My world double door

Chapter 296 Don’t care about this

"Compared with these unimportant things, I am more concerned about whether our beautiful Princess Axia's cultivation has improved."

Li Yang shrugged his shoulders: "You know, higher cultivation can make people more capable. Baby Aixia is so beautiful. Compared with this important thing, anything else is not worth it. Mention it."

"Princess Aixia is the son of the perfect water element. When you came here, you heard the news that her cultivation has reached the mid-extraordinary stage."

Leslie's buttocks were pinched and shook, and her plump red lips were slightly opened, but she didn't feel jealous or anything.

You will be jealous when someone is similar to you, but when someone is much better than you, all you can do is look up to him.

When Princess Aisia was in the Elf Clan, as a high-ranking princess, her status was higher than hers. As the son of the perfect water element, her qualifications and strength were higher than hers.

Being crushed in all aspects of status, qualifications, and strength, and when the two were still the same age, Leslie had long been accustomed to this gap. It was natural that she believed that Ai Xia enjoyed life as well as her, or even better than her. It’s the right thing to do when you need something, even if it’s your husband.

Although she had been made so comfortable by Li Yang in the past six months that she felt so comfortable all over, she still would not change her mind. After all, this was the truth. She just couldn't compare to Ai Xia. If that was the case, what else could she compare to? Woolen cloth.

Moreover, Li Yang asked Ai Xiya to come back from the elves together with her. Originally, Ai Xia deserved this, so Leslie didn't think it was anything.

"Furthermore, there is a big gap between perfect qualifications and advanced qualifications. Compared with Princess Axia... you may have new experiences that you have never had before."

Leslie sighed with emotion: "She is simply God's darling. If you want to marry her, you may need to meet the Elf Queen."

Perfect qualifications are rare, but people who can defeat perfect qualifications are even rarer. When a princess with perfect qualifications gets married, even the noble Elf Queen has to show up once, let alone marrying someone like Li Yang who can defeat perfect qualifications. It should be so.

"Oh, really, then I'm looking forward to this."

Li Yang smiled on his face, pulled Leslie's underwear inside and rubbed it, then turned around and looked at Leslie's room and said with a smile: "So, my Leslie baby, and Do you have anything to pack? If not, why don’t you and my husband go out together?”

"The important things are already in my [space bag], but the most important thing here is this house."

Leslie shook her head and looked at the tree houses around her with some reluctance: "In order to get a house on the tree of life, I worked hard for eight years. It took me eight years to get it. Although I can afford to buy a better house now, I still haven’t changed it because this place is full of memories.”

After Leslie finished speaking, she couldn't help but put her head to Li Yang's lips: "Honey, before you leave here, can you hold me here and kiss me hard."


Naturally, Li Yang would not refuse such a request. He pursed Leslie's red lips with a smile, held her in his arms, and took her away while sucking her hard.

He didn't stop until he had circled the treehouse back and forth around the wall. He smiled and led Leslie to open the wooden door of the treehouse that had been closed for half a year.


The wooden door was specially designed with a sound that was not harsh but gave a sense of tranquility. Leslie was held in Li Yang's arms, and her slender calves lightly rested on the crook of Li Yang's arm to flatten the wrinkles in her clothes. Bai's arms were wrapped around Li Yang's neck, and he was still kissing him crazily, turning his head left and right.

The sun shines on the door of the tree house through the gaps in the leaves of the Tree of Life. Li Yang and Leslie, who are holding Leslie on their sides, are both illuminated by the sun the moment they walk out of the door. The shadows cast from the eaves of the house As Li Yang stepped forward, he covered his chest and head little by little. Until the last step, the shadow moved from his body and fell to the ground behind him. Li Yang, who was holding Leslie across his side, and the elf in his arms were shrouded in the shadow. into the sunshine.

"Have you finished communicating with Miss Leslie?"

At the door of the room, the three immortals who had been waiting silently by the street for half a year spat out the unknown number of leaf stems in their mouths, and looked at Li Yang who came out of the door and was still kissing the beautiful female elf. , said quietly.

At the beginning, they had even prepared to end the mission within an hour, but they never expected that it would take half a year once Li Yang was sent to the female elf's house!

They stood like wooden stakes at the door for half a year!

The mentality even changed from worrying about Li Yang's safety at the beginning to worrying about the safety of the female elf.

Worrying and worrying, I waited at Leslie's door like a wooden stake for half a year, but I finally saw them coming out!


Li Yang kissed Leslie hard in his arms and looked at the three immortal elves in front of him with a smile on his face: "The exchange is over. Please wait here. Now you can take us to see Ai Princess Shia.”

As Li Yang spoke, he put Leslie next to him and stood next to him. He rubbed it gently with his hands and spoke with a smile.

Leslie was put down by Li Yang, her jade legs moved on the ground, and her body followed Li Yang naturally, and she and Li Yang looked at the three immortals in front of them.

"This is the proper etiquette for treating the first genius."

Hearing what Li Yang said, the elf immortal who had just spoken quickly responded, and immediately after speaking, he took the lead without hesitation, leading the two immortals around him who still had their handles stretched out under Leslie's skirt. Li Yang took it to the Elf Palace.

He was afraid that after another accident, Li Yang took Leslie and stayed at home for another half a year. The three immortal elves glanced back and couldn't help but speed up their pace slightly.


As the top building among the entire elves, the Elf Palace occupies the core and most important position of the Divine Tree of Life. As an elf princess, Aysia will always live there, although now Aysia has After undergoing the elf transformation ceremony, she became different from a pure elf, and because she wanted to marry Li Yang, the identity of the elf princess would no longer be given to her, but she grew up in the elf palace after all.

After all, she has one of the few perfect qualifications among the entire elven clan. After all, she is the heir of the Elf Queen. After all... before marrying Li Yang, she needed such an identity to show her nobility.

Otherwise, the elves would also lose. Wouldn't it be a great loss if they didn't get what they could have gotten because of such a false name?

Leslie lived some distance from the Elf Palace. There were treehouses all over the Elf City. The roads were winding and you couldn't travel at too fast speed, so it still took some time for everyone to get to the Elf Palace.

Fortunately, everyone's cultivation was extraordinary, and the speed along the way was always able to maintain the speed limit that the street could bear. In only one hour, Leslie, who was biting her lip and her underwear was wet, arrived at the Elf Palace. outside.

"Hello, trial secret land key qualification examiner, this is the human genius Li Yang who is going to marry our elf princess. He is taking his little wife back now. Please take him to the elf secret land. Participate in the trial.”

The three immortal elves took Li Yang to a palace outside the Elf Palace. Together they met an immortal elf magician from the elven clan who was in the palace and spoke to him with a smile.

"Oh, is that so? Then please come with me, Mr. Li Yang."

The immortal perfect elf mage wearing a magic robe looked at Li Yang with a smile, and seemed to confirm his identity. Then he said with a smile on his face, then waved and pointed at a white wall in the hall. He opened his mouth and said: "Through this wall, we can enter the secret land of elves. After walking there, you can marry our beautiful princess home."

"Oh, really?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at the wall in front of him with some suspicion: "This is a special space passage? But why don't I feel the power of space fluctuations?"

"Because this is a special entrance, which is a fusion connection between the Elf Secret Land and the Elf King City. The function and effect are the same as the space channel, but the principle is different."

The elf immortal opened his mouth with a smile. As he spoke, the three elf immortals politely said goodbye to Li Yang. They glanced at Li Yang, who had soaked Leslie's underwear, and silently turned around and left.

"Oh, okay, should I just rush up there?"

Li Yang shrugged his shoulders, and then asked in confusion. Anyway, it was just a process, and he didn't care about it now.

"Yes, as long as the speed exceeds the speed of sound, you can directly enter the secret land."

The Perfect Immortal Elf Magician spoke with a smile. Li Yang nodded slowly after hearing the words, then stretched out his hand from Leslie's basement and wiped off the water stains on her body. Then he moved without hesitation. Breaking through the speed of sound, he took one step towards the wall.


The moment Li Yang rushed to the wall, a strange wave of power came, and his figure disappeared into the air.


A dense land full of life and filled with towering ancient trees.

A human figure suddenly appeared. At the door was a beautiful female elf wearing a brown dress, with thin lips and narrow eyes. Her body was hunched forward but slightly mean. She frowned and looked at the sudden appearance. Li Yang.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

Asking for monthly ticket

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