My world double door

Chapter 387 Li Yang, can you do that?

"Wow, wow~"

Like a surging wave, the power brought by the seventh-level genetic medicine surges in the body wave after wave. With the in-depth development brought about by exercise, every ounce of power is released thoroughly and in place, transforming the body. The strength limit was pushed to the peak.

Along with the power of the seventh-level gene potion being pushed to its limit by movement, there is also the movement of Dantian mana.


The 365 foundation-building returning mana that had already filled the dantian was like the ebbing tide of the sea, disappearing from the dantian layer by layer.

And as the strong mana disappears, the unbreakable door of the body's life source opens again, and the powerful mana carries the power of seventh-level genetic medicines and pours into the life source, fiercely feeding back the already strong life source. The life force has made the already strong sea of ​​life force increase again.


Streams of mana carrying the power of the seventh-level gene potion continued to pour into the life source of Dantian. The area of ​​​​the sea of ​​​​life source expanded again, and wisps of the essence of the power of destiny even set off waves on the sea. It continues to grow under the feedback of the power of genetic medicine.

Finally, with the rumbling sound of impact, the mana in the dantian returned to its original state, and the input of the power of the seventh-level gene potion also stopped, and the door of destiny closed again.

"Yao Yao~"

Wisps of brand new mana are slowly born from the root of the dantian, and the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth is poured in crazily, providing a supplement of energy. The mana is one point stronger than the mana that was already comparable to the golden elixir before returning to the Yuan. Gradually, Accumulated in Dantian.

The 366th return!

The level of foundation building and returning yuan has been broken through again!

However, this is far from the end...


With the violent impact of one after another movement, the Yin and Yang energy circulates throughout the body, and the power of the [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra] is brought into full play, and the return to the original state begins again and again in this high-tech room. Once again.




Magical world.

Time has gradually passed for five years, and the evil troubles in the entire world have become more and more serious.

One after another, the rare and powerful real demons crazily rushed out from the abyss, accompanied by endless demon tides.

The rolling demonic energy seemed endless, slowly eroding the land of the Life Continent, and the power of the abyss surged outward like a volcanic eruption.

However, the power within the magical world is not vegetarian.

Among the human race, the five professional founders, magician, knight, warrior, ranger, and wizard, appeared and transformed into five divine pillars, standing tall against the sky and the earth.

Around them, the founders of professional branches are like stars surrounding them, connected with their power and resonating together.

Around them, immortals are like fire, connected with them. All of them are cultivating the power of the founder of power. At this moment, under the leadership of the professional creator, countless immortals are forming a faint formation among each other. Unexpectedly, they can receive the increase in power from the professional creators through the air. Their bodies are like shining with golden fire, and their strength has been wonderfully increased, and they bravely kill every immortal monster that emerges from the abyss.

It doesn't stop there.

Among the elves, the sacred tree of life blooms with emerald green light, and countless branches of the sacred tree rise into the sky. The invisible life energy is connected to every elves in the immortal realm, serving as their support and backing, supporting their battles. .

Over the dwarves, a divine weapon flew into the air, absorbing the power of the earth fire and blooming infinite flames. The dwarves linked the power of the earth fire with their immortal roars and killed the ice monsters rushing out of the ice.

Under them, each small and medium-sized race also dedicated its strongest power to follow the three major races, jointly connecting the three major races' heritage, and killing the demons.

Under these immortal powers, extraordinary beings, with unparalleled bravery, launched frantic attacks on the remaining monsters.

Many races that had not had a large-scale war in countless years did not hesitate to show their own secrets. Powerful magical attacks were overwhelming. Even if the demons were coming fiercely, it was difficult to break through their defense lines.

If you look carefully, you can see that in front of every immortal-level monster there is exactly one immortal from the magical world, no more and no less.

Raphael, who became immortal because he stole Li Yang and entered the elven secret land, was among them. Her opponent was also a late-stage immortal monster.

This is the reason why the immortals in the magical world cannot die. When the number of immortals in the demon race and the living race is exactly the same, if any camp loses an immortal, the consequences will be disastrous. This redundancy The immortals who come out can completely rely on constantly helping their own immortals to kill the immortals of the life race one by one, thus cannibalizing the world of the life race.

Luo Feier was not supposed to become an immortal, but the appearance of Li Yang caused her to become an immortal by mistake. In this way, although Li Yang killed an immortal, the immortal on the side of the life race was killed. Nothing less.

Even... there is one more.


Among the many intelligent races, a three-clawed dragon with the late-stage aura of immortality lingering around its body was hovering in the air. The powerful aura emitted from its body helped an immortal from the human race kill a human again with its powerful and terrifying combat power. The immortal monster liberated an additional immortal power from the human race.

The liberated human immortal was very grateful to this dragon. Looking at the wisdom in its eyes, he felt the blessing of Mr. Li Yang in his heart. He then regrouped and immediately went to other immortal battlefields to expand his own advantage.

The three-clawed dragon didn't stop either. It hovered in the air and looked very much like a five-clawed dragon, but if you look closely, its four legs and two hind legs were stronger and stronger, and its toes only had three claws instead of five. It's just a dragon.

However, it is very rare and incredible that such a dragon with wisdom and ability to communicate can be born in the magical world, because there is no such dragon species in this world.

In addition, it is impossible for dragons in the magical world to communicate with each other under normal circumstances. Although these dragons are powerful, their souls are polluted by the power of dragons, making them unable to tame and communicate normally, and can only survive like wild beasts. Above the world, not even the spirit of the world can guide them.

And the adult dragons are extremely strict in caring for the young dragons, completely eliminating the possibility of being captured by creatures of other races. It was really great luck for the demon soul monk to get a dragon species before, but... from this young dragon, he finally Li Yang came to see him.

Whether this is its luck or the World Spirit's encouragement is still unclear.

Since the Earthly Dragon followed Li Yang, the magic power in Li Yang's body often washed its soul and body, causing the turbidity in its body to recede. As a result, its wisdom gradually emerged, and with Leslie's help, it gradually Grows into a late-stage immortal three-clawed dragon.

And the appearance of so many three-clawed dragons was the beginning of the reversal of the situation.

Why is it the beginning?

Because there is something more exciting...



In the center of the battlefield, demon gods whose breaths exceeded the limit of immortality were roaring, but no matter how they roared, they could not escape the strangulation of the immortal thunder mages with the power of thunder lingering on their bodies.


A thick thunder flashed through the air, and the eyes of an immortal perfect thunder mage flashed with lightning. He powerfully killed a demon god, followed by a movement of his body, and began to attack other immortals who were fighting the immortal creatures of the Life Continent. The monster was killed, and with the surge of thunder, even the immortal monster at the same level of perfection was easily killed by him in three strokes, five divided by two.

"Hoo, hoo~"

As the thunder flashed, another immortal monster was killed. A knight who was out of the battle couldn't help but sigh when he saw the figure of the Thunder Mage dissipating into thunder.

The Thunder Mages who once disappeared from the world are back again!

Looking at it, the battle between the bottom is going well, but a group of three-power limit and career pioneers, the Elf Queen and the elders of the Elf clan, the dwarf king and the dwarf elders have heavy expressions.

"This monster has always been hovering here. Although he came for Li Yang, he has stayed here for a long time. Even if he does nothing here, the limits of the world will be stretched by it, and in the abyss There is a truly terrifying aura brewing, connected to Him. Even if this terrifying demon has to retreat under the force of the world's forces five years later, the monster in the abyss will appear at least ten years later due to His guidance. .”

The Elf Queen was vaguely integrated with the Divine Tree of Life, and her whole body was exuding a rich white light. She looked at the monster still floating in the sky. It seemed like a puppet that had lost its target, motionless in the sky. But even so, the demonic energy in his body is constantly connected with, pulling and inducing the birth of this monster in the abyss.

Moreover, even the world around this monster was eroded by the demonic energy on its body, turning faintly black. Even though the tree of life tried its best to repair it, the effect was weak.

"I can feel that the monster in the abyss that is connected to this monster is far stronger than me. I wonder if you, as an extreme thunder mage, can resist it?"

The Elf Queen said as she looked at Gu Chen beside her, her eyes in the golden veil asked tiredly.

"I can't resist it either."

Gu Chen spoke silently, looking in the direction of the abyss involuntarily, and shook his head: "Even though Li Yang appeared, I, a Thunder Mage who should not have been able to reach the ultimate Thunder Mage, reached this realm, but with this There is still a gap like a chasm between the monsters that are about to be born, and I will never survive against it."

"Sure enough, even the peak Thunder Mage can't do anything about it."

Hearing Gu Chen's words, the Elf Queen pursed her lips, exhaled slowly, and then looked at the monster flying in the air in front of her and frowned solemnly: "So, the contamination caused by this monster in front of the world, Can you eliminate it?”

"It should be okay, let's try it."

Gu Chen was not sure, but after thinking about it, the purpose of his trip was to deal with this, and he had to give it a try. So after saying that, he jumped into the sky, and the Elf Queen immediately transferred the power of the Divine Tree of Life to him. , Gu Chen reached the limit of the area that the Divine Tree of Life can protect, and then took a deep breath and the power of thunder in his body spread out, and the thunder slowly hit the world space affected by the monster.

Silently, the area infected by the monster was gradually purified under the magic of thunder. It was not until Gu Chen no longer dared to use his own power to get close to the terrifying monster that he stopped and withdrew from the air.

"Queen, thank you for sitting here. If there is any news of erosion in the future, you can notify me as soon as possible."

After Gu Chen landed, he bowed to the Elf Queen, then talked for a while, then turned and left.

"Not even the Peak Thunder Mage. It seems that hope can only fall on my husband."

Elf Princess Ai Xia walked out of the hidden room opened by the trunk of the Divine Tree of Life. She looked at Gu Chen's leaving figure and sighed softly, and then murmured: "The aura of the monsters hidden in the abyss is so deep, you Say, can Li Yang stop it?"

"According to the feedback from the spirits of heaven and earth, this monster will stay for up to five more years. As for whether Li Yang can stop it..."

The Elf Queen shook her head, and the graceful body shrouded in the golden royal uniform turned and looked at her daughter: "We all rely on him, don't we?"

"Besides, I can feel the potential of the special power in his body that is different from magic power. If that power can really be strengthened through practice... maybe, even if the monster finally comes, it won't be anything."

The Elf Queen murmured to herself, and Aisha understood that she was talking about the monster that was about to appear in the abyss.

"In this case, we can only wait and see after my husband comes back... But before that, I still go out to fight and help everyone kill these demons as soon as possible."

Aisia nodded, then took a deep breath and left here under the gaze of the Elf Queen.

"Li Yang, can you..."

Only the Elf Queen was left on the high platform of the Divine Tree of Life. She looked at the Elf Kingdom in front of her and murmured softly.

I heard from Ai Xiya that when Li Yang did that, he could quickly improve each other's strength. I wonder what the limit of this improvement is?

A strange light flashed in the Elf Queen's eyes, and she stood quietly on the spot, waiting and paying attention to the movements of the monster in the sky.




"Okay, okay, okay Mr. Li Yang, ah, no more, no more, I can't stand it anymore..."

In the apocalyptic world, trembling screams came out from the high-tech room.

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