My world double door

Chapter 384 On Cultivation

Different from the previous time when only [Hehuan Sect] and [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra] were passed down, now that [Xuan Yin Corpse Record] has arrived, Li Yang can be said to have a quite clear understanding of the realm of immortality.

After the monks have completed their foundation building and condensed their energy and spirit into the golden elixir, they are the early stage monks of the golden elixir. According to Li Yang’s records from [Xuanyin Corpse Record], the power of the early stage of the golden elixir in refining corpses and the effects of corpse refining on various situations. Comparing different monks, one can guess the comparison of genetic warriors in the early stage of the golden elixir.

The physical body of the early stage of the golden elixir - a person with an extraordinary physical body and an immortal state, a sixth-level potion.

In other words, an evolver like Li Yang who drank the sixth-level genetic potion to the limit is equivalent to obtaining a physical body in the golden elixir realm. If he is like him again, on the basis of the sixth-level limit, he has cultivated his physical body to the level of extraordinary. The ultimate strength is completely equivalent to the physical body at the perfection level of the golden elixir.

But if you just use pure genetic potions to compare, if you want to compare the physical body of the golden elixir peak, you can only use the seventh-level genetic potion, and even the evolvers who have taken the seventh-level genetic potion are only as good as the golden elixir peak monks in the physical body. His physical strength is just the same.

In other words, the golden elixir is perfect - a peak thunder magician, and a seventh-level potion that is only equivalent to the physical cultivation level.

As for the immortal cultivators whose physical bodies have reached the peak of the golden elixir, even if they exclude mana and golden elixirs, and how many magical means they can use purely with their physical bodies, if they can't defeat the seventh-level genetic evolvers loaded with various mounting abilities, then that's another question. Don't talk about it.

Based on Li Yang's current understanding of technological means, it can be felt that the seventh-level genetic evolver combined with [Space Crystal] in pure physical combat, coupled with the various abilities mounted, may be even better at the peak of the Golden Core. Not a weak hand!

As for the realm of the golden elixir that was unknown before, it is now clear that the practice of the golden elixir realm is actually the practice of the golden elixir. Monks in this realm only need to cultivate the golden elixir in the body, and their overall strength can be improved.

After nine times of sublimation and improvement, you can cultivate the golden elixir in your body to the extreme, and have the foundation to condense the Nascent Soul. The practice at this level is the nine turns of the golden elixir. Each turn, the magic power transforms once, and the soul and body follow it. Transformation, three transformations to a state.

When the golden elixir reaches its peak in the ninth revolution, the Nascent Soul can be condensed.

And the way to condense the Nascent Soul is - through the power of supernatural powers!

After cultivators reach the peak of the Golden Core, basically every one of them has become an elite who has experienced countless experiences. Each of them will not lack [Dharma]

For example, the [Golden Thunder Method] that Li Yang obtained before is a kind of method.

Comprehend at least one [Dharma], practice it to the extreme peak, and transform the Dharma into magical power after the golden elixir is perfected. Use this as a seed to refine the magical power into the golden elixir. The golden elixir can be based on the magical power as the core, and obtain A fundamental transformation and sublimation, transforming into a baby-like form!

At this point, it is the Nascent Soul realm!

The Nascent Soul realm compared to the Golden Core realm is not only a change in the appearance of power, but also an extreme sublimation of power, a transformation like evolution!

The power of supernatural powers is powerful. Before the realm of Yuanying, the power of the monk's golden elixir was only used as an energy source to release various spells. However, when the Nascent Soul is condensed, the magical powers are the foundation, and the power of the golden elixir comes directly from the essence of spirit. This simple source of power turned into a powerful means like supernatural powers.

In this case, the sublimation and improvement brought by the golden elixir composed of pure energy, energy and spiritual power are huge, which can make the power of the golden elixir grow extremely strong, and finally transform into the Nascent Soul.

Nascent Soul, which seems to be different only in appearance, is actually ten thousand times more powerful than the Golden Core realm!

This is the terrifying thing about Nascent Soul!

The power of Nascent Soul also comes at a price, that is, the requirements for becoming stronger are higher.

When you reach the realm of Yuanying, if you want to become stronger, you can't just rely on the traditional method of transporting mana and absorbing spiritual power to become stronger, because at this time, the power of Yuanying has been tempered and improved by magical powers. In this way, you can no longer get a trace of it. increase.

Therefore, if you want to grow, there is only one way—continue to understand supernatural powers!

On the basis of the initial core magical powers, each Nascent Soul that is comprehended can be sublimated once. It will not reach the limit of the Nascent Soul realm until four magical powers are comprehended and the Nascent Soul has been sublimated four times.

This process is called the Four Transformations of the Nascent Soul.

There are four changes in the Nascent Soul, and each change is a state. The four changes are the early Nascent Soul, the middle Nascent Soul, the late Nascent Soul, and the perfection of the Nascent Soul.

When Yuanying first broke through, it was only the early stage of Yuanying.

There are three ways to realize magical powers in the Nascent Soul realm: comprehend the heaven and earth on your own, comprehend magical powers, learn the magical powers created by predecessors, and condense the power of your own practice to the deepest level to become magical powers.

To comprehend the heaven and earth and to comprehend supernatural powers is to comprehend the rhythm of heaven and earth, and to understand the changes in the laws between heaven and earth. Once the understanding is in place, one can comprehend the rhythm of Tao and realize a powerful magical power in one fell swoop.

Magical powers can also be learned. When a monk understands magical powers to the extreme, he can use them to leave his own magical power imprint on various carriers. Later generations can understand this imprint and learn this magical power if it is consistent with the magical power. Directly, he also gave birth to corresponding supernatural powers.

It's just that this kind of inheritance is often only found in large sects.

Condensing the power of one's own cultivation to the deepest level, it becomes a magical power. When the Nascent Soul has just broken through, it uses various methods to cultivate magical powers by transforming the Dharma into magical powers.

Among these three ways, the power of comprehending the formation of heaven and earth by oneself is extremely powerful, and it is 100% stronger than those who learn the powers of their predecessors, because those who learn the powers of their predecessors are destined to be unable to escape the shackles of their predecessors and reach the limit of their powers.

The power of condensing one's own power into magical powers is uncertain. The power of a weak person is about the same as that of a person who has learned the magical powers of his predecessors. However, if it is a powerful method, it is almost the same as a magical power that he has realized on his own.

In this way, when the Nascent Soul transforms to its peak, it can no longer progress. When there is no progress, it is the time to break through to become a god!

After the Nascent Soul transforms to its peak, it uses the power of the four magical powers to stabilize the four directions, opens up a small world on its own, and integrates the small world with its own Nascent Soul, which is the first level of the gods.

When the small world grows to the point where it does not require supernatural powers to be stable, it becomes the second heaven.

The small world breeds perfection and gives birth to the laws of the world, which is the third heaven.

This process is called the Third Heaven of Transformation!

There is a huge separation between the realm of transformation and the realm of harmony.

Three days after becoming a god, you need to survive the thunder tribulation before you can enter the Hedao.

As for overcoming the tribulation, only the peerless genius can successfully overcome the tribulation!

Once the thunder tribulation fails, one's own consciousness will dissipate, and all the cultivation will be fed back into the small world where it was conceived, promoting the growth of the small world and turning it into a secret realm of the big world. Therefore, the transformation of the gods to break through the union can be said to be a disaster of life and death!

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