My world double door

Chapter 334: Cultivation Goal Achieved


Thunder was rolling, natural thunder and lightning shuttled through the clouds, and the entire sky was filled with layers of rich thunder elements.

In such a thundercloud, even with the earth's advanced technology, it is still an absolutely forbidden area. Any flying equipment entering it will inevitably be destroyed.

But today, in the midst of such terrifying thunderstorm clouds, there was a figure with a fierce aura like a mountain torrent flying freely through the thunderstorm. The thunder elements around the place it passed were absorbed into his body like a tide. , the whole body is shining with gleaming light.

What's even more frightening is that this figure not only traveled in the clouds, but also traveled in the clouds for several months. It wasn't until there was no longer a faint arc flashing on the body's surface that the figure suddenly disappeared from the thunderstorm.

"Boom, Pika!"

Terrifying thunders that were tens of thousands of times more terrifying than thunderstorms flashed continuously in the void. When the figure that disappeared from the thunderstorm reappeared, it had arrived in space beyond the earth, and its body was surrounded by terrifying lightning. , the body is like a wild dragon, traveling freely and horizontally in the vacuum of the universe.

Accompanying the rapid movement of its body, there were also terrifying thunderbolts that were constantly bombarded from its body, easily destroying all the space junk floating in the space.

The thunder surging in his body sometimes possesses divine power, and sometimes causes disillusionment. At the same time, the flashing thunder is like an ocean that cannot be poured out, and there are constantly terrifying thunders emerging like raptors.

After a long time, Li Yang seemed to have realized the powerful thunder power in his body, and Li Yang stopped from the air with satisfaction.

"Yes, the thunder magic that has absorbed and tempered the natural thunder elements has really been transformed, and its power is incomparable."

Li Yang felt the results of his unremitting efforts over the past few months, and could not help but reveal a satisfied smile.

After playing happily on earth for three months, the immortal power in his body finally became mellow.

Formations, talismans, alchemy, and weapon refining are all profound knowledge, but what he has gained now is only basic knowledge. In the past three months, he has understood the four basic methods to the extreme, and is on the path corresponding to the magic world. By cooperating with each other, many powerful [talismans], efficient [elixirs], powerful [magic weapons], and unique [formations] were developed.

In this way, he plunged into the thunder seas all over the earth, absorbing the thunder elements naturally generated by the heaven and earth to enhance the thunder magic power in his essence.

It took nine months of continuous absorption of the essence to finally restore all the thunder magic in the body to 80% of the normal level that a thunder mage in the magical world should have. Yes, even if the earth's thunder element is absorbed and utilized to the limit, At most, he could achieve 80%. He had no choice but to wait for the magic world to slowly recover with the help of the thunder element of the magic world.

Or, go to the world of Xianxia and directly absorb stronger thunder elements, triggering a deeper transformation of thunder magic.

Among them, what makes Li Yang feel most satisfied is the immortal power absorbed into his body.

Originally, when he absorbed the thunder element to a certain extent, it would reach a certain critical value, and he would have to stop and wait for the body to digest it. However, after possessing the power of immortality this time, this negative effect was directly digested by the power of immortality, making He can completely transform the thunder magic in his body in one breath without any hindrance.

Li Yang realized that his spirit was mellow and unimpeded, his immortal power was flowing softly like spring water, and the thunder magic in his body was flashing with fierce aura, carrying the supreme aura of destruction, and the vitality of all things facing the sun.

It has been one year and one month since I returned to Earth, and all my spiritual goals have been successfully achieved!

"It's April 2029."

After realizing himself, Li Yang couldn't help but have a satisfied smile on his lips, but then he thought that he had neglected the women and relatives on the earth this time when he practiced the thunder element, and he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"I haven't seen them for nine months. Fortunately, they were given longevity medicine in advance."

Li Yang thought to himself, and was also thinking about when to go to the apocalyptic world to learn more about the technological knowledge of the apocalyptic world.

At least at the stage of the golden elixir, the technology of the apocalyptic world should be of great help, but he used to only use the apocalyptic world as a place to obtain genetic medicines, and left after getting what he wanted, with almost no in-depth study. knowledge of living that world.

Later, because of the connection between the magical world and the fairy world, he went to the magical world more and more, so that he became more and more familiar with the magical world, but he never personally mastered any core technology in the apocalyptic world.

Now, his talismans, formations, elixirs, and weapon refining are all integrated with the corresponding knowledge of the magic world. If he learns the corresponding knowledge of the apocalyptic world, his current level of related aspects may be improved to a higher level. .

"Go spend time with your family first."

Looking at the earth below, Li Yang shook his head. Instead of rushing to learn things about the apocalyptic world immediately, he moved back to the earth with a thought in his heart.


Earth, Heyang City.

Within the entire city, no one knew that there were pieces of jade that shone with light and were buried deep into the earth by special means.

These jade stones are interconnected with each other, forming a huge qi network. It is the first set of formations created by Li Yang through the fusion of magic formations and the basic formation knowledge of the world of immortality. It has the functions of gathering spirits, warning, and guarding. The effectiveness of identifying enemies.

It has been nine months since the formation was formed. During these nine months, the residents of Heyang City feel that the environment has become better as if a filter has been added, even if they are in the city. There is also fresh air like a virgin forest to breathe.

There is more energy and energy, more abundant qi and blood, faster recovery from illness, better recovery from injuries, more flexible brain operation for learning, and better physical exercise effects. In winter, there is heavy snow, but Residents with strong vitality don't feel cold. In summer, the sun is shining brightly and the rain is abundant, and they don't feel hot either. The whole city enters a state of vitality.

In Mi County, Bai Town and Liyang Village, the density of spiritual ideas is getting higher and higher, and the magical effect is very obvious.

There are two purple talismans hanging on the house of Li Yang's family. If you look closely, they look like thunder surging, and the sacred and dreamy atmosphere is flowing in them.

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