My world double door

Chapter 312: Will you remain stubborn?

Heyang City, investment promotion unit, office of top leader Yu Xiaohua.

Since the upgrade, Yu Xiaohua's office decoration has become much more beautiful. People who don't know it would think it is some top-notch hotel when they walk in, but they would never expect it to be a workplace office.

"Hey, Mr. Liu, you want to talk about investing in Heyang City, right?"

In the office, Yu Xiaohua was wearing an exquisite black suit that looked like a formal dress. The decent clothing set off her beautiful figure. A wisp of the white shirt she wore on her upper body was exposed from the edge of the shirt, and it was neatly folded on the collar. The skin on her chest is white and greasy, and her bulging breasts are almost holding up the buttons of her suit. She wears small leather shoes and high-quality black stockings on her legs. She is sitting on the sofa very casually, begging to come to her. Investing businessman phone.

Next to her desk, Chen Qian, who is more slender, more refined and younger, has light makeup on her face, neatly folded collars, and a clean and tidy black suit top and white shirt.

Chen Qian wore a black butt-covering skirt on her lower body, which was just long enough to cover half of her soft long legs. On her exposed long legs under the butt-covering skirt was a pair of flesh-colored stockings, and her little feet wrapped in flesh silk were wearing a pair of black stockings. Little Leather Shoes was still talking on the phone at this time.

In the past, people who attracted investment racked their brains and tried every means to get rich people to invest and spend money. But since Li Yang took over the Cao family, everything has changed.

Now Chen Qian and Yu Xiaohua don’t leave their front door every day, and there are people queuing up to invest. Funds from all over the country are trying their best to invest here. The distance from Heyang City to Liyang Village, especially Liyang Village is a key area competing for investment.

"Ah? Do you want to invest in dogs? Give every dog ​​in the village a home, make a special ID tag, and arrange for someone to take care of it?"

Chen Qian stood up from the office chair, her round hip-covering skirt left the sunken chair surface on which she was sitting, and stepped forward with her feet wearing shredded leather shoes and women's leather shoes to stand in front of the desk, her hair tied in a ponytail. Throwing her hair over her shoulders, she placed a delicate and slender hand on the desk, and held the phone to her ear with the other hand. When she heard the investment request from the boss on the other end of the phone, she asked in surprise.

[Yes, not just dogs, but also cats. I plan to invest 100 million to specially arrange living spaces for these good friends of mankind and provide protection for their health...]

"However, several people have already told us about this project in advance. We will have a bidding meeting for investment in cats and dogs in Licun the day after tomorrow. You might as well prepare and go bid then?"

Chen Qiansu picked up the water glass and took a sip of water. The clean cuffs at the cuffs slid downwards as she raised the glass. When she finished drinking the water, she put the water glass down again, took out a paper towel and wiped the water droplets on her mouth. He warned the boss who was talking endlessly on the other end of the phone.

[Ah, don’t hang up the phone in a hurry, I have a plan, the bird in the village...]

Chen Qian listened to the investor's hurried phone call, and slightly bored, she raised her eyes and looked outside the window with potted plants to look at the scenery outside.

There are only so many things that can be invested in a place. It has been fully invested in these years. The remaining people are trying their best to squeeze in and build a relationship, but not everyone can squeeze in. It's ridiculous like this. She has seen a lot of investments.

But after all, people are giving money, so it’s not good for her to just hang up and drive people away...

Chen Qian thought, looked up and heard a knock on the door.


Chen Qian said softly, and she couldn't help but think of Li Yang. He hadn't appeared for two and a half years, which made her feel empty now. Now that she was distracted, she couldn't help but think of Li Yang. saw the figure of this man.


The office door was pushed open, and the eastern sun shone into the room along with the opened door. However, most of it was blocked by the man's figure, causing his shoulders to be covered with a layer of gold.

The weather on March 23rd was still a bit cool. The air conditioner in the office was blowing warm air, making the temperature in the room very comfortable. Chen Qian raised her eyes and was about to remind her to close the door, but she saw that the door had already been closed. She then focused her eyes. When he saw it, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Husband, when did you come back!"

Chen Qian looked at Li Yang who walked into the office, and spoke in surprise. The voice caused Yu Xiaohua, who was sitting behind the desk and talking on the phone leisurely, to stand up from the sofa. When she saw Li Yang walking into the office, Yang said in surprise: "Husband!"

"I just came back, you guys are calling your phone, don't get excited."

Li Yang looked at the two women and spoke with a smile. Then he saw that the area of ​​the office was twice as large as before, and the decoration was much more luxurious, but there were still only the two of them. He immediately raised his eyebrows and came to the excited Chen Qian: " Your unit was upgraded very quickly. When I first came in, I found that the doors were all thick and heavy. You two are the only ones working in such a big office. Is it comfortable?"

"You're happy to make your phone call, but don't delay your work."

Li Yang smiled and sat down on Chen Qian's chair. He moved the chair to Chen Qian, who was wearing a suit and a hip-hugging skirt. Her legs were covered with silk stockings. He touched Chen Qian's legs, which were wrapped in white silk stockings, with his palms and grabbed them. The buttock said with a smile.

"Husband, I've hung up the phone. Is this because the company wants us to work better?"

Chen Qian's legs softened and she sat directly on Li Yang's lap. She pouted and showed the call page to Li Yang. She had indeed hung up on the investor who just called.

Li Yang grabbed the bottom of her butt-covering skirt with both hands and lifted it up, completely exposing her buttocks covered in flesh-colored and pure white underwear. He slid his palms down and touched them up just as he was about to say something. Then I saw Chen Qian's office phone vibrating.

"Here, the call is coming."

Li Yang pursed his lips, and Chen Qian had to bite her lips pitifully and turned around to answer the phone: "Hey, why are you calling..."


As soon as Chen Qian answered the call, she heard a bang. She immediately turned around with her lips pursed, and said to the phone very unhappy: "If you have something to say, please tell me. If nothing happens, hang up."

[Um, this, Xiao Chen...]

"Ah, it's the leader. Sorry, my husband is here and I didn't see who made the call."

Chen Qian hurriedly apologized when she heard the voice from the phone. Her pretty figure straightened up, and she was hugged by Li Yang and buried her head in front of her. She held the mobile phone in her right hand and raised it to her ear to answer the call. Her left hand couldn't help but Keep pressing on Zhuo Yan.

[Ah, Mr. Li Yang is here. I'll hang up now. Let's talk again when we have time. 】

"It's okay. My husband told me to go to work. Let me go to work, my boss."

Chen Qian controlled her breathing and spoke with trembling eyelids. Beside her, Yu Xiaohua had already hung up the phone and walked up to her with a moist face. She pulled her black suit trousers down to her hips. He exposed his huge buttocks wrapped in black stockings and looked at Li Yang with a charming face.


The air conditioner blowing hot air kept whining, and Chen Qian became softer and softer as she listened. It wasn't until ten minutes later that Li Yang finally raised his head, stood up from behind her, stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, and pressed her against her back.

Support her office.

"Leader, tell me."

Chen Qian couldn't help but open her mouth. Li Yang pushed her to work like this, and she suddenly felt her heart beating faster. She blushed and asked Li Yang to touch the outside to check how fast it was, and responded to the microphone. The words of the leader.

Yu Xiaohua looked beside her and was about to cry. Fortunately, Li Yang was not a careless person, let alone a stingy person. Since he stood up for Chen Qian, there was no reason not to stand up for Yu Xiaohua as well. road.

With his current speed, even if he changed his ways to support the two of them, they would feel like they were receiving strong and uninterrupted support.

One of the two women was wearing black stockings, the other was wearing white stockings. They both bit their lips and held their desks with their left hands, and started working seriously.


The air conditioner in the office worked harder to make the office warmer. Chen Qian and Yu Xiaohua blushed from the heat, but they still worked hard on the phone.

Fortunately, their energy was limited after all, and they were leaders. They were waiting to come and go as soon as they wanted. After the heavy rain stopped, it was time to take a lunch break, so they hung up the phone tiredly.

"Husband, how long will you stay when you come back this time?"

Chen Qian's shirt was messed up after a phone call. After hanging up the phone, she sat tiredly on Li Yang's right leg, leaned against him, and said with a pout.

"Honey, would you like to eat the rice I cooked for lunch? I recently learned a new dish and I want you to try it."

Yu Xiaohua smiled, and as she was more mature than Chen Qian, she asked more useful questions.

"Hey, I have to stay longer this time. If you want to do it, then do it for me at noon."

Li Yang chuckled softly, pinched the comfortable spot of the two of them, and spoke with a smile. As he spoke, he felt the various information received in his mind, and his eyes involuntarily revealed a glimmer of light.

‘Really, you will never change your nature. ’

‘If you don’t change your stubborn nature, then let’s all die. ’

Asking for monthly ticket

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