My world double door

Chapter 302 The Troubles of the Elf Princess

The idea of ​​putting forward suggestions to rectify the elf officialdom and improve the loopholes in the rules flashed from the immortal heart of the elves, and was directly forgotten by him.

It is better to do less than to do more. The loopholes in the rules of elf officialdom are none of his business. He can just work here comfortably.

The immortal elves on the field all thought of this, but as their eyes flickered, no one took the initiative to mention it.

"This is the best thing to do."

Li Yang had a smile on his face: "Excuse me, who will take me to the palace to take my baby home?"

"To show respect, we will jointly lead you to the main hall of the Elf Palace."

After hearing Li Yang's words, the Immortal Perfection of the Elf clan standing in the side hall of the Elf King City showed a smile on his face, and then his expression showed seriousness: "After you get here, the next step is the 'right path'. On the ground, we will prohibit any elves from entering the area where you will set foot, and roll out a red carpet on the ground all the way to the Elf Princess Aisia!"

The Elf King City is too big, with tens of billions of elves living in it. In such a vast place, it is impossible to have an overly grand ceremony to welcome Li Yang from the beginning.

However, when we got here, although the distance was still not close because the Elf Palace was too big, we could still carry out the grand ceremony that should be done to Li Yang to show our respect for Li Yang.

In other words, it is respect for the winners of the races' competitions and the owners of large amounts of gold.

When Ernie, the qualification examiner of the Elf Secret Land and a magician who has reached the level of Magic Master, started talking, Leslie, who had also been waiting at the door for a year, walked up to Li Yang and was taken advantage of by Li Yang. While holding her in his arms, he turned to look at the female elf behind Li Yang with curiosity.

'A mean female elf... who is pretty. ’

As her butt was being kneaded, Leslie was secretly moved at the same time. She looked at Luo Feier with a reserved look and smiled at her. Then he took it back and put his face intimately on Li Yang's neck. .

"Oh, looking forward to it very much."

Li Yang grabbed Leslie's butt with his palm, and his fingers were sunken into the beautiful buttocks. He raised his eyebrows when he heard the elf's immortal words. The look of the elf princess Aisia flashed in his heart, and he couldn't help but smile. .

After the words fell, several immortal elves on the field immediately turned sideways and invited Li Yang to go out together. Li Yang let go of Leslie's butt and allowed her to follow half a step behind on the left, while Luo Fei followed. A full step away from the right back door, Li Yang and Luo Feier walked out of the hall together.

After leaving the side hall, in an instant, brilliant colors bloomed in the air. The noble red carpet on the ground stretched to the end of the sight. Both sides were filled with elves living in the Elf King City. Leslie, who was standing half a step behind Li Yang, looked at Looking at the completely different formation in front of her from when Li Yang married her, she took a deep breath, maintained her willfulness, and followed the steady Li Yang onto the red carpet.

In an instant, the sound of roaring mountains and tsunami surged from both sides.




Outside the Elven Palace, a red carpet rose along the ground, extending from the main palace of the kingdom to the outside of the huge palace, disappearing from sight.

As the largest and most magnificent building in the Elf King's City on the Divine Tree of Life, the Elf Palace is really too big. Even though Li Yang is located in a side hall, there is still a long distance from the palace hall to that side hall. long road.

In the main hall, with the colorful cheers and magic rising outside the palace, the atmosphere also became lively.

"This guy came to the Elf King City a year ago, but he's only here now. I thought he didn't want to come."

In the center of the main hall of the palace, on the Elf King's chair, a female elf dressed in golden robes and with a golden veil on her face watched as the celebratory magic finally sounded, and a female voice came from her cheek covered by the golden veil. .

She holds a tall and extremely luxurious magic wand in her hand. She has a graceful and exquisite figure wrapped in a golden robe. Her eyes on the veil are bright, deep and energetic. She has an undeniable aura of a superior person. Even though she wears a veil, she never Her delicate eyes and smooth forehead make it easy to see how beautiful she looks.

Elf Queen: Thielfa!

As Thielfa spoke, she looked at her daughter Aisia, who was sitting upright in a beautiful green dress on the jade chair placed on the left side in front of her. A smile flashed across her beautiful and deep eyes: " Axia, your husband is coming, are you happy?"

"Mother, please stop joking."

Ai Xia was wearing an emerald green dress today that represented vitality. Its color and texture were like emerald. When she heard her mother’s words, she couldn’t help but touch the three words on her snow-white neck. Her snow-white lips were as white as mutton-fat jade. Her feet were wrapped in luxurious boots. She stretched forward slightly, revealing a delicate calf that looked like a work of art. She looked at the scene outside the door with a complicated expression.

"It is true that perfect qualifications cannot completely change your elf characteristics, but your perfect qualifications are genuine."

Hearing her daughter's words, another voice came from Thielfa's beautiful and delicate golden veil, full of temperament: "Furthermore, although Li Yang is extremely talented, he still has no heirs. Even if you can't give birth to a child, you still can't." It does not matter."

"If he could do something like that to get you in the race competition, he would definitely not do anything to you because of this. Otherwise, why would he give up so many opportunities to get gold and want you?"

Above the vast hall, Elf Queen Thielfa's voice was ethereal and majestic. After her words fell, she was silent for a while, and then she slowly spoke: "Leslie, the super female beast master who participated in the championship with you, was loved by him. For half a year, even when I came out of the room, I felt like glue."

"The secret elf guarded her and provoked his majesty. He whipped her mercilessly for several months. After she came out, he was very gentle to her. He just left the word "convenience" on her body."

"Not only that, all the women he had before, even the slave girls he had sex with since the record appeared, have now been brought to the [Lion Kingdom] royal palace by him. This shows how much he cherishes his women. man."

"As an elf princess, your appearance and qualifications are the most outstanding among all his women. Even the Ice Queen is several notches inferior to you. He will definitely cherish you and treat you well."

Elf Queen Thielfa's magnetic, ethereal and majestic words kept ringing. The exquisite and perfect Aysia sitting in front pursed her lips and looked quietly at the red carpet in front of the main hall.

"I just thought about getting married soon, from a princess living in the palace to someone else's wife, or a human race with so many women, far away from the elven territory, going to the human race to be someone else's wife... Some feel uncomfortable.”

Aixia shook her jade legs and took off her gorgeous boots, revealing her tender feet like jade lotus roots. She stretched out her five delicate branches and breathed out: "I'll be his wife when I get there. Wear shoes every day, stay away from the Queen Mother and the elves, and only come into contact with humans..."

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