My world double door

Chapter 301 Exclusive

At the beginning, the race for hegemony was a grand event for all races in the entire Life Continent. Later, after the three major life races unified 90% of the races, the remaining races saw powerlessness and the three major life races. Only then did he take the initiative to withdraw from this stage.

For example, there are human vassal races such as the three-eyed race, the four-armed race, the centaur race, and the forest half-human race.

The goblins, fairies, wood spirits, water demons and other races that are vassals of the elves.

The half-orcs, savages, ice tribes, cave tribes and other races that are vassals of the dwarves.

These races are independent races on the surface, but in fact they have been integrated into the four major races and become a part of the four major races. Even the cultivation system has gradually been integrated into the three major races. Therefore, every time the races compete for hegemony, Gradually, it became a confrontation between the race and the demons.

But no matter what, competing for gold is of great significance. Therefore, the rules set in the competition for hegemony among the various races are greater than the laws of each race.

Li Yang became the first in the competition for hegemony among the various tribes. He also made demands on the elves according to the rules of the competition. He also promised that if this trip was successful, he could consider gold trading with the elves. This series of events intensified Come on, Li Yang's arrival is not unimportant to the elves.

But even under such an important situation, Luo Feier actually dared to do such a thing, which was simply lawless.

"Mr. Li Yang is a distinguished guest of our elves. How dare you do such a thing during such an important event as his marriage to Princess Aaliya. Originally... it would have been enough to give you the cruelest elven punishment."

In the side hall of the palace leading to the secret land of elves, Immortal Perfection looked at the female elf Luo Feier who was standing behind Li Yang with her head lowered. She swallowed the words "death is not a pity". With his mature eyes at this age, how could he It is hard to tell that Luo Feier, a virgin elf, has now lost his virginity, and may have been played by Li Yang to look like him.

The driver has become familiar with the car, and the driver doesn't like to hear bad things about the car.

Therefore, Immortal Consummation changed his words, but considering the seriousness of this matter, he still looked at Raphael with sharp eyes and spoke.

"Sir, I know I was wrong."

Luo Feier lowered his head so low that his chin almost touched his chest. His whole body tensed up as he was reprimanded by Immortal Perfection's words and he admitted his mistake in a low voice. He couldn't help but lean closer to Li Yang.

"Knowing your mistakes doesn't change anything. Otherwise, those criminals only need to admit their mistakes and be freed from their sins. How can there be such a beautiful thing in the world?"

Immortal Perfection narrowed his eyes and spoke. After speaking, he glanced at Li Yang and then said: "You should thank Mr. Li Yang who brought you out for forgiving you, otherwise, this matter will be enough to send you to hell!"

"Well, I know, I will be Mr. Li Yang's convenience from now on, and I will thank him with everything I have."

Hearing the immortal words of the elves, Luofel spoke hurriedly, causing a smile to appear on Li Yang's lips.

Seeing Li Yang smile, the Immortal Perfection of the Elf clan also smiled.

"Okay, since Mr. Li Yang is willing to accept you as a convenience, I will forgive you for the time being, but you must take practical actions in this matter."

The Immortal Perfection of the Elf tribe spoke with a warning expression. After hearing this, Luo Feil hurriedly walked to Li Yang and knelt down, lying on the ground with his hands on the ground. Then he raised his buttocks and looked at Li Yang pitifully: "Mr. Li Yang, in Luo Fei Leave your mark on Phil."

"Oh, that's interesting."

Li Yang looked at the corner of Luo Fei's mouth, who was lying in front of him with his butt raised towards him. He couldn't help but reveal a bright smile on his face. He then squatted behind Luo Fei's butt in full view of the public and spread her pure breasts. The long white skirt was lifted up, revealing her plump butt.

Because the underwear Luo Fei wore was a triangle type, even though he was wearing underwear, there was still a large area of ​​white and moist parts exposed, attracting the eye. Li Yang held the buttocks on the side of his left buttock with his left hand, and then stretched out his index finger to point on it. Wrote the first line.



As he waved his fingers, the beautiful buttocks were covered with writing in the blink of an eye. Li Yang couldn't help but smile, and said softly: "Don't say it, it looks pretty good like this."

Li Yang said, patted the buttocks where the writings were left with his magic power, pulled Luofel's skirt back to cover his buttocks, and stood up from the ground with a smile.

"If Mr. Li Yang likes it, that would be the best thing."

A bright smile appeared on the face of the immortal elf, then he looked at Luo Feier who was still kneeling on the ground, frowned and said: "Since Mr. Li Yang is satisfied, it seems that your determination is also sufficient. In this case, in the future, Please make sure Mr. Li Yang is your top priority in everything, do you understand?"

"Understood, my lord."

Luo Fei shook his butt, a little uncomfortable with not being stuffed after assuming this posture, but he hurriedly got up, stood behind Li Yang, and responded to the officer in a low voice.

"In that case, let's let this matter go."

The immortal elf nodded with a smile, then looked at Li Yang and said suggestively: "Mr. Li Yang, no one wants to see such an accident happen this time. It is also very important to open the elf secret land again." It’s a troublesome thing, how about we go directly to the Elf Palace to marry Princess Aysia?”

The Elf Secret Land is related to the essence of the Divine Tree of Life, and it is undoubtedly an equally important matter for the elves. Naturally, the portal to the Secret Land cannot be opened at will. In fact, every opening of the passage requires the Queen's personal order, but this It was too cumbersome, and the Elf Immortal Perfection felt that there was no need to proceed any further.

Luo Feier looked slightly embarrassed behind Li Yang. She benefited from secretly stealing Li Yang's opportunity to enter the secret land, and her own heritage and qualifications greatly increased after absorbing the essence of the Divine Tree of Life. Her magic power and soul power were also improved. After preparing enough gold, he made great progress. The shackles that could not be broken were easily broken, and even the magic energy reached the later stage.

But now that this matter has come to light and has been brought up again, she naturally feels very embarrassed.

When the Immortal Elf spoke, he also squinted his eyes at Raphael. This was the only time in the past thousand years that the Secret Land quota had been stolen by the Secret Land Elf.

This made Elf Immortal Perfect speak, and at the same time he couldn't help but wonder whether there were big loopholes in Elf's seemingly perfect official system. Should he put forward suggestions for rectification?

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