My world double door

Chapter 295 The soul absorbs the power of immortality

In Leslie's tree house, as the [Immortal Cultivation Method] was operating, a ray of immortal power existing in the gold in his hand was slowly drawn out by Li Yang, and then absorbed into his soul.

In an instant, a sense of heaviness arose as this ray of immortal power entered the soul. Even though Li Yang's soul power transformed at every stage, it was very profound and good, and the current soul power has also reached a super perfect level of power. , also seems to be carrying a heavy burden, trembling.

Li Yang's face showed a touch of golden color, which was the effect of the immortal power not being refined.

The cultivation of golden immortal power is very different from the cultivation of magic power. The cultivation of magic power is to absorb elemental energy into the body, and then use various magic formulas to produce various magic powers from the body itself.

But the power of immortality seems to mix water and dry steamed buns in a certain proportion, producing moist steamed buns that are much higher in quality than water, but lower than dry steamed buns.

Li Yang's soul power is now like water, and the immortal power absorbed from gold is like dry steamed buns. When the two meet, under the guidance of the technique, the transformation that occurs is extremely drastic.

Just a ray of immortal power made Li Yang's soul power feel like a mortal carrying a heavy burden. He felt extremely heavy pressure and could hardly maintain the operation of his technique.

Fortunately, Li Yang's soul power cultivation is better than ordinary extraordinary people. With the strengthening of brain nerves by genetic medicine, even though he is compared with those extraordinary people with special qualifications, such as Leslie who has fallen into a deep sleep, but It is also much higher than ordinary people, so although the first ray of immortal power is very heavy to absorb and cultivate, the soul power is still slowly rotating in the spiritual space, constantly digesting and absorbing this ray of immortal power.

The [Immortal Cultivation Method] was constantly operating, and under the influence of the method, this ray of immortal power was absorbed into his soul bit by bit by Li Yang.

The golden color on his face slowly receded as the immortal power was slowly refined. A full day passed before Li Yang slowly stopped absorbing it and opened his eyes.

"It seems that the magic master's power is not achieved overnight."

Li Yang thought silently in his heart. He could clearly feel that with the absorption of this ray of immortal power, his soul power instantly broke through to its original limit and grew again.

Moreover, this level of growth is quite huge, as if it has entered a new world and level in an instant.

However, it does not usher in a large number of transformations as soon as a breakthrough is made in the previous realm. Instead, it is like building blocks that accumulate bit by bit and stack up to a higher height.

It's just that... even if he broke through to that faint limit under the influence of the immortal power, when Li Yang wanted to try further practice, he still felt that he could not improve even half a step. Although the soul power was in that ray of immortal power, He has been improved under the influence of , and his previous limit has been broken through, but this limit is still with him and has not disappeared because of this breakthrough.

If he does not absorb the immortal power of gold, his soul power will not be able to continue to improve.

"Is it the upper limit that the quality of the world's magic elements can reach?"

Li Yang had a guess in his mind, but he also felt something was wrong. The world did not lack a more concentrated method of gathering magic elements in a certain place, but from ancient times to the present, no normal person could break through the practice. After becoming a super transcendent, one can still achieve a breakthrough without using the immortal power of gold.

Except for those with perfect qualifications.

But in other words, even the limit of a person with perfect qualifications is the peak of a magic master. This seems to indicate that this is the limit of this world.

After all, people in this world can even create extraordinary path systems, as well as all kinds of magical magic and extraordinary cultivation methods like [Immortal Power], but no one can break the ordinary practitioners who use gold after achieving extraordinary perfection. There is a limit to how much immortal power can be improved.

This is enough to prove that this may not be a human reason.

Various thoughts flashed through his mind. Li Yang felt the improved soul power. He looked at the gold that had lost its golden color and was piled in his hand like rotten iron slag. He smiled and threw away the gold that had lost its immortal power. In the trash can, he took out another piece of gold and continued to absorb the golden power in it.

With the absorption and fusion of the first ray of immortal power, when he absorbed the golden power again, Li Yang could clearly feel that the soul power was much more relaxed. He controlled the operation of the [Immortal Cultivation Method] and continued to absorb and digest it bit by bit. This ray of immortal power was transferred into his soul.

In this way, after practicing from dusk to dawn, the second piece of gold was also absorbed by Li Yang. The gold that lost its immortal power instantly turned into scrap metal and was discarded by Li Yang.

As the day and night passed, Leslie, who was sleeping deeply in bed, gradually became normal. And just as Li Yang had guessed before, after the magic power was restored, her magic power became more powerful, lingering like fluorescence. Leslie's body to help her recover herself.

However, the pressure of not stopping for six months was too much for her, so even though her body had recovered a lot, Leslie showed no sign of waking up for a while.

As a responsible man, Li Yang naturally would not leave at this time. He took out the gold nuggets and continued to practice. He absorbed four more gold nuggets in a row. When the quality of his soul power was rapidly improved, he had been sleeping for three days. Leslie finally returned to normal, opened her eyes and woke up from her sleep.

Leslie's beautiful big eyes slowly opened, she looked around confusedly, and then she fixed on Li Yang. She was stunned, subconsciously opened her legs, lifted up, opened her mouth and stuck out her tender tongue. Look at him.


Li Yang smiled and threw away the golden remnants in his hands that had lost their immortal power and turned into scrap iron. He hugged her over and kissed her up and down. When Leslie raised her head with a slight gasp, he lifted his mouth from her. He left his lips and said with a smile: "Get up, it's been so long, my husband is interested, it's time to marry our elf princess Aisia."

"Oh well."

Leslie moved her beautiful head obediently in a trance, and then moved her delicate body off the bed, took out a strange leaf as soft as a towel, and wiped the water off her waist,..., and neck. , then he picked out a new outfit, looked in the mirror, and took care of his appearance. He wore light blue boots like a human, and then turned around and hugged Li Yang's arm with a smile on his face. A smile.

"Husband, shall we set off now to marry Princess Axia?"

Leslie smiled sweetly and pressed her little face against Li Yang's chest. The light blue skirt was squeezed tightly against Li Yang's body. She no longer cared about whether it was a wedding or a banquet. .

In the six months of intense love, Leslie no longer had to dress up every time she went out as she did half a year ago. Instead, she became much more casual. However, she cared more about Li Yang, so much so that even though she had just recovered, she saw Li Yang. He was very happy and wanted to be closer.

Anyway, in this world, there are many things that two people can decide on for the rest of their lives. As long as they don't mind each other and do nothing, each other's identities can be recognized by everyone.

"Yes, now your husband is leaving to find our Princess Axia."

Li Yang smiled and touched the buttocks covered by Leslie's light blue dress. His palms crossed the hem of the skirt, and his small arms folded the hem of the skirt upward to squeeze out a fold. His palms stretched along the hem of the skirt to the end of the skirt. Wearing a white panty skirt, she spoke softly and reminded her with a gentle smile: "And you should call her sister, not princess."

"Well, after marrying you, we will lose our elf identities. In our family, Aisia and I are sisters."

Li Yang was so frivolous, but Leslie was extremely happy. She nodded with a red face, responded to Li Yang in a low voice, and then spoke hurriedly: "However, according to the rules of the elves, everyone who wants to marry The prince-in-law of our elf princess must pass three trials to test a person's character, morality, and good and evil."

"Because an elf princess cannot marry a person with a bad mind, corrupt morals, or someone who is born evil."

"However, people like you who have made it clear that you want to get the Elf Princess do not need to participate in the test. You only need to take the key and go to the Elf Secret Land for a formality."

Leslie smiled sweetly and spoke to Li Yang, then added to him: "This item is mainly designed for the elves in the elves, because the elf secret land has a great advantage, that is, it contains rich The essence of the sacred tree of life can greatly improve the qualifications of the elf, preventing the elf princess from marrying someone with poor qualifications, and the subsequent practice will not be smooth, so that the life span will not be matched and she will not be able to accompany her to her old age."

"But the essence of the sacred tree of life is very precious and cannot be easily extradited to individual creatures. In addition, the impact of the elf princess marrying a bad person, so this level was originally taken very seriously, but you are in the race for hegemony among the clans. Winning the first place among them, based on the requirements issued by the ancient contract between various races, plus you are not an elf, and you cannot use the essence of the sacred tree of life that can only be used by elves through the medium of the secret place. Foreign races can only use specially made Only Life Essence can absorb low concentrations of Life Divine Tree Essence, so this matter becomes dispensable.”

"It's even possible that the people in the Elf House of Internal Affairs didn't choose to inform you, because when you go there, the test will not be activated at all, and the essence of the Divine Tree of Life cannot be absorbed. It is just a place with a beautiful environment. You only need to go there Take a trip to the Elf Secret Land. If you want to see the scenery there, you can look at the scenery. If you don’t want to see it, just turn around and come out."

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