My world double door

Chapter 323 You don’t want to live!

As the sun rose, the three-day period Li Yang mentioned came to an end.

It’s time to go to the United States and see their reaction.

Li Yang walked out of the teaching room with a bright smile. He happened to see Zhang Yuanyuan, Ruan Qin, Liu Xin, and Yan Yeye who had washed up and were having breakfast. Among them, Zhang Yuanyuan had tied up her hair and had finished her meal. She was still thinking about going. Teach.

"My dear, do you still want to go to class?"

Li Yang stepped forward and held Zhang Yuanyuan in his arms, rubbed her butt cheeks with both hands, kissed her seductive red lips, and asked with a smile.

"Emmm, I wanted to go, but if my husband doesn't want me to go, then I won't go."

Zhang Yuanyuan pouted, hugged Li Yang's neck and said with a smile. As soon as she finished speaking, Li Yang blocked her lips and narrowed her eyes.

"Hey, you guys should all wait here for your husband. After you all have a good rest, your husband should come back."

After Li Yang finished kissing Zhang Yuanyuan, he ran to kiss Ruan Qin, Liu Xin, and Yan Yeye who were having dinner one by one. He smiled at them and after speaking, he strode out of the villa with the nods of the four girls. He also flew directly out of the courtyard without covering up.

Regarding his own extraordinary power, Li Yang has not always kept it secret from his woman. His people have been exposed to such extraordinary power since he came here. It is better to know it bit by bit now than to suddenly accept it when he keeps it hidden. He just wants to be less sensational in the country and affect his normal life. He doesn't really want to be a pig. He is invincible and then hides here and there. Isn't that a fool?

Looking at Li Yang flying out, a flash of amazement flashed in the eyes of the women. Fortunately, they had already experienced the power of Life Extension Potion No. 3, and had a new understanding of the mystery and power of their husband Li Yang, so they did not Nothing too incredible.

It just feels like the world is becoming more and more magical.


In the United States, peanut squats.

Li Yang's figure flew directly from Shenzhen to the sky above Peanut Crouched in just a few seconds at a terrifying speed.

His eyes then looked down, and protest teams and banners appeared in his sight.

[We cannot live in the same world as Li Yang! 】

[We never agree to live on the earth with Li Yang! 】

[Sentence Li Yang to death and take him to prison! 】

[Never apologize to a murderer! 】

The slogans were very eye-catching, and Li Yang raised his eyebrows immediately.


Li Yang smiled, and with a thought in his heart, the camera device immediately flew in front of him again and started recording. At the same time, all smart devices in the United States were forced to turn on, and his figure was forced to appear on the screen.

The entire country's breath froze almost instantly, their eyes fixed on the figure appearing on the screen. No matter the upper class or the lower class, whether they were aristocratic capital or ordinary residents, everyone was watching this scene.

An inexplicable heaviness of the arrival of a new world appeared in their hearts.

Peanuts squatted on the streets, and the hunger strike protest team, led by Mira and Karin, did not eat or drink for two days and two nights. Even though they were a little dizzy, wanted to vomit, and had dry mouth, they still appeared on the mobile phone screen. The moment Li Yang appeared, he immediately shouted loudly.

"Sentence the murderer Li Yang to death!"

"Sentence the murderer Li Yang to death!"


"Go to jail! Go to jail!"

"Go to jail! Go to jail!"


"I will never live on the same earth with Li Yang!"

"I will never live on the same earth with Li Yang!"


"Never apologize!"

"Never apologize!"

Under the early morning sun, Mira and Karin took the lead in shouting slogans with blazing eyes. Every time they shouted a word, the crowd behind them quickly followed suit. It was chaotic at first, but gradually became unified, and the emotion reached its peak.

The early morning sun shone on their faces. Mila and Karin felt the sunshine and felt that they were in control of victory, as if they had become the Lords of Justice. They looked at Li Yang on the screen with an indifferent attitude, with the corners of their mouths slightly raised, With contemptuous eyes, she confronted him through the screen.

They wanted to see what he could do!


Li Yang didn't pay attention to the shouts from below. As the screen device opened, Li Yang appeared in everyone's sight with a bright and sunny smile. He showed eight white teeth and spoke cheerfully: "Oh, three days are up, let's see what kind of reaction the United States has."

After speaking, Li Yang waved his hand, and images of office leaders from all over the country publicly admitting their mistakes immediately appeared on each smart device. As one city after another passed by, the smile on Li Yang's face became brighter and brighter.

He seemed to have ignored the ongoing protests and demonstrations in various places (outrageous, these two words are forbidden), which made Mira and Karin who noticed this scene even more intense. They raised their heads and shouted loudly at the camera and the surrounding passers-by. Shouting hello and thinking that he had won, Li Yang did not dare to face the power of their organization and was so excited.

As they became more and more excited, the screen quickly flashed across all the cities that had publicly apologized.

Li Yang nodded with great satisfaction.

"It seems that you all sincerely realize your mistakes, which is good,"

A satisfied smile appeared on Li Yang's face, and a chuckle appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He had already expected this result. After all, the power shown by killing those at the top was too shocking. It was related to the rise and fall of a city. They didn't dare to gamble, so in the end they simply issued a public apology, and even Newly elected leaders.


"It's just that besides this good performance, there are also some unpleasant things."

Li Yang looked down, and the lives shouting and protesting on the street appeared in his sight. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up, and half of the screens of each smart device appeared. The street was a game. Picture of protest.

"They seem to be very dissatisfied with me. Let me see how dissatisfied they are."

Li Yang chuckled lightly, and the next moment, his body moved and suddenly appeared above the most violent protest team in the entire city.


Li Yang's figure suddenly appeared over the city, and the images on the screens of various smart devices also shifted in an instant, showing images of various processions protesting on the streets.

In an instant, what followed was an even more excited voice of protest from the entire team, and even items were thrown into the air in an attempt to hit Li Yang.

"We will never apologize!"

At the front of the crowd, Mira and Karin saw Li Yang appearing above them. They were shocked by his flying skills, and at the same time, the feeling of confronting him but leaving him helpless became even stronger. Their faces were red with excitement, and even though they were weak, they A strong shout erupted as well.

As they shouted, the crowd behind them also burst into uniform shouts,

"We will never apologize!"

"Murderers should be sentenced to death!"

"Murderers should be sentenced to death!"

"We are determined not to live in the world with Li Yang!"

"We are determined not to live in the world with Li Yang!"

Carin and Mira shouted, their cheeks flushed, and Li Yang smiled.

"For what I said, there are still so many people who choose to fight."

"It seems that you are indeed very confident."

Li Yang looked at the person below with a slight smile on his lips. His voice was not strong, but it instantly drowned out everyone's voices, making everyone's attention involuntarily focus on him.

"It's just that you have so many demands. I want to distinguish which of you have specific demands. So, if you don't want to apologize, please raise your right hand."

Li Yang looked at the crowd below and asked with a bright face.

After hearing his question, someone in the crowd immediately raised their hands without hesitation, which made many people in front of the electronic screen light up when they watched this scene.

Does this represent concession and compromise?

The protest marchers in the crowd no longer shouted, but their faces were red with excitement.

Especially Mira and Karin, they feel that they are going to succeed!

But the pride of being the leader made them unwilling to listen to Li Yang's words, so they did not raise their arms.

As more and more people raised their hands in the crowd, everyone was waiting for Li Yang's answer.

"Very well, then whoever thinks I should sentence him, raise your left hand."

The sun shone brightly on Li Yang's face, and instantly many people raised their left hands without fear.

The crowd became even more excited, some people could not help but breathe heavier, and some people in front of the screen couldn't help but stand up.

"Then, those who are determined not to live on earth with me, please raise both hands together."

Li Yang spoke with a smile on his face. In an instant, the remaining people raised their hands together, and the corners of Li Yang's mouth suddenly curled up.

"That's good, then let's solve the problems one by one."

Li Yang spoke with a smile. As his words fell, robots and aircraft carriers flew over many cities with protest teams. Li Yang looked at the first time with a chuckle. The group of people raising their right hands.

"You are determined not to apologize, right?"

Li Yang chuckled and spoke, and the person below who raised his right hand immediately shouted excitedly: "We will never apologize!"

"Very good. If that's the case, then we have to..."

"Send you to death."

Li Yang spoke helplessly, and the crowd who had just shown half joy took a breath. The next moment, the robot in the sky fired instantly, and the heads of everyone who raised their right hands exploded into a ball of paste.

"Tu tu tu tu..."

"Bang bang bang..."



A series of bullets sounded, and the crowd suddenly let out a shocking scream.

Everyone behind the screen was instantly shocked.

He actually killed people without any scruples!


A ball of brain matter burst onto the faces of Mira and Hera, and their excited expressions instantly became dull.

It felt like there were mosquitoes in my head, and it kept buzzing.

"Oh! What a cruel side."

"Don't you understand that by apologizing you are giving yourself a chance to live?"

"Then if you don't want the chance to live, then you have no choice but not to give it."

Li Yang looked at the corpse below with emotion, and then looked at the people who raised their left hands: "You actually want to take me to jail and sentence me to death. It's a pity that I can't do this. So."

"I can only ask you to die too."

"Tu tu tu tu..."

As soon as Li Yang's voice fell, the robot flying above raised its hand to attack again mercilessly. The person who raised his left hand followed and died instantly in fear.


A ball of blood spurted onto their faces again. Mira and Karin looked dull. The atmosphere of terror was like a big stone pressing on their chests. Their excited emotions seemed to be poured with cold water and cooled down instantly.

"You people think that you will never live on earth with me?"

Li Yang then looked at the remaining people, showing his white teeth: "But, I like the earth very much, and I will not leave here easily."

"But you can't live on earth with me."

"Then what should we do?"

"How about this."

Li Yang smiled kindly, and his eyes gradually filled with red light as he spoke: "I invite you to go to the underworld."

"There you won't have to live with me on Earth."


Li Yang's voice fell, and no bullets were fired this time. Two terrifying heat visions shot out instantly, beating everyone remaining to pieces in an instant.

"Hoo, hoo~"

The sound of heavy breathing accompanied the death of groups of people, involuntarily breathing in the chests of everyone watching the video. They soon discovered that only Li Yang's eyes were filled with red eyes on the screen in front of them. look.

and his chilling words.

"I see there are a lot of things like this in this place, machine guards, killing everyone."

"If their family and friends feel angry and hateful about this, then compensate them."

"Compensate them for dying together."

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