My world double door

Chapter 385 Thunder Transformation

Once the thunder tribulation is successfully broken through, the inner world of the monks in the transformation stage will undergo a complete transformation and will be no different from the real world born naturally. At this time, the self and the world that have successfully overcome the tribulation will merge into one, and the body will be the world. , which is the realm of harmony.

It can be said that there is an essential gap between the Hedao realm and the Divine Realm. If we say that every move of a Hedao realm practitioner contains the huge and terrifying power of the entire world.

Even if they just use brute force to crush them away, it is still a terrifying force that is difficult to match for monks in the realm of gods, and they can only escape.

After all, a monk in the Hedao realm is equivalent to a big world!

How powerful and terrifying is it when such cultivation power is concentrated on one person?

However, it is precisely because this realm is so powerful that it can be called Hedao. As the second realm before a monk becomes an immortal, He should be so powerful.

However, although the monks in the Hedao realm themselves are the world, the monks in the Hedao realm still need to practice, but their way of practice is fundamentally different from the previous monks, that is - to practice the world.

That's right, only by cultivating your own world to perfection and cultivating the world's heavenly way can you break through the realm of harmony and enter the next level - the ascension realm.

When a Hedao monk has cultivated his own world to perfection, he can let the characteristics of his own world travel through the infinite multiverse and travel through worlds at a world-level speed.

They will first go to the parallel world related to their own destiny, and use their own terrible power to upgrade and integrate their own destiny in each parallel world to a level equivalent to their own, until all the selves in the parallel world have reached the same path. , then everything in other parallel worlds will be integrated into itself, so that its own existence is unique.

After that, you can walk in the infinitely diverse worlds and all the heavens and worlds to pursue the Tao and Dharma in other worlds, learn to get in touch with the forces of different worlds, and improve your broad understanding and theoretical insights of spiritual practice.

During this process, the monks who ascend to the realm will continue to sublimate their own world, until the world is sublimated to the limit, and they need to break through the last hurdle - their own world turns into the world of the great road.

In other words, turn yourself into the avenue!

At that time, he will be an extraordinary monk, and he can ascend and truly become an immortal!

Immortality, the highest goal pursued by immortal cultivators, is the highest realm that every immortal cultivator, every Taoist, and every mortal emperor who dreams of immortality longs for. It is a perfect existence that combines all expectations, dreams, and is full of imagination and mystery. .

Wisdom, strength, immortality, omnipotence...

Becoming an immortal is the ultimate pursuit of every monk. In fact, it is a goal that many monks who embark on the path of spiritual practice dare not even think about. It seems that just thinking about it will always be separated between themselves and immortals. The infinite gap will hit anyone with an unstable mind.

If an opportunity to become an immortal appears in front of you, no practitioner can resist this temptation. No matter where in the entire world of cultivation, any practitioner, no matter how pure-hearted and ascetic as he is, will instantly become a secluded sect. Time went crazy.

Mortal emperors have been obsessed with it for the rest of their lives, even if their national power is wasted, or even the country they built with their own hands is destroyed.

Practitioners strive for life, and even if they devote their lives, they can only leave with regrets. They will not regret their pursuit of immortality until they die.

This is immortality.

And [Xuanyin Corpse Record] is indeed an ancient secret method that can make people ascend. Even if they are immortals, there are still a few records in [Xuanyin Corpse Record].

To a certain extent, 'immortals' are no longer like the existence of matter and energy. Their existence cannot be understood by matter and energy, and has completely transcended the categories of all matter and energy.

It may not be appropriate to use 'concepts' to describe them. They have infinite power and can make all their wishes come true. No matter how great their magical power is, they are as small as ants to them. Facing them feels like facing a dream, making people unable to deal with them at all.

It seems that this is an illusory thing, because only in dreams, in such an illusory world, can your wishes come true and your words follow your words, but they all really exist.

That feeling is just like a mortal facing the vast universe. The deep feeling of powerlessness and insignificance will instantly erode everyone's heart, making people feel that they are not facing a person, but some kind of big world. huge celestial bodies, but at the same time they have clear personal consciousness and are independent self-existences.

This is immortality.

In the apocalyptic world, extraordinary power can be born with a physical body at the peak of the golden elixir, and coupled with the transformation of the world of immortality, it can already be called a powerful true world.

The large amount of majestic Yin evil energy possessed by such a world is very terrifying. Judging from the information Li Yang obtained in [Xuan Yin Corpse Record], if done properly, the Yin evil energy of this entire world will be eliminated. By absorbing Qi, he can really get thirteen corpse-refining guardians at the level of transformed gods!

But... there is another test.

"If you want to refine magical powers, you must at least have magical powers yourself. Otherwise, it is impossible to refine such mysterious power into other objects."

Li Yang thought to himself as he recalled the requirements and difficulty of refining magical powers recorded in the "Xuan Yin Corpse Record".

In other words...if he hadn't broken through to the Nascent Soul and given himself a magical power, I'm afraid these thirteen zombies would have really absorbed all the evil energy in this world, and the effect would be enough to last until the transformation. Even though he is a god, there is no way he can refine these zombies into god-level zombies!

If you want to become a god, you need to refine four additional magical powers in addition to your natal magical powers and place them in the four directions. Before that, no matter how many natal magical powers you have, they can only sit in the center and transform into your own substantial foundation.

In other words, even if Li Yang finds a way to install various abilities on the corpses now, he will at most make them the strongest among the Nascent Souls.

After all, at the level of Nascent Soul, the only thing that can widen the gap between them is the number of natal magical powers condensed in the body at the time of Nascent Soul. The greater the number, the greater the gap between them. Only in this way can the gap between the strong and the weak be created. difference.

However, no matter how many magical powers one has, they cannot become the magical powers that stabilize all directions, open up the world, and then be promoted to become gods!

Moreover... all the power of genetic technology is applied to the human body and has no effect on zombies. Even if he wants to add more mounting capabilities to these zombies, there is no way to increase it.

Therefore, it is still very possible to become a Nascent Soul through the special bonuses brought by the genetic medicine and zombie mutation, but to become a god, unless Li Yang has cultivated to the realm of the Nascent Soul, it is simply impossible.

————As for whether these zombies can cultivate to the Nascent Soul realm when they absorb all the evil power of the world, Li Yang is not very sure at the moment.

"Huh, now the matter of corpse refining has basically become a certainty. Next, we only need to wait for the corpse refiners to automatically absorb these evil spirits."

As Li Yang's thoughts flashed through his mind, he looked at the world in front of him and knew that it was enough to achieve this step, so he did not stay any longer. Instead, he moved from the apocalyptic world to the world of cultivating immortals—— Thunder Valley.

The most important environment for corpse refining is before the official start of corpse refining. After the corpse refining begins, all it takes is for the corpse to absorb the Yin evil energy and grow on its own. There is no need to do anything else.

To put it bluntly, the refined corpse is buried there until it can be unearthed, and then the refined corpse will naturally become it.

Therefore, it is useless for Li Yang to stay here. He has already made enough preparations. What he needs to do next is to continue to improve his strength.




The world of cultivating immortals is shaking the Thunder Valley.


Amidst the flashes of thunder, Li Yang's figure appeared from the void. He looked at the thunder around him, with a satisfied smile on his face.

After thinking about it for a while, with a thought in his heart, he released the natal magic weapon [nine-story pagoda] from his dantian, letting it float up and down in the thunder, bathed in the thunder filled with thundery energy.


The thunderbolts full of thunder and Yang energy hit the [Nine-story Pagoda] not only without damaging the pagoda, but also making the halo above the pagoda more solid. As a pure Yang magic weapon, the [Nine-story Pagoda] also has the power of thunder. As power and thunder dragon, this infinite power of thunder can no longer pose a threat to it. On the contrary, this rich thunder and sun energy can also benefit the [Nine-story Pagoda]. Under the nourishment of this thunder and sun power, it will continue to of solidification.

"When I reach the Golden Core realm and the nine-story pagoda undergoes its first transformation, it can be called the [Nine-story Xuanyang Pagoda]."

While the nine-story pagoda was rising and falling in the thunder, Li Yang was secretly moving in his heart. Feeling the power of thunder around him, he came up with a new idea of ​​condensing the first-floor thunder space, but he didn't think much about it. Instead, he directly started a new round of tempering and training of the power of immortal thunder.

While tempering the power of immortal thunder, he is also tempering his own immortal body and soul with the power of thunder.

Yes, tempered with thunder!

Although Li Yang's body has taken genetic medicine, he has also reached the limit of immortality cultivation, and he also used the thunder body tempering magic of the magic world, so his body can be called a thunder body to a certain extent.

Now, in this environment, his thunder magic power can be transformed, and his body can also be transformed. With the help of the stronger thunder power in the world of immortality, the components of the thunder body are more condensed and solid, and become stronger.

In addition, the soul can also absorb the meaning of thunder and sun, slowly condensing and improving the essence, making the power of his demon soul with thunderous interest become stronger, and even further escape from the soul state and strengthen the positive energy.

To a certain extent, it can be called the transformation towards the Yang God, and in this process, the holy thunder of his soul becomes more and more powerful, and will not stop until it reaches the same level as the power of the immortal thunder. .

Although such an improvement is not as profound as the benefits brought by the transformation of mana, it is still a solid and powerful progress for him.


Thunder dances, Li Yang controls the demon soul, the magic power of thunder, his body continuously absorbs the thunder elements in the sky, the energy of thunder and the power of thunder refine and improve himself, and the nine-story pagoda rises and falls beside him, bathed in thunder The power is swaying with golden brilliance.

Cultivation is spent slowly in such intense practice.


Apocalyptic world.

Time flies by. As time goes by, more than two years have passed since Li Yang appeared. After these two years, people in various gathering places feel a lot more relaxed, and it seems that the world has become a lot cleaner. .

Many inexplicable pollution symptoms have also become less severe. If it weren't for the deep-seated mutations that would still exist, humans would still be unable to give birth to children, and everyone would wonder if the end is coming.

Only some people who like to explore and high-level officials know that the cost of these places becoming relaxed is that a city has completely turned into a terrifying ghostland...

And with the arrival of this day, a new round of genetic medicine results in the cutting-edge scientific research laboratory also secretly achieved complete success.

With the birth of seven perfect seventh-level genetic potions with top-level efficacy, the research on the seventh-level genetic potion was finally officially declared successful!

At the same time, a figure who came here a month in advance also came to the cutting-edge research room at this moment.

"Is this the seventh-level genetic medicine?"

Li Yang looked at the seven bottles of potions exuding the color of the starry sky in front of him with great interest in his eyes.

If anyone is attentive, they will notice that Li Yang has changed a lot compared to the last time he disappeared. The most obvious change is that he has a lot more masculinity.

If Li Yang before made people feel as powerful as a savage beast, then now he is like a walking thunder that makes people awe and at the same time...frightened.

"Yes, Mr. Li Yang, these seven bottles of seventh-level genetic medicine are all equipped with all the genetic abilities that can be carried, and the effect has reached the limit that the formula can accommodate."

The scientist on the side nodded and sighed, with a flash of obsession in his eyes as he spoke: "The power of space is really fascinating, and the seventh-generation genetic medicine containing the power of space will definitely not let you down!"

"Oh, is it so."

Li Yang raised his lips slightly when he heard this, then raised a bottle of seventh-generation genetic medicine, raised his head and drank it into his belly.

"Just let me feel how powerful the space power of this seventh-generation gene potion will not disappoint..."

Li Yang murmured softly, and when his voice fell, a powerful force burst out from his body, instantly pouring into the deepest genes of his body. When his body moved, the space around him suddenly shattered, and then repaired instantly.

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