My world double door

Chapter 335 The air in Heyang is sweet

【Divine Thunder Talisman】【Fantasy Thunder Talisman】

The two talismans hung at the door of Li Yang's house, behind the door, around the walls and courtyard, on the roof and buried in the foundation were clearly talismans drawn by Li Yang based on the super thunder magic [Holy Thunder] and [Illusion Thunder].

With these talismans, the hometown, which is one of the cores of the formation, has become an absolute safe fortress. Any Xiao Xiao with malicious intentions will be unable to even get close and will be turned into ashes under the attack of the power of thunder. .

In the main room, there is an ordinary-looking Bagua Mirror hanging. However, this mirror looks ordinary, but in fact it is not ordinary at all. It is a magic weapon refined by Li Yang's latest weapon refining skills. The functions of breathing in and out the yin and yang qi machine are to regulate people's essence, energy, and spirit, sort out the qi machine of heaven and earth, protect trapped enemies, and move space.

Counting a top-grade magic weapon, with this mirror, sister Li Yang, once her parents encounter any crisis, they will be moved here by this magic weapon as soon as possible.

As for how its movement came about, it was naturally due to the use of space magic.

Li Yang's hometown, which is an important node in body formations, has extremely abundant spiritual inspiration. With the assistant of this precious mirror, the body of a person who has lived at home for a long time has been so nourished for a long time, even if he has no knowledge of any cultivation methods or has not stepped into any extraordinary world. Ordinary people in the gate can greatly extend their lifespan, and it is not surprising to live to more than two hundred years old.

If you pass the path of cultivation and step into the extraordinary, you can rely on the functions of these spiritual machines and magic weapons to maintain the improvement of your cultivation. Even if you don't practice, your strength will automatically increase, and your lifespan can be greatly extended. .

The nodes of the formation are obviously not limited to Li Yang's hometown. Li Yang's home in Heyang, Mi County, villa, and the vast starry branch all have nodes of different sizes.

Moreover, he has hidden craftsmanship in various places, making each place magical.

Under the influence of the formation, the houses and real estate in Liyang Village, Liyang County, and even Heyang City have become places where countless people want to get in.

But under the strict restrictions on household registration, the only connection they can have with this place is to marry their daughters in to gain the opportunity to live here.

So much so that on weekdays in Linhai and Shenzhen, ladies from the upper class in the capital competed to marry in the village, and began to appear on the streets of this newly emerging village, so that the whole village became fashionable.

Of course, those who can find a way to marry into Liyang Town are all rich and noble. The second generation of the second generation are only qualified to be women in Mi County, and the third generation can only enter Heyang City.

Of course, even Heyang City is a place where many people can’t get in even if their heads are squeezed.

"In Heyang, the air is sweeter than other places" is a description of fact, not licking. From this, its attraction to other people can be imagined.

In addition to these, every woman and family member of Li Yang carries with them a [Hundred Treasures Kit] and some 'ornaments' such as small swords, beads, and gourds. These ornaments are usually used for decoration. It's already beautiful.

At the critical moment, the power of the magic weapon inside is activated, and it becomes more beautiful when used.

Nowadays, in addition to their daily meals, they also take the elixir refined by Li Yang at a fixed time every day. This elixir is beneficial to replenishing the spirit, energy and spirit. It is a benign elixir that can be eaten as a meal without any side effects. Taking it Not only did it make their energy and spirit more powerful, but other deficiencies in the defense longevity gene potion were also slowly made up.

As Li Yang improves his various skills, the people and places around him have all received great help, which can be said to be the envy of others.

Of course, Li Yang didn't care about this, he was just doing what he wanted to do.

"Smelly husband, you have only been at home for more than three months, and then you flew into the sky and were struck by lightning for nine months. You didn't come back for nine months. You made people miss you so much. It's really annoying..."

In the room of the Heyang villa, Peng Feifei, who had officially graduated from university and became a top graduate student, had her black hair flying and spoke to Li Yang behind her.

"Oh, you know, little darling, my husband is getting stronger and stronger now. It is normal for him to practice for several months. There is nothing we can do about it. You see, your husband is filling you in hard now. "

Li Yang said with a smile. He was naturally very sorry to have disappeared for nine months, so he was really filling in the blanks now.

"Huh, I don't care, it's all my husband's fault. I'm going to punish my husband by staying in her boudoir for three days and not being allowed to come out."

Peng Feifei's coquettish voice came. As soon as the voice fell, she frowned and bit her lips. The next moment, her whole body froze and she was suddenly lifted up.


It was like the world exploded, and the whole brain roared for an instant under this strong attack. The next moment, surging rain fell from the sky, drenching Li Yang all over.

"With this little strength, if you want to occupy your husband for three days, you have to practice hard."

Li Yang looked at his absent-minded real girlfriend, kissed her with a smile, and asked her to have a good rest. Then he came to the living room to play with several women who had gathered to make up for the women's regrets.

With Li Yang's current strength, these women were easily picked off, and it didn't take long for them to become familiar with his scent.

He spent time with his family again, and saw the time coming to September 2029, before he moved, left the real world, and came to the magical world.


Magical world, human public domain city, Li Mansion.

Ever since the three elves moved in, this place has been completely transformed into a forest full of life. It has been a year or two since Master Li Yang left, but for the extraordinary people in this world, this is only a short time. Time, of course, doesn't matter.

However, today, Mr. Li Yang is back.

In the void, Li Yang appeared outside his mansion with glaring eyes. In a flash, he arrived at Li's mansion, which was protected by layers of formations. He saw the elf princess caressing the big tree with her bare feet. Aishia.

Seeing this perfectly qualified female elf again, Li Yang's eyes flashed with gleam, and he suddenly took a stake in her from behind, and then played with her fiercely from toes to head.


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