people inside seemed to think it made sense and their feelings should be taken care of.


There was a soft sound, and soon the closed door opened slightly, revealing a gap. Then Li Yang smiled and exposed his shoulders and head together with Leslie below him.


The door opened, and the sound of heavy raindrops hitting the leaves could be heard like the whistling of the sea breeze. The smooth shoulders were pressed tightly against Li Yang's chest, and the snow-white swan neck was raised high back, sideways With her face rubbing against Li Yang's body, the confused Leslie muttered to herself somewhat insanely, as if her brain had been made dizzy.


Li Yang turned his face and took a sip from Leslie's lips. He looked at the three immortals in front of the wooden door with a smile: "I'm fine. There's nothing wrong with me. You guys can rest assured, but it still takes some time to leave." here."

"As you can see, I'm very busy."

When Li Yang spoke, his eyes moved, and Leslie suddenly shook violently, with her silver hair flying wildly.

The immortal figures of the three elves paused, and then nodded silently. Li Yang then nodded with a bright smile. His thick right hand turned to hold Leslie's shoulder, and led her back to At the door, gently close the door.

"This is too long. Are all humans that durable?"

Seeing Li Yang disappearing from sight while holding Leslie's delicate body, the three immortals were silent for a moment, and one of them couldn't help but speak.

"No, the human race's upper limit is ridiculously high, but it also has a flexible lower limit. Li Yang's time is also an anomaly among the human race."

Another immortal spoke faintly, and the elves couldn't help but look at each other, but they had no choice but to continue waiting outside Leslie's tree house in silence.


In fact, Li Yang was not wrong, he was really busy.

On the first day she came in, Leslie was so busy that her mouth hurt, and the delicate skin on her body was soaked with mucus.

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