My world double door

Chapter 310 If you can’t stand it, leave.

Li Yang noticed the changes in the Earth Dragon Beast and couldn't help but nodded secretly. He didn't mind cultivating this Earth Dragon Beast for a long time. Naturally, he hoped that it could go further and further. He followed and looked at Les next to him. Li, I wonder if this beast master’s wife can bring some help to the growth of Earthdramon.


"It's finally out."

In the main hall of the Elf Palace, the golden dress on her body was still so dazzling. The Elf Queen looked at Aisia and Li Yang who finally walked out of her room, couldn't help but said something, and then blinked. , stepped forward, and came to the main hall to personally greet the arrival of the Elf Prince Consort.

Arriving outside the Elf Palace without encountering any obstacles, Li Yang took the three women riding the Earth Dragon Beast all the way to the outside of the main hall, and got off the Earth Dragon Beast to pay tribute to the Elf Queen together.

"No need to be polite, dear Li Yang."

Facing Li Yang's gaze, Elf Queen Thielfa leaned back with a bright smile: "Please come in."

The Elf Queen's beautiful eyes were curved like crescent moons, and she looked at Li Yang with a smile as he walked out of the hall and spoke.

She had long been extremely curious about the special power left by Li Yang, and had even waited for several years. After Li Yang took Ai Xia back to the room, he kept her waiting for so long under his nose. At this time I was naturally very happy to finally see him come to my place.

The queen was happy, and Li Yang was naturally happy too. He nodded with a smile, followed the queen to the main hall, then turned a corner behind the main hall, and followed to the apse behind the main hall. .

Aisia naturally followed Li Yang and walked in. Leslie had entered the main hall before. Raphael's status as a secret elf was also extraordinary. The earth dragon beast was just a dragon beast and could not feel that he came from the elf palace. He was so majestic, so they all naturally followed Li Yang towards the back hall.

When they arrived at the apse, Queen Thielfa took them to an empty and warm meeting hall to sit down, and asked people to drink the best magic fruit, magic water, and then dismissed the maid.

Li Yang and Queen Thielfa sat opposite each other, with Aisha on the left, Leslie on the right, and Raphael and the Earthdragon sitting behind them. They took a sip of the magic water and suddenly felt sleepy. A pure magic power poured into the body, which was refreshing and refreshing. He couldn't help but look at Queen Thielfa in front of him with a smile: "If the Queen has anything to say, just say it."

"Asia and Leslie married you, and we are a family. One family does not talk about two families, so I will tell the truth."

Hearing Li Yang's words, the Elf Queen nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Aisia and Leslie around Li Yang with beautiful eyes and spoke with a smile in their voices.

"Please tell me."

Li Yang nodded, already knowing what she wanted to ask.

"After the race for hegemony among the clans, you left a mark of your name on the necks of Aisia and Leslie. The mark is gone now. It must have been erased by you."

Thielfa spoke with a smile. As she spoke, she waved her hand and displayed an image in the air. It was exactly what Axia and Leslie looked like when they had Li Yang's handwriting on their necks.

"Now that they and I are married, and the whole world knows about it, there is no need to keep these handwritings."

A smile appeared on Li Yang's face, he nodded softly and responded.

"Well, that's right. It's just that when the two of them came back, I noticed a different power in it. This is the first time that I and many, many people in this world have seen such power."

Tyrfa's eyes flashed with color, and as he spoke, another picture appeared in his palm, but he saw a ball of pure energy churning endlessly, but it was still resisting even when the immortal power of the Elf Queen was wiped out.

When Li Yang left his name on the necks of Leslie and Aisia, he was still in the Qi Refining Stage, which was equivalent to the level of a high-level transcendent. However, under such circumstances, his magic power actually surpassed Tierfa's immortal power. It was already an incredible thing to not disappear in an instant.

Although Tirfa's power was only shown to an equal extent, with the intensity of the immortal power, it should have been eliminated in an instant.

If it is the same magic power, even the magic power of a super extraordinary person, I am afraid it will only instantly collapse in front of this ray of power, without any resistance. This is the crushing of the superior person.

But here at Mana, there was such an extraordinary reaction.

"I can feel that this power was in its infancy at that time. Can you tell me what kind of power this is?"

Elf Queen Thielfa took back the screen of the study of the mark left by Li Yang that she had released in her hand, and asked Li Yang with a brilliant look in her beautiful eyes.

"This is called magic power. It is a magical power condensed from a kind of power called immortal magic."

A smile appeared on Li Yang's face, and as he spoke, a gleam of magical power appeared in his palm, and then he looked at Thielfa, whose eyes suddenly brightened in front of him: "But, I am just a practitioner of immortal magic, and I am not aware of this power. The reason is that, besides, the immortal skills I practice cannot be taught to outsiders."

After saying that, Li Yang withdrew the magic power in his palm and said to the elf queen in front of him, who looked strange. "So, unfortunately, I can't provide you with any help."

"I know that this kind of power is definitely not easy to obtain, and I have made comprehensive preparations for it."

Hearing Li Yang's words, Tierfa's eyes dimmed a lot in an instant, but she still spoke to Li Yang with a bright light: "Without involving any secrets, can you help me study this power together?"


Li Yang looked a little hesitant. Seeing this, the Elf Queen hurriedly said: "There is no need to rush to respond to this matter. If you have any ideas in the future, you are welcome to come in at any time."

Am I really welcome to come in at any time?

Li Yang looked at Elf Queen Tilfa's graceful figure and nodded with a smile. Tilfa's eyes immediately revealed a smile.

"Queen, there is one thing I am curious about. Why is your face always covered with a veil?"

After talking about mana, Li Yang looked at Thielfa in front of him, his eyes fell on her long skirt, and he couldn't help but ask.

"I have magical communication with the Divine Tree of Life, so I have gained power that is beyond the reach of ordinary people, but I have also suffered some inconveniences."

Hearing Li Yang's words, the smile in Elf Queen Thielfa's eyes faded slightly, and then she looked at Li Yang and said: "My body will always remain at its most beautiful, and my lifespan is almost endless. But the price is that she has an overly beautiful face and an unbearable allure to the opposite sex.”

"If the veil is removed and anyone of the opposite sex who sees my appearance cannot control himself, and if he cannot surrender me, he will die of exhaustion, and I am now the perfect one who has reached the limit of the three powers of soul, body and magic. In addition, the Divine Tree of Life can also provide me with a certain amount of help. Basically, there is no opposite sex in this world who can conquer me, so I have to keep a veil on my face."

The Elf Queen spoke softly, and while speaking, she looked at Li Yang with a strange look, and then quickly calmed down.

"Is that so?"

Li Yang's eyes opened wide, he drank a glass of magic water silently, and swallowed hard.

"Li Yang, after marrying Aisia this time, won't you stay in the Elf clan for more time?"

Seeing this, the Elf Queen changed the topic and talked casually with him while enjoying the magic food.

Li Yang also suppressed his thoughts and spoke softly: "Ai Xia and I have absorbed too much immortal energy under the secret method and need to find a place to rest. Ai Xia and Leslie should return to the human race to compare. It’s convenient, as for me, I want to visit another place.”

Tierfa suddenly said in surprise: "Secret method? This is the reason why you entered immortality..."

"Although it's a bit hard to tell, I do have secret skills in this area, and the results are very good..."




The conversation with Elf Queen Thielfa did not last long after the main content ended. Immediately afterwards, he stood up and left the apse of the Elf Kingdom under the Queen's greeting.

"The earth-moving dragon species is a very rare mount in the entire continent. The power of the divine tree of life is also very beneficial to the growth of dragon beasts. I hope it can be helpful to you."

Before leaving, Thielfa waved her hand, and a ball of emerald green jade-like energy emerged from the Divine Tree of Life behind her. She integrated this energy into the Earthdramon.


The moment the jade energy fell, the aura of the Earthly Dragon Beast broke through to the level of Super Monster, and its body expanded twice. It seemed to have realized some kind of ability and shrunk to the size of a normal horse. However, Li Yang, as the owner, clearly felt By the time the Earthdramon's qualifications, life, and body potential have been greatly increased, it has even reached the limit that the Earthdramon can bear.

"The essence of life also has a great effect on you. I hope you can assist Li Yang well in the future."

Thielfa nodded with satisfaction as she watched the crazy transformation of the earth dragon beast, then looked at Leslie, waved her palm again, and a ball of equally condensed life energy poured into Leslie's body, instantly making Leslie Sili's cultivation has broken through to the level of a super perfect beast master, and her qualifications as a high-level soul son have actually gone one step further, reaching the level of a super soul son!

"Thank you, Her Majesty the Queen!"

After the transformation was completed, Leslie felt her completely different light body, and couldn't help but excitedly thanked Tierfa.

Li Yang also smiled and asked the Earthly Dragon Beast to bow his head. Then he looked seriously into the Elf Queen's eyes and waved goodbye to her gratefully.

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