My world double door

Chapter 336 Fierce battle, breakthrough

"Why do I feel a little strange today..."

Human race public domain, Li Yang's mansion.

Leslie, who was absorbing the immortal energy and practicing in the magic gathering place surrounded by giant trees, suddenly felt hot in her heart. The strange feeling almost made her feel like it was raining. She immediately had to quit the practice state. She felt very strange and opened her beautiful eyes. .

Although she is already Li Yang's wife, Leslie does not know her husband's special skill [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra] that is extraordinary in the entire magical world, let alone the magical effects of [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra].

Her body has already been deeply seeded with love by Li Yang. This is one of the most mysterious methods in the "Yin Yang Zhi Miao Jing". It has the magical effect of restraining feelings and fixing feelings.

The mystery of the [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra] that makes the minor practitioner exclude everyone else and become more and more obsessed with the major practitioner comes from this love thread.

This Leslie was once sown by Li Yang, and her love has long been solid and deep. Normally, it would be fine if Li Yang did not take the initiative to use his skills and leak his aura, but at this time, Li Yang released his aura without concealing it. , was immediately provoked.

Li Yang's breath itself seemed to turn into the middle finger that played with love. As soon as he touched it, Leslie was immediately heated up all over and her heart was so full that she was unable to practice. After hurriedly refining the immortal energy she had just breathed into her body, , he could no longer continue to practice, and he couldn't help but search for the cause of teasing her.

"Is there an enemy invasion?"

With doubts in her heart, Leslie immediately thought about the direction of enemy invasion. Her expression suddenly became solemn, and she suppressed the anger in her heart. The eyes of the super phantom beast that was always following her flashed red, and the next moment a pair of A demon bear with explosive power and an aura at the peak of Super Monster appeared, and a group of Super Monster level wolves appeared around him, along with two giant tigers with fangs.

In the sky, there is a powerful eagle and a crow with flames all over its body. In the soil under its feet, two land elves are walking through the soil, and their spiritual thoughts are constantly scanning all the information and fluctuations in the earth. .

The main summoned beast on his body appeared, and Leslie was obviously ready to fight immediately.

Her strength had already reached the peak of super transcendence during her intense interaction with Li Yang. Now after Li Yang left, she began to absorb immortal power with the help of the gold left by Li Yang. The powerful power made her naturally Have strong perception ability.

Not to mention a super transcendent, even an apprentice-level transcendent has very keen senses, let alone Leslie, who has absorbed the power of immortality.

In addition, under the magical effect of Qingsi, the person who is possessed by Qingsi will have a weak ethereal response to the owner of Qingsi. This makes Leslie even more convinced that the immortal power she absorbed has a magical effect, which actually makes her directly Sensing the location of this enemy who exuded 'malice' towards him, he immediately suppressed the heat in his heart and increased his vigilance.

However, after the surrounding magical beasts gave her power, Leslie still did not notice the approaching crisis, and immediately summoned a tree spirit with a calm expression.

As a healing force, the tree spirit is a vital member of the team. If something goes wrong with it, the fault tolerance space will be greatly reduced, so Leslie did not release it from the beast control space immediately. Instead, release it only after making sure there is no hidden danger around you.

Immediately after the tree spirit appeared, green light particles floated out from the tree canopy. These light particles gathered together formed a stream that looked very similar to the life essence of the Elf God Tree of Life, but it was the innate skill of the tree spirit. Pure light can not only restore injuries, but also remove toxins from the body. It can be said to be an excellent auxiliary skill to remove magic injuries from the body.

It is such a tree spirit that can firmly occupy an important position in Leslie's beast-controlling team.

The talent skills of the tree spirits that have reached the level of super monsters are indeed extraordinary. Under the vigilance of other combat beasts around, these rays of light quickly integrated into Leslie's body, immediately shocking her spirit, and her eyes glowed. Flashing, the condition immediately returned to its best.

She immediately took the tree spirit, which was only over three meters tall, back into the beast-controlling space, and used the beast-controlling magic power with a trace of immortal power in her body to increase the effect of the healing light. After a moment, all the healing power in her body was digested, and Les Li opened her eyes solemnly.

"With my magic power of immortal power, I can digest the dryad's healing skills, but I can't even get rid of this mysterious poison."

Realizing that the heat in her heart was still there, and was even getting worse, Leslie took a deep breath, a flash of determination quickly appeared in her eyes, and she decisively sat on the back of the Demon Wolf King.


Leslie, who sensed the location of the 'enemy', directly ordered her beast masters to rush and explore towards the location of the enemy that was sensed in the dark.



The magic eagle and the magic crow flew into the sky to provide vision reconnaissance, but what weighed heavily on Leslie's heart was that even with the magic eagle's vision at the peak level of Super Warcraft, it was unable to detect the enemy.

"It seems that he is still a powerful enemy."

With this thought in mind, Leslie sent out a distress and warning message without hesitation, asking Raphael, who was already a mid-term magician, to quickly support her.

Raphael may not be able to defeat the enemy, but her battle with the enemy will definitely attract the attention of the defenders. By then, there will be more escape routes no matter what the situation is.

And if the enemy can kill even Raphael instantly, then it will be useless for the defenders from all over the world to come, because the one who can kill Raphael instantly must be a dual-power extreme transcendent at the very least, so they don't need to resist too much.

He can only rely on the mark of life to let the Elf Queen know about it, so as to look forward to possible revenge.

However, it is difficult to achieve this. Every dual-power extreme extraordinary person has many and powerful methods. They have lived for so many years and have no cards to save their lives. Even if the Elf Queen takes action herself, there is no right time. , it’s also difficult to kill hard.

After all, this is a world of extraordinary single beings.

With such thoughts in mind, Leslie reacted quickly. After the message was sent, she immediately led the beast control team into a mobile roaming state to avoid falling into some kind of targeted directional magic of the enemy while standing still. among.


A piece of green leaves floated by, and a proud female elf suddenly appeared from beside Leslie. Under her proud body was a pair of white and tender legs. Through the green miniskirt, the edges of the round and tender buttocks could be vaguely seen. I saw the three characters "convenient toilet".

"Luo Fei, why did you come so fast?"

Seeing Luo Feier coming so quickly, Leslie's eyes flashed with joy as he was moving, and she couldn't help but say.

When faced with a crisis, it was natural for the top power around her to arrive as quickly as possible, but she didn't expect that Luo Feil would arrive immediately as soon as her message was sent out.

"Leslie, I also felt the special sense of crisis in the message you sent. I was looking for you when you didn't send the message. I made sure to come as soon as I received your message. .”

Luo Feier said with a smile on his face. As an intermediate wood magic master, her natural speed and reaction were faster than Leslie's. It was normal for her to arrive at Leslie's side first.

"What, do you also feel this strange feeling of heat in your heart?"

Hearing Raphael's words, Leslie's eyes flashed with shock, and she couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, now it seems that the opponent's main target of attack may be me, because even I feel a very strong restlessness, and you are the same as me, but I am a middle-stage magic master..."

Luo Feier opened and closed his somewhat frivolous lips, and Leslie's eyes flashed with solemnity when he heard this: "The other party dared to attack us directly in our mansion like this. He must have made complete preparations. Now I'm afraid it's too late to get out, so the only way is to wait for you to confirm the situation and instantly cast powerful and loud wood magic to attract the attention of the defenders."

"Given Li Yang's current status and preciousness among the human race, if there is any movement in our mansion, it will definitely attract the defenders of the Seven Kingdoms. Only then will the situation have more chances of winning."

There is a powerful immortal magic array shrouding the Li Mansion, and as the master of the magic array, she doesn't even feel the slightest fluctuation in the array. Enemies can break in and attack her. Now even the immortal Luo Feier They were all hit in the mid-term, which shows the strength of the opponent.

And similarly, even Luo Feier was attacked at the same time, so the other party must have made complete preparations. With such a situation inside, and who knows what the situation is outside, it is definitely not a wise choice to go out rashly.

"I can no longer detect the aura of our princess Aisia. No one knows what exactly happened. We'd better get together now and make various preparations."

A magic seed appeared in Luo Feier's hand, recording all the scenes here, and looked at Leslie with gestures.

Leslie looked at the Raphael essence and blood already contained in the seed, pursed her lips, squeezed out a touch of her own essence and blood and carefully blended it into the seed.

There is no shortage of techniques to reshape the body in the magic world. Although the cost is extremely high, if their souls can survive, when Li Yang comes back, if he likes them, he will definitely reshape their bodies, so that even if they die, they can still reborn.

If not... Anyway, this is a possible retreat anyway.

"Princess Aisia is perfectly qualified and will not die so easily. If we arrive quickly, we may be able to resolve the crisis."

Raphael hid the magic seeds in the earth using special means, then looked at the location of the 'enemy' that was consistent with Leslie's induction, and spoke in a low voice.


Leslie nodded solemnly, then took a deep breath, and immediately sent out several demonic snakes to quickly explore forward with the ability to escape from the air. She then used all the buffing magic while being surrounded by the beast masters. Go to each beast, and then take the initiative to attack the target location.

They still had an idea in their minds - the other party did not kill them directly, but did it in such a quiet way. Could it be because they were afraid of their fighting power?

Is it just that the ability to influence people's hearts remotely is powerful?

They guessed in their hearts that they were extremely fast with this idea. If this was the case, then the faster they rushed over, the greater their advantage would be.

"After this time, we need to find direct contact information with the guardians of the Seven Kingdoms."

Leslie whispered solemnly, and Luo Fei on the side also nodded secretly. They thought that with Li Yang's identity and their own strength, plus the formation in the mansion, it was basically impossible to encounter him again. Nothing dangerous.

But what happened today taught them a hard lesson. Although they have to worry about the thoughts that they, as Li Yang women, having contacts with other men will bring to Li Yang, but in the face of safety, Not that important anymore.

After all, they themselves resist this kind of thing, so it is impossible for this kind of thing to happen. Furthermore, if they die, wouldn't it mean that their husbands have less time to play?

This is the greatest discomfort.


The two women moved extremely fast. Considering the size of the mansion, even if Li Yang used space magic to expand the area of ​​the mansion a hundred times, it only took a moment for them to pass through the forest and approach the place where the aura was.

Just when they arrived here, they heard Aisia's cry, and their expressions suddenly changed slightly. They quickly passed through the fog in front of them and hurried forward.

But the next moment, as the mist entered, the scene inside made them look stunned, and Leslie quickly put away all her beasts with a wave of her hand.



In the mountain environment surrounded by fragrant vegetation, the fierce battle officially began.

A year passed quietly.

In the fierce battle, the gold around Li Yang decreased rapidly, and his aura also accumulated rapidly.

Having already possessed the power of immortality, the immortal energy was quickly digested after entering his body. Under the influence of the "three-pronged approach" of two special physiques, in just one year, his soul aura, The thunderous magic aura and the physical aura suddenly rose together.

The middle stage of Immortal Spirit!

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