My world double door

Chapter 315 Great Turmoil

"The Yanhuang people have always had poor qualities. The Yanhuang people of the last century liked to throw garbage everywhere, defecate everywhere, and like to steal things. They cannot forget their habits, and they will continue to this day with the continuation of their race, just like It’s like they stole our core technology through despicable means.”

“We do not allow unsafe products that have not been tested by us to be put on the market. If Haohanxingyu Group does not hand over their medical equipment technical data and intelligent robot technical data to us for review, we will take compulsory measures and will never allow such unsafe products to be put on the market. Products flow into the market.”

"The hearts of Yanhuang people are black. Unsafe products produced by dangerous companies with no quality like Haohanxingyu should not appear in everyone's lives."

"From now on, before Haohan Xingyu Company hands over technical data to us for inspection, we will seize all Haohan Xingyu Group's products, control their personnel, and prohibit their products from flowing into the international market."

In front of the camera, a smiling man talks with confidence.

The recording location was a private house in the suburbs. The surrounding area was very remote. It can be seen that they recorded very carefully.

Beside the room, a bearded man watched all this with a cold expression, spinning a string of jade beads in his hand.

Over the years, Haohanxingyu has produced many powerful and terrifying products, covering all aspects, and the most serious among them is the medical and intelligent fields, which is a heavy blow to them.

The reason is very simple. In front of various treatment instruments whose functions are unparalleled compared to those of Earth products, their products are like garbage. No one will choose to order and use their products. As long as the qualified hospitals have ordered the products of Haohan Xingyu Group Medical equipment makes it so that none of their equipment sells.

When market share continues to be occupied, no one can withstand such an impact, and they are not the only ones whose capital is affected, so they meet and hit it off.

Haohanxingyu Company is not listed on the market, and they still use their own people. They have no way to use many methods. Faced with the huge cake that Haohanxingyu occupies, they have no way to take a bite, so they finally decided to try other methods. Come and compete with the vast stars.

For example, physical blocking.

"Don't cooperate with me? Okay, then I won't let you enter the market."

A smile appeared on the face of the unshaven man. As the words fell, the photography over there also came to an end.

But then, the photographer's expression changed, and cold sweat broke out on his face.

They quickly tried to shoot other objects and recorded again, but the cold sweat on their faces became more and more intense.

There was some chaos in the scene. The unshaven man frowned, and an assistant immediately ran over to ask about the situation. After a while, he ran over with a surprised look.

"Sir, no matter what the camera shoots, it can save the captured content to the memory card, but I don't know why, but when this video was taken, it could not be saved."

"The live broadcast that is enabled is always unable to connect to the Internet, and this is true for every device."

Cold sweat broke out on the assistant's forehead, and the unshaven man couldn't help but frown. He was about to say something, when suddenly.


There was a muffled sound, and the door was violently broken open. The next moment, a silver robot figure walked into the room coldly.

"Tu tu tu tu..."

The pupils of several bodyguards shrank. The moment they saw the robot, they immediately raised their guns and attacked the robot crazily. If you look carefully, you will find that the barrels of the guns in their hands are very thick and the bullets are very long. They are like snipers. The bullets and warheads are also specially made, with extremely strong penetrating and armor-piercing properties.

Obviously, this is a brand new firearm that has been updated over time and is more effective against super strong individual soldiers.

But this is of no use.

The robot ignored the useless bullets hitting him, several muzzles emerged from its shoulders, and it quickly fired lasers.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The guard who attacked the robot immediately fell to the ground and died. The unshaven man and the assistant beside him fell to the ground immediately after their brains burst out.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I just recorded a video and said a few words."

The man who had just recorded the video escaped because he squatted on the ground. Seeing everyone around him dead, he said in horror: "I just recorded a video. I didn't do anything. I just recorded a video." .”

"You are right, so die."

The robot turned to look at him, nodded at the man's surprised look, then raised the muzzle of the gun, and shot him to death with the second half of the sentence and the man's wildly changing expression.


[The new energy battery manufactured by Haohan Xingyu Group exploded...]

[Haohan Xingyu Group squeezes employees...]

[Haohan Xingyu Group is suspected of plagiarizing core technology...]

Throughout the United States, undercurrents are surging everywhere. American officials are communicating with each other and spreading all kinds of negative news about the vast stars through various channels, encircling and intercepting them, and imposing actual restrictions.

In just one day, a lot of news was released successfully, but there were also many things that were not released successfully.

"Five-star General Keira's death is still fresh in our minds. Is it too risky for us to do this so blatantly?"

In a luxurious and grand manor, inside the tall floor-to-ceiling windows, an American with half-white hair took a sip of red wine from a glass, walked to another man sitting behind the desk, and said with some worry.

"Kayla died because he did it alone, and now we are all doing it."

Hearing the voice of the man holding the red wine, a deep smile appeared on the face of the man in a suit and blue tie. He turned his office chair and faced the man with half-white hair in casual clothes: " Besides, you and I are hiding behind the scenes, and even if we die, it will be someone else who dies, so what does it have to do with us?"

"Even if that Li Yang really comes back, can he still kill all of us? How is this possible? And in this way, his untouchable fear will be wiped out, and whatever happens in the future will be It’s time to talk.”

The man in a suit said with a smile: "Vizil, you shouldn't worry."

"You're right. There is a saying in Yanhuang: Don't blame the masses. So many of us are doing it, so what can he do?"

Hearing the words of the young man in a suit and leather tie, the vizier couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face, and then looked at the scenery outside the window with twinkling eyes. As the two largest plutocrats in the United States, the two of them were both enemies and friends. There is constant competition, but it is normal to join forces at critical moments, just like now.

He understood what he just said, but the reason why he asked it was to confirm his attitude.

The entire United States is engaged in competing with Li Yang, and the negative news about Haohan Xingyu is overwhelming. They are sure this time about the sudden appearance of Li Yang.

Seeing that the vizier was silent, the man in suit couldn't help but put his left hand in his pocket and pick up the wine glass on the desk with his right hand. He stood up from the office chair and went with him to the third floor window of the villa to watch the scenery.

"No one can do anything in this world without our permission."

"A mere Yanhuang man who had some adventures..."

The man in a suit spoke in a calm voice, and the vizier on the side also had a smile on his face.

But just as he was speaking halfway, something suddenly appeared in the scenery ahead that made their pupils shrink sharply.


A small missile dragged a long tail of exhaust gas and suddenly passed through the glass in front of the two people, and exploded under their feet the next moment.


There was a violent explosion, and in an instant, the entire villa was blown to the ground.


American missiles and robots from aircraft carriers appeared everywhere in the United States, and deaths continued to occur throughout the United States.

Politicians and capitalists who had just been publishing impassioned negative news about the Haohanxingyu Group died one after another on various occasions, 60% of them died from local missiles, and the remaining 40% Died by intruding robots one after another.

And the chests of these robots are all engraved with a line of information: [Li Yang Guard]

The blatant massacre ended in just ten minutes. When the people in charge of each military base looked in panic at the missiles that flew out automatically without a launch command, the entire United States exploded.

The deaths of a large number of politicians, capitalists and generals have plunged the entire United States into chaos and shock. Some are excited, some are angry, and some are afraid.

At this moment, each video was suddenly transmitted to every electronic device in the United States at the same time.

All people with devices capable of playing videos and accessing the Internet, around them, had the same video automatically played on their own devices for the first time, and it was still in Chinese sound, with the video mainly in Chinese and supplemented by English.

Li Yang's profile picture appeared on their mobile phones.

[Hello, friends who are on American soil, if you look up now, have a telescope, and are lucky enough to be squatting on a peanut, you may be able to see me. Yes, I am Li Yang. You read that right. , I am live broadcasting, and put it on all electronic devices in the entire United States...]

As the video played, the entire United States was in an uproar. Everyone looked around in disbelief. They found that the TV on the wall, the mobile phones of themselves and those around them, and the broadcast screen in the building were all playing such a video.

Even the children's watch and radio placed on the table were playing Li Yang's voice.

"Oh my God!"

The Americans who lived in Peanut Squat looked up and were shocked to see a smiling man flying in the sky.

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