My world double door

Chapter 324 Gift

"It's going to kill people marching in the streets."

“The families who marched are still going to die.”

"This matter can be brought to an end only when everyone is dead."

Li Yang's cold voice echoed throughout the United States over and over again. As his voice rang out, the robot warriors in the sky above the United States attacked without hesitation.

"Tu tu tu tu..."

"Tsk, tsk..."


Tongues of fire bloomed, lasers flew, and ruthless killings bloomed in various cities.

Death happens in an instant.

Thousands of teams fell down like wheat and were slaughtered mercilessly. Some were so angry that they drew their guns to fight back, but they were immediately killed in the next moment.


The protesting team was ruthlessly slaughtered like wheat. Some special professionals could not bear such a cruel scene and raised their machine guns to attack. However, before bullets that could not break through the defense could hit the robot, it was struck by the super-powerful artificial intelligence. A moment of detection, and a bullet flew away.


"Tu tu tu tu..."


Crying and death are happening constantly.

The lost blood infested the entire street.

Purgatory on earth!



Deathly silence.

The bloody scene of the killing was transmitted to every smart device in the United States through video without any concealment, and was seen by everyone.

Regardless of men, women, old or young, regardless of their psychological endurance, whether they want to watch it or not, as long as there is a smart playback device around them, cruel scenes will be played.


Some people couldn't bear the bloody and cruel scenes, fainted and fell to the ground, and were rushed to the hospital.

Someone suffered a heart attack and died on the spot.

However, nothing has changed.

The killings are still going on, videos that may cause harm to them are still being played, and ruthless and cruel deaths are happening crazily.

There is no pause.

"This man, a man who could easily kill us, really doesn't care about our lives."

A terrifying realization suddenly emerged from the hearts of many people at this moment.

"Doesn't he care at all about the loss of life?"

Behind the screen, the surviving senior executives in the United States tightened their clothes. Even though they were usually domineering, looking at the scene in the video that was like a hell on earth, they couldn't help but trembled and murmured in disbelief. .

Not just them, behind the scenes.

Pair after pair of eyes watched this scene, all silent.

【Devil's killing...】

A historian wrote five words with trembling palms, but the next moment, his pen paused, and then he immediately crossed out the words, tore up the page, and wrote again.

[Mr. Li Yang’s gift...]


From this moment on, everyone in the world knows a name deeply.

Li Yang!





Over the United States, Li Yang witnessed the bloody feast erupting below. A satisfied smile appeared on his face, and then he moved and disappeared from the place in an instant.

When he appeared again, he had already flashed and appeared in the Yanhuang Kingdom, Heyang City, Mi County, and Baizhen.

His figure was flying in the sky, and he couldn't help but feel a little emotional when he looked at the construction of his hometown below that he had never dared to imagine.

"For a mortal, too many things can happen in two and a half years."

Li Yang sighed in his heart, and then glanced around, seeing that the surrounding environment was not destroyed, he couldn't help but nodded in his heart.

"Although space magic is not very useful in actual combat, it is very effective when used to travel."

Space is independent of objects. Even if the center that controls a person's location tries to split the space silently, it will only cause the person to undergo a space teleportation without breaking his entire body.

In addition, it is extremely difficult to leverage the spatial power of a strong person's position, especially when soul power is required. Not only can your opponent quickly detect your intentions, but they can also immediately use magic to attack even if they are not aware of it. The power of your soul.

This is equivalent to exposing one's brain to others, so the space power is almost useless during the battle except for extremely difficult use in escaping.

But the driving effect is really good.

In addition, there are also teleportation magic arrays and the like, which are indeed worth studying once you improve your cultivation level.

Li Yang was thinking in his mind, looking down at his hometown that had changed dramatically in just two and a half years, sighing with emotion about life and time, and with a wave of his hand, a box containing Life Extension Potion No. 3 appeared in his hand.

Immediately after his body moved, he landed at the door of his hometown. Just as he was about to push the door open and go in, his ears twitched and his brows raised.

"Grandma's massacre is an exaggerated perjury of the Yanhuang side's 'white hair three thousand feet' style? These devils are telling lies with their eyes open, right? The irrefutable evidence has been completely denied by them?"

"What? The population of ** City is only over 200,000. How could there be a massacre of 300,000 people?"

"Damn, except for the 200,000 refugees staying in the safe zone, there are almost no citizens in the city."

"The number of victims of the ** massacre was "40,000", and a more exaggerated view is that there were only 49 killings. It is not considered a massacre anywhere."

"Fuck, what the hell are you talking about?"

"Also, the meaning of 'massacre' in Chinese includes the war dead and war wounded. In this way, the number of 'more than 300,000' mentioned by Yanhuang is not all victims. This is a denial of the Japanese pirate massacre. The conclusion reached by the representative figure Soichiro Inukai.”

In the room, Li Jianshu, who was sitting on a recliner, was chatting with a netizen and was very angry when he heard what the other person said.

He was a little unconvinced as he rarely used the Internet at first, but as he verified it step by step, he stood up from the table in anger and couldn't eat.

"Mother, call Li Yang and tell him not to sell our things to the Japanese in the future."

Li Jianshu, who was walking around, couldn't sit still anymore. He couldn't help calling Li Yang's mother and spoke loudly to her.

"Look what you are doing. You have to call our son no matter what. You don't know how busy our son is. He hasn't been home for two and a half years in a row. He just came back two days ago. Don't be there." At this moment, I was angry and made trouble for him."

Hearing his wife's voice, Li Yang's mother Chen Cui rolled her eyes and spoke. Li Jianshu curled his lips and sighed helplessly.

"No need to fight, I heard you."

Li Yang pushed the door open and walked in. He glanced at his father helplessly, then turned to look at a staff member in the next city who secretly sent a message to the leader and Li Yang's father behind his back. He shook his head and sent him a message. information warning.

[I remember your original intention, but I won’t do it next time, otherwise, I will die]

The staff member who had just finished chatting with Li Yang's father suddenly found that his equipment was stagnant, followed by a line of words that completely occupied the entire screen and appeared. His pupils shrank, his hands shook, and his heart skipped a beat. Then he breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he put down his mobile phone in a cold sweat.

Faced with the shameless Japanese pirates, he suddenly had the idea to use his own power to deal with them. The starting point was that it was understandable to engage in Japanese pirates, but even turning around would be considered offensive.

It's just that Li Yang doesn't particularly mind this. What he wants the world to know is that he has no fixed rules for doing things.

Purely, it depends on his mood.

At Li Yang's house, the whole city noticed this guy's emotions. Li Yang looked away with a chuckle, and then looked at the astonished parents in front of him, with a smile on his face.

"Son, when did you come back?"

Seeing her eldest son suddenly appearing in front of her eyes, Chen Cui couldn't help but stepped forward and slapped him in surprise and annoyance.

"Yeah, I didn't even say a word in advance when I came back."

Li Yang's father, Li Jianshu, also momentarily forgot what he had just said and spoke to Li Yang when he saw the greeting.

"Don't you want to come back? Just come back directly. It doesn't take much time."

A smile appeared on Li Yang's face. Chen Cui and Li Jianshu recovered from the shock of his sudden appearance, and then quickly pulled him to sit down.

"Son, tell mom, what have you been doing in the past two and a half years? Why haven't you seen anyone for so long?"

Chen Cui did not talk about the changes in his hometown in the past two years or how many things had changed, but as always, he immediately became concerned about Li Yang's affairs.

"Yes, for the past two and a half years, I have been busy with something. What on earth have you been busy with?"

Li Yang's father also spoke with worry. He had not been home for two and a half years. As a family member, it was impossible not to worry.

But as ordinary people, they had no choice but to ask around anxiously about such a thing.

But no matter how much I inquired, the only answer I got was that I was busy.

What are you busy with and why you didn’t go home twice during the Chinese New Year?

The couple was anxious, but they had no choice but to wait silently. Fortunately, they finally got their son back.

And, as soon as he came back, he appeared in front of his eyes so suddenly.

"I...I work in a national secret scientific research room. What I do, the positions of the personnel, and the projects must be kept completely confidential. I can't tell you anything."

Li Yang wanted to say something, but as he spoke, his heart suddenly moved, and he spoke to his parents with a heavy expression.

Sure enough, upon hearing what Li Yang said, the old couple looked shocked and immediately became alert.

Li Yang immediately smiled and started to tell the story.

"...In short, your son is very powerful now and no one dares to mess with him."

After some explanation, Li Yang flew off the ground while the old couple looked stunned, and then mysteriously took out two tubes of medicine: "Mom and Dad, this is developed in our laboratory. It is the most powerful medicine in the world." It is one of the precious things that even leaders are not qualified to use. This is the benefit of me as the main staff, and I brought it to you specially. You should drink it quickly to avoid long nights and dreams."

"Don't worry, not only you, my sister is also prepared."

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