My world double door

Chapter 311 Return to Earth


In the Elf King City, there is a magic chariot behind the dragon-walking Earth Dragon Beast. Its aura is more powerful than when it came, and its body is full of vitality. The dragon power that has reached the super dragon beast level explodes with ferocity. There is more room for vitality, making the earth dragon beast look more ferocious and powerful.

This dragon beast, which was already extremely talented, has become even richer with the gift of life essence from the Elf Queen.

Outside the chariot cabin, Raphael, who had immortal cultivation and was dressed in a white dress, acted as the driver, holding the magic weapon rope in his hand, so that the dragon power of the earth dragon beast could better pull and cooperate with the magical power of the magic chariot.

In the carriage, the elf princess Aisia and the super female beast master Leslie sat next to Li Yang, feeding him magic fruits. Li Yang's eyes were slightly narrowed, and his hands were on the Sili and Aisha stroked their bodies back and forth, quietly realizing the surge of immortal power within their bodies.

The main purpose of this trip to the magical world was to take in the elf princess Aisia and the female beastmaster Leslie. Now that this matter has been completed, I have learned more about the secret purpose of this world, and my cultivation has been achieved. It can be said that the promotion is very rewarding.

The 'Three Force Limit' seems to be the real limit of power in this world. It sounds similar to the level he reached the limit with the sixth-level genetic potion, but he has his own advantages, because on the basis of the effect of the sixth-level extreme potion, he also has The increase in magical cultivation in the magical world, in terms of physical strength alone, is definitely not comparable to that of people in this world.

The only worry about the soul power is that now that it has completely reached the early stage of immortality, there is no need to worry about it anymore. The lightning magic power that has reached the level of immortality in the body is a powerful force that can crush the world. In addition, the body has absorbed the immortal power. The genetic power of the powerful biomagnetic field was once again enhanced, and he was able to stand proudly above this world without knowing it.

However, after being in this world for so long, he has not yet returned to Earth. Counting the time, Earth is already in 2028. In order to avoid any accidents after leaving this world for such a long time, he might as well go back and take a look.

Moreover, although the thunder magic power has reached the level of immortality, after the previous lessons, he does not think that this is the end. He first uses the sky thunder on the earth to temper his own thunder magic power to a stronger level, and then finds ways to make it stronger. Raising one's own thunder magic power to its true peak is also a journey of cultivation.

In addition, the foundation-building cultivation level of the ninth return of the dantian is also worthy of in-depth study. Such changes are probably due to the variables brought about by his genetic power and magic cultivation level. At present, it seems to be of no benefit. Harmful.

But how long will this return last? You can’t keep returning the yuan, right? He had to try as soon as possible when he could reach his true limit.

There are also basic knowledge given by Brother Fengdeng, such as talismans, formations, and elixirs. Maybe you can also study them carefully to see if you can figure out any methods.

It just so happens that the immortal power that has not been completely digested in the body also needs time to be resolved. Returning to the earth to cultivate for a period of time is the time to accumulate the foundation and improve the cultivation.

Outside the Elf King's City, as the earth dragon beast pulling the chariot disappeared from sight, the Elf Queen Tirfa, who was watching silently on the top of the Elf Palace in the King's City, tightened her delicate fingers on the staff in her hand. .

"Immortal magic... maybe the opportunity to break the dark destiny that has been endless for countless years lies in this thing."

Elf Queen Thielfa quietly looked at the direction in which Li Yang's chariot left. After a moment, she moved her long and plump legs together and slowly turned around and returned to the main hall.

"The darkness cannot last forever. Since fate has sent Li Yang here, I must grasp it..."




The striding Earth Dragon Beast pulled the chariot and passed through one teleportation area after another. After changing Li Yang's teleportation wooden house at the border of the elves, he shrank in size and returned to the corner of the wooden house with Luo Feier. Wait.

As the space was transmitted again, Li Yang also returned to the public domain of the human race.

"The public domain is a key area connecting the seven countries. I also have some foundations here. It's not good for a place like this to always have no one of my own who can take charge."

After Li Yang arrived here, he looked at the former Gullah Mansion and now the vast and majestic Li Mansion. He thought about it and said to Elf Princess Aisia and Leslie: "It's convenient to get to and from the Lion King here. You can reach it by passing through a teleportation area, why don't you guys guard here to save the great mansion here from being abandoned."

Originally, Li Yang only wanted to bring them to the Lion King's capital to live with the Ice Queen and Princess Hera, but after an in-depth exchange with Princess Aisia, he discovered something was wrong.

After all, elves are elves, not humans. They must be unaccustomed to living in an environment full of humans.

Rather than letting them return to the Lion Kingdom to face the two sisters, the Ice Queen and Hera, it would be better to let them live here directly, withdraw all the slaves in the mansion, and let them transform the environment into a comfortable one for themselves. , instead of worrying about others, this can also make their lives easier.

After all, both Aisia and Leslie had close contacts with Li Yang, but they were not familiar with the Ice Queen and Princess Hera, so when they got here, Li Yang changed his mind and simply let them live here. Get comfortable.

Although there is a mixed bag of fish and dragons in the place where the Seven Kingdoms meet, there is a convenient tool, Raphael, who is in the middle stage of immortality. In addition, Aisha himself is already a water mage with perfect qualifications in the early stage of immortality. Nothing will happen to him. Very reassuring.

After hearing Li Yang's arrangement, Axia and Leslie looked at each other and nodded.

Although they are surrounded by humans in the public domain of the human race, the mansion they live in can be changed to whatever they like. It is indeed more comfortable than living in the King's City of the Lion King.

As for Raphael, the convenience tool, she was not asked for her opinion at all. Needless to say, she was always going to be by her side as a servant to protect Princess Aysia.

No matter from Li Yang's point of view or from the point of view of the Elf Kingdom, there was no room for her to relax.

"Leslie, as a super perfect beast master, I think keeping the Earthdragon by your side will allow it to grow better."

After arranging Leslie and Aisia, Li Yang looked at the Earthdragon on the side again, and thought about it in his mind. With the situation on Earth, it would be useless to bring the Earthdramon there. Rather than just leave it behind like this, Here, he said to Leslie.

Leslie's ability as a beast master cannot be taught to others, but she can help Li Yang cultivate the beast master herself. Li Yang believes that the earth dragon beast can grow better with her than with him.

"My ability mainly focuses on the soul. If the Earth Dragon Beast is by my side, I may be able to develop its soul potential to a higher level."

Leslie nodded, touched the head of the super fantasy beast rabbit beside her, looked at the earth dragon beast on the side and said to Li Yang.

"It's good to be able to grow."

A smile appeared on Li Yang's face, and the Earthly Dragon Beast on the side also raised its head and roared with satisfaction, obviously willing to follow the growth of Leslie, a super beast master.

After discussing in the carriage, Li Yang got out of the car with Leslie and Aisia, followed by Luofel and the Earth Dragon Beast, and came to the Li Mansion.

"See you, sir!"

Inside the mansion, a group of servants and slaves who had been arranged here in advance were excited to greet Li Yang when they saw him coming. Li Yang asked them to stand up with a smile, urged and encouraged them to practice well, and announced the changes to this place.

"We also need people to serve us here. A group of servants won't make any difference, so let them stay."

Aixia spread out some slight life essence with her hand. These life essences are useless to strong men like Li Yang, but they have a strong effect on these people. After absorbing them one by one, they feel refreshed. , light and healthy.

Seeing their excitement, Ai Xia smiled, and then spoke to Li Yang.

Li Yang was free to do anything, and she naturally let her take care of this spacious place. He brought the two girls of Aisia, Raphael and the earth dragon beast into the mansion. After they got a brief familiarity with the residence, he took them there. I visited the defenders from various countries here.

Aixia and Leslie are of high status. Since they want to live here in the future, they will have to deal with the top people here. Li Yang can also avoid a lot of trouble by informing the top people in advance.

If due to negligence, their already noble status is not treated as they should be here, it will easily lead to misunderstandings.

Visit him in advance and let him know. I believe that with his reputation for killing Gullah, there won't be any trouble.

In this way, after staying in the public domain for a day, Li Yang saw Leslie and Aisia building the vast Li Mansion to look like forests, grasslands and streams. Seeing that they lived happily in it, he gave instructions. The servant who came here suddenly felt something in his heart, and left the magical world alone with a suit of space equipment.




In the real world, Heyang City, as the light of dawn rises from the east, Li Yang's figure quietly appears from the sky.

"Phew, what a beautiful day."

Li Yang felt the freedom of being the only strong person in the whole world, and couldn't help but reveal a bright smile on his face. Then he lowered his head and looked at Heyang City below. His eyes moved, and his figure disappeared instantly. .

Investment unit.

Li Yang's figure appeared outside Yu Xiaohua's office, he looked inside with a slightly raised corner of his mouth, and knocked lightly on the door.

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