My world double door

Chapter 297 What a familiar official accent

"This is a secret place of elves. No one is allowed to enter without permission. How did you appear here?"

In the elf secret land, a female elf wearing a brown dress, with thin lips and slender eyes, who was very beautiful but had a slight sense of meanness, looked at Li Yang who appeared from the entrance of the secret land. Her heart was beating fast, but her face was full of confusion. He asked seriously without moving his expression, and as he spoke, he activated his immortal soul power. A green magic wand made of branches from the sacred tree of life appeared in his hand, condensing surging magic fluctuations.

"You don't know my name is Li Yang?"

Li Yang looked at this elf wearing a deep V-neck dress that highlighted her plump hips, slim waist, and full breasts. He raised his eyebrows, then frowned slightly and spoke.

This female elf really makes people feel conflicted as soon as they meet her.

"Li Yang..."

Hearing Li Yang's voice, the female elf with a slightly mean expression looked him up and down, raised her forehead slightly, and said with a certain gesture: "I have heard that a human named Li Yang wants to marry our elf. Princess, is this you?"

The female elf Luofel looked at Li Yang, moved her legs under the brown dress, and walked in front of Li Yang's eyes. She raised her chin with her fingers and said with gleaming eyes: "But how can you prove that you are Li Yang?" ?”

Who the hell are you talking to me like this?

Li Yang's frown deepened. He looked up and down at the female elf walking around in front of him with a scrutinizing expression. He twisted her neck left and right: "Why are you walking like this in front of me?" Walking around, does this make you comfortable?”

"Also, you want me to prove that I am myself?"

Li Yang clearly felt that something was not right about this woman. He knew that this was due to the powerful sixth sense brought by the sixth generation genetic medicine. He couldn't help but frown at the woman in front of him, and the more he frowned, the more he felt. deep.

This female elf's heart beat faster when she saw him.

"Since this is the secret land of elves, why are you here?"

Li Yang rubbed his fingers slightly, and while talking, he slowly moved forward.

"Bang bang..."

As Li Yang slowly approached, the female elf's heartbeat instantly became faster.

Li Yang raised his eyebrows, there was something wrong.

If you are open-minded, why should you be so afraid of him?

He is here to marry a woman, not to kill someone?

"I am the trial officer of the Elf Secret Land. Of course I can be here. This is my identity card of the Divine Tree of Life."

Luo Feier straightened up his proud body under the deep V dress, opened his eyes slightly, took out a wooden identity card and signaled to Li Yang: "If you don't believe it, you can check it."

"I'm not interested. Now, I just want to hear how you answer my question."

Li Yang didn't even look at the wooden sign that the female elf took out, but looked straight at her: "Are you sure you don't want to answer my question directly, Ms. Elf?"

"My identity tag is made of the material of the Tree of Life, which is extremely precious to the entire world. You should not despise it so much."

The female elf Luofel took back the wooden sign in his hand with a solemn expression, and then raised his eyes to look at Li Yang: "Walking back and forth is a reasonable inspection action that a secret trial officer should perform. As for whether you are Li Yang or not, it's not a question." .”

"Forget it, no one has come in here for a long time anyway, just pretend you are Li Yang."

Luo Feier said, and said to Li Yang calmly: "Are you here to enter the secret place to accept the process test and marry the elf princess?"

Do you think I am Li Yang?

"I say who I am, I am who I am, and yet I still treat you as me?"

Li Yang took out his ears, looked at her slowly and said, "Today is the happy day to marry Ai Xiya. I won't argue with you. Since you know that I am going through the process, then hurry up and do what you should do." Things to do, don’t waste my time.”

His time was precious, and he was in a hurry to taste Aixia's wife and didn't want to waste it here.

The advanced qualifications of the minors have brought him great benefits, not to mention the perfect qualifications. It can be said that he is very much looking forward to the improvement that Aixia will bring to him when he is ready.

The magic power of thunder can be used directly to perfection?

As an elf with high-level soul qualifications, Leslie is already pretty and delicate enough. He can play with it for half a year without getting tired of it. As an elf princess with perfect qualifications, Aisha is even more delicate and beautiful than Leslie. It’s really Just thinking about it makes me excited.

When Li Yang thought about it, he started to feel impatient and ready to make a move.

"Please pay attention to your attitude. I am an elf official appointed by the Elf Queen. It is appropriate to ask about your situation. This is the right given to me by the Queen."

Hearing Li Yang's words, the female elf Luofel frowned, and a small wrinkle appeared on her smooth forehead.

Thanks to the special physique gifted by the elven race group, even though her face is slightly mean, she is still delicate and beautiful. This advantage is even more highlighted when she has the power to cleanse her body with immortal power.

"The rights given to you by the Elf Queen?"

After hearing her words, Li Yang suddenly smiled: "Do you think you can control me?"

"I didn't mean that, forget it, it doesn't matter what you think."

Raphael couldn't help but frown again, then slowly shook his head, and then said: "Since you are here to marry our elf princess, have you prepared the things you should prepare, such as a proposal? Gift?"

"Who are you from Aisia?"

Li Yang looked up and down at the female elf: "What will happen if I marry her? Does it have anything to do with you?"

"No, I just asked casually. After all, if you want to marry our princess, as a commoner, I must hope that the princess can marry well and the wedding can be more solemn and colorful."

Luo Feier pursed his lips and spoke in a low voice. After speaking, his eyes flashed to the side, turned sideways, and then moved back to face Li Yang: "You are here to participate in the three-level trial of the Elf Secret Land. You are just going through the motions." ?”

"I don't want to repeat the same thing twice."

Li Yang frowned again, looked at the female elf in front of him calmly, spoke in a calm voice, and his eyes gradually narrowed.

Aisia and Leslie were obtained by him in exchange for gold according to the rules in the competition. Being willing to participate in the so-called three-level trial of the elves is already a great honor and respect for the elves. their custom.

As a result, there are still people who are making him uncomfortable during the process of coming here, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't participate in this bullshit trial. Anyway, his goal of taking the elf princess away will be achieved.

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