My world double door

Chapter 316 Please apologize to me

"I advise you to quiet down, because I have something important to inform you next."

Peanut squatted in the sky, and Li Yang, who was floating leisurely in the air, looked at the camera in front of him with a kind smile, looking very sunny.

As soon as his words were spoken, they spread to all smart players in the entire United States.

The school's electronic loudspeakers and the speakers in various places were all turned up to the maximum. This made the United States, which was like a powder keg being ignited, surprisingly regain some of its calmness. They all widened their eyes and trembled slightly as they looked at the screen in front of them. This man among them.

"I believe you have all seen that many of you have people around you die. Some died from missile bombings, and some died from robot killings. Yes, these are all my doing."

Li Yang looked at the camera in front of him, shrugged his shoulders, and spoke with a chuckle. In an instant, every place where people gathered could not help but emit an uproar.

"I feel very angry. That's why I posted this video. I ask you to immediately elect a new representative and publicly apologize to me."

Li Yang looked at the camera in front of him, leaned forward, and the next moment his face filled the entire screen: "They need me to kill trash like them. Don't you think this is a very excessive thing? ?”

"Apology and compensation are necessary. All regional representatives must publicly apologize for three days, kneel and kowtow and repent three times. Only in this way can you express your apology and make up for some of my losses and injuries."

After Li Yang finished speaking, he retracted his body and turned half of his body into the screen. He said with a half-smile: "If I don't receive enough apologies from representatives within three days, Every minute, I will kill a hundred people from top to bottom in the entire American class."

"Don't test my emotions, otherwise, the price will be painful. I don't think anyone will question this."

With a bright smile on his face, Li Yang spoke again: "This video will be automatically saved in each of your devices and cannot be deleted. There will be a countdown on the cover of the video that will start counting in three days. When the time is up, the capital punishment will begin."

"Of course, I think many of you must still be confused about who I am, how I do this, and whether I can really fly. As for this question, in three days, I will fly again I solemnly tell you the answer."

"These three days are a wonderful reward time for you. With so many high-level officials stepping down, I think it may be an opportunity for you?"

Li Yang said with a wicked smile on his face, then stretched and waved to the camera: "Goodbye, I hope the answer in three days will satisfy me."

After saying that, Li Yang's figure flashed and quickly disappeared from the camera. The next moment, the videos on the entire American smart device also disappeared in an instant.

But at the same moment, two consecutive videos were automatically saved on each smart device, and the photo album was automatically opened at the same time. The cover of the video just saved appeared on it, and a seventy-two-hour countdown on the cover had begun to count down.

"Oh Maikar, what's wrong with this world?"

"Fake, is this guy a privacy-invading gangster? I can finally regain control of my phone!"

"Oh, God!"

"A terrorist has taken control of our phones, oh my God!"

"Damn, he's flying in the sky, does he think he's Superman!"

"Who can tell me what happened today?"


After the live video ended, the entire United States was still in a state of turmoil. The commotion became so great that the police had to mobilize to restore order.

The remaining department staff worked quickly, and a group of living upper-class people, covered in cold sweat, began to issue orders frantically.

All eyes are focused on one name.

【Li Yang】


Yanhuang realm.

In the office, the videos of robots dispatched through satellite surveillance are seen one after another, the video of the American missile automatically launching and killing his boss, the video of Li Yang flying in the air, lasers emerging from his eyes and killing all the Americans in the office, which are all related to what just happened. American video content is presented on the big screen one by one.

Everyone sitting upright had a heavy look on their face.

"I've watched the video. You don't need to express your opinions. Just follow the orders."

The middle-aged man sitting on the main seat glanced at everyone, stretched out his finger and tapped the table: "The importance of Mr. Li Yang continues to increase."





What Li Yang did in the United States was tantamount to a nuclear bomb suddenly exploding on a calm lake to the world, and the impact was too violent and terrifying.

But on the contrary, under intelligent control, the country did not suffer too much impact. Although Li Yang no longer wanted to hide it, he did not want to cause an uproar wherever he went in the country.

As it is now, relatively few people know how awesome he is, which is good.

The influence of the United States is very severe on all countries except Yanhuang, but Li Yang, who caused all this, has already flown to Yanhuang Linhai City with a smile.

After thinking for a while, he turned his eyes and came to a residential building. He used magic to go directly through the wall and came to the outside of a house.

"Ding dong, ding dong..."

Li Yang rang the doorbell, and soon someone came from inside and opened the door.

"Who is it?"

Following a question, the man who walked behind the door looked through the peephole, and immediately opened the door the next moment, looking at Li Yang who walked outside the door with a smile on his face: "Mr. Li Yang, you are here, hurry up. Please come in, please come in.”

"I'm sorry for visiting you without telling you."

Li Yang smiled and nodded, then strode into the room and said with a smile to the man.

"Wherever, my home is just like your home. You can come anytime you want, so there is no need for you to notify me at any time."

Hearing Li Yang's words, the man waved his hand hurriedly and said politely.

"Mr. Li Yang is here?"

While the man was talking, a female voice came from the living room. Li Yang turned around and saw a woman wearing simple shorts and short-sleeved pajamas, raising her hands to tie her hair, and wearing a pair of shiny slippers while walking toward her. Walking here, she has a gentle temperament. Although she is very beautiful, it is obvious at a glance that she is a married woman, obviously the man's wife.

The woman's eyes lit up when she saw Li Yang, and she hurriedly tied up her hair. She put down her hand and ran over to hug Li Yang's arm: "It's true that you are here. It's true. You didn't tell me in advance, so I didn't even have time." You came in after cleaning up."

"Hahaha, here you are, what else should I pack?"

Li Yang laughed, then raised his eyebrows teasingly: "Besides, I haven't gone in yet."

"I hate you for making fun of others."

Hearing Li Yang's words, Zuo Yanting pouted and spoke unhappily, then looked at Li Yang with bright eyes: "How many days do you plan to stay here when you come to my house this time?"

"Let's stay for two or three days."

Li Yang chuckled and responded simply, the time limit he left for the United States was three days, and the results would be inspected after three days.

While talking about Li Yang, he was thinking to himself, I'm afraid he will have to do more than just look at the results.

He glanced towards the seaside. There was a group of Japanese pirates overseas who were living a good life. Their life was a little too good.

He was so greedy that he had to go and be a guest.

In addition, the neighbor Ah San is also a bit arrogant. He has to go and see if there is any good development.

In the international community, some organizations that stir up gender antagonisms make him a little disgusted, as well as those terrorist organizations, he wants to go and have tea with them one by one.

‘There’s a little too much grit in this world. ’

Li Yang secretly said in his heart that he doesn't want to tolerate Sha Sha now.

Let’s lift the sand in the United States first, and then lift all the sand one by one when the time comes.

Otherwise, if all the sand is thrown up at once, there will be nothing to do in the future.

"Great, do you want to have lunch here at noon? My husband has learned some new cooking skills, so I just want to try them."

Hearing Li Yang's words, Zuo Yanting's eyes lit up and she spoke happily. As she spoke, she held Li Yang's arm and walked towards the living room.

Her husband, Sun Zhuo, had already gone to the living room to clean the tea set. He waited until Li Yang was held by Zuo Yanting and sat on the sofa in the living room before he put it back. He took out the tea leaves and helped Li Yang brew tea.

"Let's have lunch here. You're good at making tea. Did you practice it specially?"

Li Yang casually answered about lunch, and his hand smoothly touched Zuo Yanting's thigh. While stroking it, he saw Sun Zhuo, who was sitting opposite the coffee table in the living room, making tea so smoothly, and said a little surprised.

"I've been studying it over the past two years just because I thought I'd have the chance to make you a cup of tea."

After hearing Li Yang's words, Sun Zhuo said modestly, but judging from his tea-making movements, it was obvious that he had been professionally trained.

"Not only tea, he also specially practiced cooking skills."

Zuo Yanting on one side sat next to Li Yang. First she took off her shoes and put them on Li Yang's legs so that Li Yang could touch them easily. Then she looked at Li Yang with a bright look and said, "Dear, what's on my body?" The pajamas you are wearing are too ordinary, do you need a change of clothes?"

"You don't need to change, and you're not going out. Ask your sister if she's free. Come and play poker together when she is."

Li Yang smiled and shook his head, picked up a cup of tea with his left hand and took a sip. After drinking, he nodded and said.

"I called her to come over."

Zuo Yanting spoke immediately after hearing this, then asked Sun Zhuo to hand over her mobile phone and started calling her sister.

"This tea is not bad."

Li Yang praised Sun Zhuo, and while saying that, he pulled Zuo Yanting's shorts down. Zuo Yanting raised her buttocks to cooperate while making a phone call. Seeing this, Sun Zhuo hurriedly smiled and said he was going out to buy groceries, and turned around. He left the room, leaving the room to Li Yang and Zuo Yanting.

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