My world double door

Chapter 380 Dutian Xuansha Formation

The powerful physique only requires a slight movement of Qi and blood, and the deficit caused by the thirteen drops of blood essence just consumed is instantly made up for.

As the saying goes, one drop of essence and ten drops of blood, for ordinary monks, essence and blood are like the foundation of the body, and consuming some casually will naturally be a huge loss. But for Li Yang, who has a perfect body of golden elixir, it is just filling the basin with water. Mandu is fine.

However... Thirteen level five zombies are controlled by essence and blood, so there is no need to use essence and blood for the remaining zombies.

Li Yang looked at the remaining level 4 zombies, thought for a while, and directly used ordinary blood with diluted blood essence to refine them with spells. The remaining level 3 zombies directly used blood and a trace of blood to refine them. Silk essence blood replacement.

Unlike level 5 zombies, level 4 genetic medicines were developed before the end of the world, but were limited to high-level circulation. However, even so, a full 30,000 level 4 zombies were still born under the overly large population base.

Level 3 genetic medicines are only available to ordinary people at the highest level. After the apocalypse, a total of 10 million level 3 zombies will still be born. Although many of them are evolved from the zombies themselves after the apocalypse. But it also fully proves what kind of number the human beings in this world have reached when there is no shortage of resources before the end of the world.

Fortunately, Li Yang has a strong body. He can use the blood and blood essence to absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and then use the recovery ability of the gene to recover. Otherwise, with so many zombies, even one drop from one zombie Blood can also drain people dry!

But even so, after all these ten million level three zombies, thirty thousand level four zombies, and thirteen level five zombies were refined, Li Yang was exhausted.

You know, this is equivalent to refining and controlling 13 peak foundation-building monks, 30,000 perfect Qi-refining monks, and 10 million late-stage Qi-refining monks!

Such a comparison shows the intensity of Li Yang's workload!

Fortunately, he has a solid foundation and strong recovery power. Otherwise, it would have taken ten or eight years for an ordinary monk to refine corpses with so many corpses!

"Phew, with so many refined corpses, once the refining is successful, we can directly form a corpse array using the corpse-refined bodies as the base."

Li Yang breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the zombies he had refined, thinking to himself.

Arrays can be made of jade, plants, mountains and rivers, the world, stars, and even human beings are countless. Those who naturally study corpse refining [Xuan Yin Corpse] [Sect] has long researched the method of refining corpses into formations.

It's just that the requirements for refining corpses into an array are extremely demanding. If nothing else, just controlling the consumption of too many refining corpses is beyond what ordinary monks can afford. In addition, controlling too many corpses will increase the control power. , unless they are mixed with essence and blood to refine them like Li Yang, most of the zombies can only be roughly controlled, such as charging forward collectively, etc. Only a few can control the battle in a precise way. .

In this way, there are very few monks who can form a formation by refining corpses and also exert great power. There are only two or three ancestors of the [Xuanyin Corpse Sect] who have ascended to immortality by refining corpses and have this achievement. .

Ascension to immortality... This highest goal of cultivating immortality is clearly recorded in [Xuanyin Corpse Record]. Before the Hundred Thousand Yuan Meeting, there were practitioners who ascended to immortality...

"Ascension to immortality is truly a fascinating thing..."

Li Yang thought in his mind and knew that for him, this was also an opportunity to increase his combat effectiveness in time.

When these 1,030,303 zombies are formed, with thirteen level 5 zombies as the core, 30,000 level 4 zombies as the middle level, and 10 million level 3 zombies forming a large formation for the peripheral forces... I'm afraid even he would be surprised by the power it can unleash.

"Dutian Xuansha Formation."

The top corpse refining formation recorded in the [Xuan Yin Corpse Record] flashed through Li Yang's mind. He browsed it carefully and nodded secretly with satisfaction.

[Dutian Xuansha Formation] After the formation is completed, [Dutian Xuansha] can be condensed. Once this evil is practiced, it can be attacked, defended, and indestructible. It is an extremely powerful formation for fighting!

It is the most powerful corpse-refining formation recorded in [Xuanyin Corpse Record]. It requires a very large number of corpses. It requires at least 100,000 corpse-refining powers to successfully arrange it. There is no upper limit to the number of corpses. The more zombies there are, the more power it can exert, and it must be controlled by one person. This means that the number of zombies must be owned by one person, so it can be called the most powerful formation.

However, because of its extremely difficult requirements, no one other than the founder of this formation could set up this formation.

And Li Yang is probably the second one.

"All restrictions on zombies have been lifted, and we are ready to demonstrate no-go zones to residents at any time."

Li Yang gave instructions softly. The moment the words fell, all the zombies' restraints were opened. Li Yang followed and controlled the zombies to line up and walk out of the storage space to the outside world amid the amazed expressions of the genetic evolvers.

Outside the city used to imprison zombies, Li Yang did not mobilize the carrier or anything else. Instead, he directly used the huge [Qiankun Bag] he got in the world of immortality and a bunch of large [Space Bags] he refined. Put all these zombies in together.

Then looking at the city behind them and the blinded and shocked genetic evolvers, they couldn't help but shake their heads and sigh.

Fortunately, the end of the world is not caused by zombies. To the powerful genetic evolvers, these zombies are as fragile as lambs and can be destroyed easily. They can be manipulated as they wish, so this can help him kill them so quickly. All the powerful mutant zombies on the entire planet have gathered.

Otherwise, if it were Li Yang who did it himself, I don't know how much effort it would take to bring these zombies together.

"It's time and destiny."

Thinking that the genetic evolvers once allowed zombies to develop in despair, hoping that they might evolve into new humans and bring hope to the world, and now he uses these zombies to absorb and consume the evil power of the world, Li Yang A smile couldn't help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

There is no way to bring about blessings and misfortunes, only people bring it to themselves. This saying is really not true at all.

The power of Yin evil in this world is caused by the death of people. Therefore, seeing that he uses these Yin evil spirits to refine zombies and consumes these Yin evil spirits, the richness all over the world will naturally be gone. When the time comes, he will not say... What will happen to this world?

But, it's still good.

"I just don't know if I can suck all the evil power out of this world."

Li Yang looked at the majestic Yin evil force, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he disappeared in one step.

If all the evil spirits in the world were sucked out and used to refine zombies, to what extent could the zombies be improved?

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