My world double door

Chapter 322 Life extension potion, in-depth


Immortal-level soul power erupted like a flood, overwhelming and devastating, sweeping through the inner city of Base Three in an instant.

Song Tianyuan, the leader of Base City No. 3, who was fully armed and hiding in the defensive fortress, and several sixth-level genetic evolvers in the base city, stood motionless in place for an instant. The next moment, all kinds of surveillance methods and high-tech attack methods were immediately lifted. , all the people lined up in front of Li Yang.

In addition to them, there are also ten thousand bottles of [Life Extension Potion No. 3]

"It is indeed much easier to improve existing technology than to reinvent it and break into new fields."

In two and a half years, the life-extending potion he requested was not only prepared, but also updated and iterated three times.

Li Yang looked at the [Life Extension Potion No. 3] in front of him and was very satisfied. This potion can give people the defense power that sniper bullets can only cause minor injuries, and a life span of up to five hundred years. In addition, the rest All abilities have reached the limits of the human body, which is a very good result under the premise of complete reliability.

Five hundred years is enough for the time being.

After waving his hand to put these potions into the space bag, Li Yang looked at the sixth-level genetic evolvers from Base 3 City who were lining up in front of him. He waved his hand unceremoniously and released the [Soul Forbidden Curse: Obey], bringing it with him. The immortal power invaded the depths of their souls.

The seeds of the forbidden curse were instantly planted into their souls, and a satisfied smile appeared on Li Yang's face.

The Soul Forbidden Spell is different from the previous simple soul control. After it is planted, even if Li Yang is not here for a long time, they will still maintain the control as Li Yang wants until the soul dies.

After doing this, Li Yang comforted the women here and asked Song Tianyuan and others to go back to their respective posts and do their own things. Then with a thought in his heart, he returned to the real world with a bunch of potions.

As for the matters in the apocalyptic world, it won’t be too late to discuss the matters in the magic world in the real world before the dust settles. Before that, we should finish the matters in the magic world and the real world one by one.




Li Yang flashed and returned to the outside of his villa in Shenhai Town. He walked back to the villa with a smile. As soon as he reached the door, he heard an irritated voice inside.

"My brother won't be gone for a long time this time."

As Li Yang rises and receives more and more excellent treatment, Li Ling becomes more and more aware of the importance of her brother, and unknowingly he has become the family's support. After disappearing for the past two and a half years, in fact, she and The fear in the family's hearts was even worse than that of Li Yang's woman. Now that Li Yang was out again, Li Ling couldn't help but think about this.

"I just went out to get some things. What were I thinking about?"

Li Yang naturally understood his sister's mood. After hearing this, he walked into the villa with a chuckle and said to Li Ling and the girls who were sitting with her absentmindedly playing games.

"Ah, husband Li Yang, you are back, what did you get?"

Seeing Li Yang come back, Peng Feifei happily ran over to him and threw herself into his arms. English teacher Zhang Yuanyuan, who was sitting on the sofa and just about to stand up, silently retracted her legs and looked at her with beautiful eyes. Li Yang.

"Yes, brother, what did you take?"

Li Ling was relieved when his brother came back, and then he couldn't help but asked with a smile.

"I brought you some special drinks."

Li Yang smiled at the corner of his mouth without hiding it. He took out a small box of [Life Extension Potion No. 3] in front of their widened eyes, opened the box, took out the bottles inside, and gave them to them one by one.

"Open the lid and drink every drop into your stomach."

Seeing them looking at the potion in their hands in surprise, Li Yang chuckled and gestured.

"Brother, what is this?"

Li Ling looked at the potion in his hand and couldn't help but ask Li Yang, his eyes full of energy.

The girls couldn't help but look at Li Yang. They were surprised that Li Yang had just taken out something out of thin air. However, after being in contact with Li Yang for so long, they had already noticed his magic, so although they were shocked, they were still. Within the control range, I just felt very confused about the bottle of potion that Li Yang suddenly took out.

"This is called genetic medicine."

A smile appeared on Li Yang's face. When he received the potion, he learned all the information related to the potion. After Song Tianyuan escaped from control, he was wary of his methods and did not destroy too much what he left behind. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with this genetic medicine, and it was developed very smoothly: "It is a very mature version. You will understand its magic after taking it."

"Gene Potion!"

Li Ling opened his eyes and looked at each other with his friends around him in disbelief.

"Don't worry, your brother, I have already drank it. Otherwise, why do you think I would take it out for you to drink?"

Li Yang explained with a chuckle, and Li Ling rolled his eyes: "I just can't believe it."

After saying that, he didn't hesitate anymore, he just raised his head and drank the potion. The girls around him also followed suit one by one. After drinking it, he instantly felt a warm power emanating from the potion, and his whole body felt... Their energy and energy increased rapidly, and they couldn't help but look at each other in surprise.

They drank the potion just out of their unconditional trust in Li Yang, but now, the feeling of drinking the potion really shocked them.

"Don't be shocked. Only by exercising fully immediately after drinking the potion can the best effect of the potion be exerted."

Li Yang looked at the people who drank the potion with a bright smile on his face. His eyes swept over Li Ling's three charming roommates and the mature and quiet English teacher Zhang Yuanyuan, and finally settled on Li Ling and said with a smile: " Li Ling, go out for a run. Run until you feel exhausted and then stop. Rest for half an hour and practice the training moves I taught you. Come back when I notify you. Otherwise, you will suffer a loss if the power of the genetic medicine is not fully exerted. .”

"Huh? Running?"

Li Ling was stunned for a moment, and then he was speechless when he saw Li Yang flirting with his roommate and teacher. He rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, okay, I went out for a run to exercise."

"Be serious. What I said is true. You must exercise well. Your physical strength will recover quickly after running. The effect will be better if you practice the Kung Fu I taught you."

Seeing her expression, Li Yang frowned and gave a solemn warning. Li Ling couldn't help but feel sad when he saw this, nodded silently, then turned around and went out, running along the road.

"Honey, what about us, do we also need to exercise?"

Seeing Li Ling running out, Peng Feifei blinked and looked at Li Yang. Li Yang chuckled and patted his butt: "You are already full, so you should practice the martial arts I taught you honestly."

"What about us, husband~"

Hearing Li Yang's words, English teacher Zhang Yuanyuan and Li Ling's three roommates all ran over and spoke to Li Yang delicately.

Li Yang's eyes swept over Li Ling's three roommates. Ruan Qin was wearing short shorts, showing off her long legs, and Liu Xin was wearing very fashionable link pants. It looked like the jeans had been cut off in the middle, leaving only a few straps to link them. , exposing the white and tender parts above and below the knees.

Yan Yeye was wearing a pure white skirt, calf socks on her feet, and a red T-shirt on her upper body. The three little roommates were all very energetic.

Zhang Yuanyuan wears slim jeans, which perfectly shows the curvature of her legs. She wears a white shirt on her upper body, giving her a quiet and charming beauty.

"There are many secret techniques in internal martial arts, such as Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound, which achieves an in-depth training effect by shaking the whole body."

Li Yang put his hands through Ruan Qin's shorts and tied her buttocks, and said to them seriously: "Come and lie down on the sofa, and let your husband use this method to give you in-depth and unique exercise."

Hearing Li Yang's words, the four girls felt shy but pretended to be surprised. They hurriedly ran to the sofa and lay down. Li Yang smiled and put them on the sofa together.


Li Yang kissed her with a smile, and then came behind Zhang Yuanyuan with Yan Yeye's movements, patted her, rolled up her tight jeans to her knees little by little, and then licked and warmed her up one by one.

"Are you ready?"

In the end, it was training that mattered, and Li Yang asked in a low voice after being fully prepared.

"Ready, ah~"

The four girls had already been fully prepared, but this method of exercise was indeed extraordinary and made them feel as if they were flying.

"Exercise must be continuous and in-depth. You must understand it well..."

"With your husband supporting you behind your back, you will definitely be able to fully develop the power of the genetic medicine."

Li Yang's voice sounded from behind, and the four girls all blushed and were speechless in embarrassment.


After exercising like this until dark, the power of Life Extension Potion No. 3 was finally completely absorbed, and the four girls, who were severely exhausted, fell asleep directly on the sofa.

When the exhausted Li Ling came back from exercise, she saw three roommates and teacher Peng Feifei lying side by side in the living room with watery eyes. She was speechless. Peng Feifei's three female roommates happened to wake up, so they helped them together. Clean up and take him to the house to rest.

However, Peng Feifei's three roommates hadn't taken it yet, so Li Yang made them drink it again and conducted secret teaching in the room.

Peng Feifei and Li Ling were deeply impressed by the powerful effect of Life Extension Potion No. 3, and they were convinced of it. They were very tired after exercising for a day, so they washed up and said goodbye to each other. Li Ling didn't want to stay here to wash. After taking a shower, I went back to my house.

The diligent Peng Feifei looked at the room where Li Yang taught, and was immediately attracted by the in-depth teaching. She studied like this all night, and fell asleep exhausted.

In the blink of an eye, it was the next day. Li Yang went out with a smile on his face and Zhang Yuanyuan, who got up and prepared to go to class.

The three days of his deadline are up.

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