My world double door

Chapter 332 Research on Talismans


The curtains were opened, and bright sunlight shone through the windows into the office. Xu Yuan, who was wearing professional attire, squinted her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the sunlight shining on her body. Her hip-covering skirt was rolled up to her waist, and she held her hands behind the window. On the desk, hot breath was constantly exhaling from his red lips.

"Honey, please slow down, I'm all yours, no matter what you want, I'll be yours, as time goes by..."

Xu Yuan looked back at Li Yang behind her and spoke with a sweet hum.

"You don't understand. After drinking this medicine, you must exercise vigorously enough to maximize its effect."

Li Yang held Xu Yuan's waist in a suit and spoke with a smile on her face. Xu Yuan's face showed a charming charm: "Humph~ The medicine was all done yesterday. I really can't do anything with you..."

As soon as Xu Yuan finished speaking, she was turned over and held in Li Yang's arms and fell on the sofa. The long black silk legs under the hip-covering skirt were wrapped around Li Yang's waist, and the bow was getting harder and harder.

After lying down until noon, Xu Yuan became stiff again and relaxed all her strength. After waiting for a while, she hurriedly put on her shoes and ran to the lounge behind the office to fetch water and clean up.

After wiping her face, neck, legs, breasts, and buttocks, she dried them with a dry towel, and then pulled down her hip-covering skirt. Xu Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Then she realized something was wrong. She looked at the hip-covering skirt and found that there were There were some spots, and he immediately pouted, and hurriedly took off his skirt and changed into a pair of wide-leg jeans.

She took off her upper body of the women's suit and put on a top that matched the black wide-leg pants. She smelled her body again and found that even though it was clean, it still smelled like Li Yang's gold.

Her body was soaked with Li Yang's gold, and she still smelled like it even after washing it off. She immediately sprayed some perfume to cover up the smell and breathed a sigh of relief.

After changing her high heels into white shoes, Xu Yuan walked out of the lounge and found that Zhou Li had taken off her blue jeans to the back of her buttocks and was lying on the sofa playing with Li Yang. She immediately pouted and waited for a while. Yes, the results finally came soon.

"Okay, okay, hubby, this time is enough. It's time to have lunch, just once. I haven't recovered yet. Let's play again in the afternoon."

After discovering that Xu Yuan came out, Zhou Li said with sweat dripping from her forehead. It had already rained heavily and Li Yang was soaked all over. She was about to have lunch and didn't want it to rain again.

"Okay, let's go have lunch."

Li Yang spoke with a smile, then opened the faucet and flushed the rainwater, then took it out and went over with a smile on his face to ask Xu Yuan to help clean the faucet.

Xu Yuan squatted down and cleaned the faucet carefully, leaving water stains on her mouth, but fortunately she cleaned it quickly. Finally, she wiped the water stains with a dry towel and helped Li Yang put away the faucet.

After putting away the faucet, Zhou Li also finished cleaning herself and walked out of the lounge inside with a smile on her face. She and Zhou Li walked out of the company president's dedicated elevator holding Li Yang's arms.

Li Yang rubbed the two women's buttocks with comfort, and took them to enjoy a sumptuous lunch after walking out of the company. He returned to the company in the afternoon and had another wonderful half day.

By night, Zhou Li and Xu Yuan were exhausted, and he devoted himself to studying the talismans again.

Zhou Li originally worked in the Heyang branch, but Li Yang felt that they were all old classmates and it would be a pity not to get together more often, so he moved her to the Linhai head office.

Although Heyang's status and weight have grown terribly due to his connections, and the Heyang branch is also very important, but for him now, it doesn't matter whether his woman is in it or not. After all, he has so many loyal ones. Machine minions.

However, his immediate boss Lin Shiyu, who was almost broken by his toy, couldn't bear it anymore and took the initiative to transfer back to Heyang, so nothing changed much.

Li Yang straightened their hips and drew a unique [Thunder Fist Scroll] on it, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The scrolls in the magic world are more of a brand. The magic that one has already mastered is fixed in the scroll in the form of a brand, forming a special magic scroll so that people who do not know this magic can also cast it. Door magic.

The advantage is that there are many types of scrolls that can be made, and you can make whatever you know how to, including space movement scrolls. However, the disadvantage is that the material requirements for the scrolls are very high.

Can this method also be applied to talismans, or use talismans to simplify the difficulty of manufacturing scrolls, so that the material requirements of the scrolls are not so high?

It was this idea that gave Li Yang a research direction, and after a month of careful study of the basic talismans, this Xu Yuan's beautiful hip talisman version of [Thunder Fist Scroll] is a result.

"It's done!"

Looking at the scroll on the beautiful buttocks, Li Yang beamed. After previous experiments, he had already known that the talisman method in the world of cultivation was an efficient method of storing skills that could save 99% of the cost compared to the scrolls in the magic world.

Therefore, after trying the scroll version of the talisman in vain, he turned to studying the talisman version of the scroll, and now he has achieved great results.

After pinching his buttocks to remove the Thunder Fist scroll, Li Yang tirelessly studied other forms of thunder magic talismans.


A few days passed in the blink of an eye. On this day, Chen Li, who learned that Li Yang had been staying in Linhai City for several days, warmly invited Li Yang to his home for dinner.

Unable to refuse such hospitality, Li Yang had no choice but to follow his wishes and visit Chen Li's home. He rushed to the door of Chen Li's house alone and knocked on the door. Not long after, there was movement inside.

"I'm coming."

Yuping's voice came from inside the door. After a while, the door opened. Yuping was wearing a red tight skirt, with most of her white legs exposed, and she had slippers on her feet. She looked outside curiously.

When she saw Li Yang coming to the door, her expression showed a hint of surprise. Then she pursed her lips slightly, lowered her head slightly, and silently let in the smiling Li Yang.

"Yuping, I haven't seen you for a few days, but you are still so beautiful."

Li Yang looked at Yuping, who was wearing a red tight skirt, and praised her with a smile. Yuping hummed in her throat, closed the door, lowered her head, turned around and hurried to the living room.

"Brother Li Yang is here, don't be shy, please sit down quickly, please sit down quickly, the food is ready, you can eat now."

Li Yang saw Yuping walking into the living room with her head lowered and without saying a word. He also walked over with a smile. When he walked there, he saw a man wearing an apron coming out of the kitchen. It was Chen Li. Li Yang then greeted him with a smile and asked him to sit down.

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