My world double door

Chapter 331 Counseling

"Hey, husband, I'm here in Yanting. I told you that something really happened."

At Zuo Yanting's home, Zuo Yanfen, who had been living at her sister's house for more than half a month, received another call from her husband. When the call was connected, she sighed and said in a faint tone.

"Isn't it just half a month? What if I stay at my sister's house for half a month? Okay, okay, I won't tell you anymore. I'm exercising. When I get back, I'll take you to eat privately cooked food..."

After talking on the phone, Zuo Yanfen hung up the phone, took a breath, turned to look at Li Yang behind her, her eyes were watery: "Husband, try harder..."

"Okay, okay, try hard, but you waited here for half a month and didn't go back?"

Li Yang, who had just come out from the four wives, nodded with a smile on his face, and asked curiously while increasing his strength.

"Husband, you said you were coming, so of course we have to wait at any time."

Zuo Yanting on the other side was also flushed, doing cat-like stretches with difficulty, and said to Li Yang in a sweet voice: "Hubby, Sun Zhuo is cooking outside, can we eat at home later?"

"Okay, I don't care."

Li Yang curled up the corners of his mouth and spoke with a smile on his face. As he spoke, Zuo Yanting's shoulders and Zuo Yanfen's shoulders trembled together.

He had been playing with the four wives for a week before coming here. After looking at the conditions of the two of them, he felt that he could probably play here for at least three days.

As for how to play this week...with four bodies, it's not just that you can play however you want.

Thinking of this, the corner of Li Yang's mouth curled up, and he suddenly leaned forward and spoke in Zuo Yanfen's ear: "Does your son still have homework to do? Make a video call for your husband. Only your face will be shown in the video." Face, and then video-guide your son on his homework."

"Ah, my husband hates it."

Hearing Li Yang's words, Zuo Yanfen's face turned red instantly, but what was amazing was that she only hesitated for such an excessive request, then looked at Li Yang charmingly and nodded, and then made a video call to her husband. .

"What's wrong?"

The video call was dialed, and a man's frowning face appeared on the screen of Zuo Yanfen's phone, and he asked in confusion.

"Have Xiao Yue finished his homework? I want to help him with his homework while doing yoga. Please give him your phone."

Zuo Yanfen's hair on both sides covered her red ears. She looked down at the screen and spoke to her husband with a magnetic and charming voice.

"He just finished breakfast and is probably playing games now. What's wrong? Do you want to help him with his homework now?"

Zuo Yanfen's husband at the other end of the video raised his eyebrows, looked at his wife and asked with a chuckle: "Don't you have something to do with your sister?"

"We don't rush things here in Yanting. I have nothing to do. I worry about my son's study. Please give Xiaoyue your phone quickly."

Zuo Yanfen spoke slowly and her voice sounded like she had a cold. Her husband frowned, but Zuo Yanting suddenly moved forward and her face rose: "Hurry up, don't let him play with it. Now, hurry up and do your homework. Don’t stay up late at night with the light on. Staying up late every day doing homework is not good for your health.”

Zuo Yanfen's tone was very stern, which made her husband helpless and had no choice but to give his son his cell phone and ask Zuo Yanfen to video-guide his son on his homework.

"This question, oh, you, think about it carefully, is this how you do it? Read the question twice."

Zuo Yanfen looked at her son's test paper and frowned. Suddenly, she took a breath and covered her mouth with her right hand. After a moment, she spoke sternly to her son. Zuo Yanfen's son obediently read the question twice. Zuo Yanfen asked him how to do it again. Only then did he realize that he had indeed made a mistake and hurriedly took a pen to correct it.

"Huh, huh, I didn't take the questions seriously and was careless. I will read the questions carefully when writing questions in the future. Do you understand?"

Zuo Yanfen snorted twice and spoke to her son in the video with her cheeks flushed. After speaking, she saw that her son continued to write and clicked on mute again. She raised her head and pointed her chin towards the camera. She didn't know what she was doing.

Zuo Yanfen's son didn't know what his mother was doing. He wrote under Zuo Yanfen's supervision until noon. During this time, her mother was stiff and motionless, her face wrinkled together for a while, and then she changed to her aunt Zuo Yanfen. Ting came to supervise, and then it was switched to her mother.

I kept switching to my mother four times, and finally ended the homework instruction and hung up the phone.

The phone was hung up here, and lunch started at Zuo Yanfen's house on the other side.

Zuo Yanfen, who had coached her son with her sister all morning, was sweating profusely, and so was Zuo Yanting. The two of them went to the bathroom to take a good bath, changed clothes, and then came out to have lunch with Li Yang.

I have to say that the food cooked by Sun Zhuo tasted really good. Zuo Yanting couldn't help but sit in Li Yang's arms to eat. Zuo Yanting sat down to finish eating, and Zuo Yanfen couldn't help sitting down to eat.

"It's fun, it's really fun."

Li Yang looked at the sisters and Sun Zhuo with a bright smile, and sat with them in the living room with a smile.


The happy time passed as expected by Li Yang for three days. On the fourth day, Zuo Yanting and Zuo Yanfen were barely able to move. They put on exquisite makeup, dressed properly, and held their arms one by one. Li Yang's arms went out together with a smile.

After leaving the house, he first met up with the four beauties Fang Xin, Liu Yumei, Yi Xiuting, and Chen Shujie, and then surrounded Li Yang to look at clothes and jewelry, and ate snacks together, having a great time.

"Hey, dad, isn't that mom?"

On a street, Zuo Yanfen's son, who was shopping with his father, was eating a stick of starch sausage. When he suddenly turned his head, his eyes lit up. He took his father's hand and said to a woman in front of him.

"Mom? Where?"

Zuo Yanfen's husband raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and immediately followed his son's gaze. He saw Zuo Yanfen, who was dressed more exquisitely than ever before, hugging Li Yang and kissing him. She took out a piece of jelly from his mouth and ate it. With a smile on her face, Li Yang rubbed her buttocks, then turned around and accompanied Li Yang into a private cinema next to her with a group of beauties.

"Mom may be doing something with aunt, let's go, let's not delay mom."

Zuo Yanfen's husband took a deep breath, then looked at Zuo Yanting, whose buttocks were also being pinched on the left side of the man, and the other four beauties around him. He lowered his head and spoke softly to his son. After speaking, he turned around and took the lead. The son who wanted to go and see him left.

Zuo Yanfen's husband didn't want to go into details about what they and Li Yang went to the private theater to watch or do.


Li Yang still likes private cinemas. After all, it has good privacy, a sense of atmosphere, and you can watch movies and do other things. It is really a good place.

But after he finished working in the private theater, that was enough. He gave the girls a day off one by one, and came to the home of the socialite Zhao Mengyi in a spiritual and spiritual state, intending to study some skills quietly here.

When Zhao Mengyi saw Li Yang coming, she thought he would come up to her like he did last time. Who knew, but she immediately ran back and forth to serve Li Yang. After taking a shower in the evening, she took off her high-end silky one-piece skirt. Revealing her delicate body, she obediently entered Li Yang's arms.

As a socialite with the most perfect figure, Zhao Mengyi naturally would not fall asleep so quickly. Instead, she was manipulated by Li Yang for a while before softly embracing Li Yang and falling asleep.

But Zhao Mengyi slept, but Li Yang didn't. He covered himself with the high-grade silk quilt on the bed, letting Zhao Mengyi expose her smooth and beautiful collarbone area, and comfortably began to meditate on the [Basic Talisman] taught to him by Brother Fengdeng. Preparation method]

The index finger traced Zhao Mengyi's buttocks, and wisps of spiritual power easily condensed under his powerful foundation-building nine-element mana, and finally gathered into a rune that looked like a drop of water.

The next moment, the runes dissipated, and a stream of water appeared out of thin air, soaking the entire bed and Zhao Mengyi's buttocks. Fortunately, Li Yang waved his hand in an instant and used water control magic to easily disperse the water elements. The sleeping Zhao Mengyi was not harmed at all.


The power of the water element gathered by the runes dissipated, but the thoughts in Li Yang's eyes did not dissipate. His fingers gently tapped Zhao Mengyi's round buttocks, pressing the soft buttocks into the depression, and then rebounded, his thoughts It also kept moving.

The basic talisman making method, as the name suggests, only has the most basic talisman making method. The three basic talismans recorded in it: the Purifying Talisman, the Spirit Sealing Talisman, and the Water Transformation Talisman, Li Yang has long been mastered.

What he wants to do now is to try to use his current soul power to deeply analyze the essence of the talisman. Why do these lines outlined with the runes have these effects?

Is it something like a loop that integrates information, or something else?

"It seems to have little to do with these lines."

Li Yang gently pinched the soft flesh and turned his palms, looking at Zhao Mengyi's beautiful face after falling asleep, and secretly pondering in his heart, his soul power has now entered the immortal level, and according to the classification, it should be at the golden elixir level.

At this level of power, if you understand the most basic talismans, you will naturally be able to see through the essence easily.

He could feel that these lines were just 'shapes', and the real 'spirit' lay in the practitioner himself.

"That's not right. It seems that these basic talismans are mainly about shape..."

Li Yang kept changing the shapes in his hands, tried several times, and overturned his previous ideas.

He destroyed the original shape in the same state. The talisman also had the same effect, but the effect was much weaker.

The reason for this is because the power of his nine-time restoration of the foundation is so powerful. Even if he just has the idea of ​​drawing this [Water Transformation Talisman] in his mind, after condensing the mana, he will naturally have the power to condense the water spirit.

He controlled the minimum mana output and drew it in a fixed and correct form. He found that after the spiritual power left the body, it automatically formed a circuit that was attractive to the water element according to the runes, and quickly attracted a large amount of water element. He then The power of the talisman was stimulated, and the gathered water elemental power exploded, forming a large stream of water.

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