My world double door

Chapter 379 Stronger [Xuan Yin Corpse Record]

As soon as his mind moved, the zombie in front of him opened his eyes and looked at him as he expected, and immediately turned his head to the left, turned to the right, nodded up and down, etc., all of which were achieved under Li Yang's will.

Looking at the manipulative zombie in front of him, Li Yang showed a smile.

Zombies are different whether compared to ordinary corpses or ordinary zombies.

The previous [Corpse Servant Technique] was based on injecting one's own spiritual power into the zombie's spiritual space and controlling it through spiritual power.

But [Xuan Yin Corpse Record] is in a completely different way. Every step of it has strict requirements. Li Yang was originally worried about failure, but now he watched the zombies in front of him move according to his thoughts. I feel relieved at last.

However, after experiencing the contents of [Xuan Yin Corpse Record] for a moment, Li Yang felt relieved again.

If [Corpse Servant Technique] can be successful, then in fact [Xuanyin Corpse Record] should be even more successful.

Because [Corpse Servant Technique] only uses a simple group of spiritual power to control zombies, but [Xuanyin Corpse Record] uses mana plus blood essence to form a network-like control over every part of the zombies. [Corpse Servant] The control of the technique is more than a hundred times stronger, and there is no need to worry about the risk of being attacked by the controlled corpse-refining power to destroy one's own soul.

Of course, [Xuan Yin Corpse Record] also requires the use of blood essence and mana, but blood essence and mana are different from soul power. Soul power does not change in the spiritual space, while the blood essence and blood acting on the corpse have long been. It has become something else, which is equivalent to being consumed.

It is simply impossible to do anything with this consumed blood essence.

As for mana, it has already become a method. It is even more impossible to use this power to perform any methods.

The only use is to allow people to pass the breath of the spell's mana and roughly know the breath of the monk who controls the corpse. Moreover, since the integration of the spell and the corpse has already undergone many changes, even if the breath is remembered, it will not They are the same, or even far different, so they are of very little use.

Of course, some methods such as positioning can also be used, but...controlling the refined corpse against the enemy is a face-to-face battle. When seeing the refined corpse, the master must be around to control it. What is the use of this positioning method?

Moreover, due to the rich experience of "everything can be born" in the world of immortality, this method of controlling corpses not only has strong control over corpses, but also has a suppressive effect on the spiritual wisdom that may be born from the corpse itself.

It is extremely difficult for something like a corpse to give birth to spiritual intelligence on its own, not to mention that there was a magic formula that suppressed this possibility in the very early stages, so it would be even more impossible for self-consciousness to be born.

Moreover, this formation will also guide the power of spiritual intelligence to develop in other directions - for example, even if the realm of corpse refining improves and the corpse is born with spiritual intelligence, it will 100% recognize the master Li by default. Yang, can be controlled by it and at the same time have the ability to act on its own.

However, the lowest level of corpse refining at this level is the golden elixir level. It is difficult for ordinary practitioners to have this level of corpse refining.

Imagine having such a golden elixir-level refined corpse, when fighting against others, what is the difference between having a fellow Taoist two against one?

This is also the power of the corpse refining method!

Of course...Li Yang didn't think it was rare.

"Given the intensity of Yin evil in this world, one year is equivalent to a hundred years in an ordinary Yin evil land. Seven years buried here is equivalent to seven hundred years. Without refining these zombies, it is equivalent to refining Qi or even... With a foundation-building level of cultivation, I don’t know how many golden elixir-level corpses can be produced when the time comes.”

Li Yang's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he already had an answer in his mind as to how long it would take for the zombie to be buried and refined.

Seven years later will be the time for him to enter the magical world after the power of the demons dissipates. By then, it is unknown what the magical world will be like, and in order to leave more fighting space for the future, he must Go to the magical world to help fight against the invasion of demons.

By then, the stronger his own power will naturally be, the better, so he will most likely bring these zombies with him!

And... if he wants to practice immortality at a faster speed, he must practice the [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra] to a greater extent. The Elf Queen of the Magical World or even a powerful person comparable to the peak of the Golden Core, and also has a special physique , his feedback will inevitably be the most influential among all women.

Next year will be the time when the seventh-generation genetic potion will be born. By then, he will have absorbed the seventh-generation genetic potion and reached the genetic limit. His body will have grown to an unknown extent. There are only six years left before he can enter the magical world. In these six years, Over time, even if Li Yang tried his best to practice with the sixth-level female genetic evolvers, he could only fill up the foundation-building and restoration space brought by the seventh-generation genetic medicine.

In this way, there is a high probability that he will face the problem of forming an elixir in seven years. In order to successfully form an elixir in one go, the Elf Queen has no choice but to help.

Come to think of it, she wouldn't refuse?

If he can upgrade his immortal cultivation to the golden elixir level before the outbreak of all-out war, and then learn stronger techniques in the capital of the new world [Jiuli Dynasty], as well as a series of [Hehuan Sect] With these methods, coupled with the refined zombies, we will have sufficient fighting power to face the demons!

Not to mention anything else, if it can consume and slow down the progress of some demon ancestors, it will give him a chance to increase his chances of winning in the future.

Li Yang was thinking in his mind, his eyes flickering as he thought about how killing those demons in the magical world could increase his spiritual power.

"Among my essences, my energy has foundation-building and rejuvenation, and my essence has genetic potions. They are all far superior to those of normal monks, reaching an incredible level. Only my spirit is a little weak, even if I practice the magic soul method. "

"Golden elixir emphasizes the perfect balance of essence, energy and spirit. To a certain extent, I am actually in a state of severe imbalance. When the time comes, I will hunt more demons and increase my mental strength. If I can achieve the balance between essence and energy, To such an extent, maybe it will be much less difficult to form pills by then."

One thought after another flashed through Li Yang's mind, and then he looked at the remaining zombies with a smile on his face, and the smile on his lips became even wider.

The next moment, twelve drops of essence and blood floated out, one after another into the eyebrows of the remaining fifth-level zombies. With the help of magic spells, the thirteen fifth-level zombies were quickly controlled.

Thirteen drops of blood essence is a huge loss for ordinary practitioners, but for Li Yang, it is easy.

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