My world double door

Chapter 388 The limit of foundation building, one thousand and eighty times of recovery!

"Stop, please..."

In the room full of high-tech, pleading sounds kept coming from the room, and Li Yang, who always set an example with gentleness and was the most considerate, also gave a gift with understanding.

"A seventh-level genetic evolver is really good."

Feeling the Dantian in the body, with the last gift just given, the powerful mana once again filled the Dantian, but it was just a little short of returning to the original state. After feeling the seventh-level genetic medicine attached to the life source again, I still felt There is only one last small strand left.

In the blink of an eye, he has been working hard here for several years.

"The thousand and seventy-first time to return to the original state, but it is almost reaching its ultimate perfection."

Li Yang felt the magic power in his dantian and the state of his life essence, and thought to himself.

According to his estimate of the current state of return, one thousand and eighty returns should be the limit that the return can really accommodate, because as the return continues, he can feel that the growth of life has reached Some kind of ceiling that can no longer be expanded.

After feeding back the last power of the seventh-level gene potion, the limit will be truly expanded to death. Even if he uses various means to forcefully return to the original state, the result will be that his fate will overflow and dissipate out of thin air, without any impact on him. The life span is increased bit by bit.

"At this point, the foundation-building realm has truly reached its limit."

Feeling this feeling, Li Yang thought to himself, then a smile appeared on his face, and the heavy stone in his heart relaxed.

Foundation building is an important basic realm related to many realms in the future. Cultivating this realm to the limit will definitely be of great benefit to future practice. Comparing the descriptions of many realms in [Xuanyin Corpse Record], Li Yang feels that even It is not impossible to reach the ascension realm.

Because even the powerful performance of the foundation-building realm of the founder of [Xuanyin Corpse Sect] described in it is far less than what he is now. Under such circumstances, the founder of [Xuanyin Corpse Sect] can ascend, why can't he?

I don’t know, how much does his current mana compare to those of cultivators in the world of cultivating immortals?

"But now ten years have come. The training in the apocalyptic world has just ended. The remaining few returns can be spent with baby Axia. I won't bother these five women here anymore. It's time to go back to the magic world. .”

As thoughts flashed in Li Yang's mind, he looked at the five women in a comatose state around him, and a smile appeared on his face.

The seventh-level gene potion was indeed powerful, but compared to him, it was still a step behind.

After exerting all his strength in order to advance to the next level as quickly as possible, the five female evolvers of the seventh-level gene potion were not enough to look at. The one who was whipped by him was now struggling to move a finger and could only fall asleep.

But... it's good to take a nap. In this state, they can recover better.

Thinking about it in his heart, Li Yang also moved in his heart. In an instant, his body broke through the space and came to the place where the zombies were buried. He looked at the situation in the city again and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

"In five years, the evil energy of this planet has been basically absorbed, and now only the evil energy of this last city is digested."

Li Yang looked at the evil mist floating in the city, nodded secretly, felt the corpse refining below again, and even smiled on his face.

"In just a few years, all thirteen level five zombies have reached the level of corpse refining in the early stage of Nascent Soul, and indeed all the genetic medicines on their bodies have turned into initial magical powers."

Li Yang watched as he was created by the evil power of a planet, forcibly raised his own power to the realm of Yuanying, and automatically condensed the special power of the genetic potion into the original thirteen level five zombies with initial supernatural powers. He secretly felt in his heart. He moved, with a smile on his face.

As long as he is buried here and doesn't move, his strength will rise on its own. This method of refining corpses is really powerful!

Looking down carefully, the situation of more than 10 million zombies is imprinted in my heart, which makes people feel more satisfied.

The thirteen level five zombies at the bottom are all flashing with powerful zombie aura, and the five special zombies are even more extraordinary. Five special genetic powers of frost, flame, wind control, vegetation, and metal control are condensed into one. A supernatural power seed was planted in the backbone of the zombies together with the physical magical power transformed by the whole-body strengthening ability brought by the perfect genetic potion, thereby bringing them the powerful power of the Nascent Soul realm.

The remaining seven zombies have unified physical magical powers. When the magical powers are gathered together, they also have terrifying magical powers, but they are all physical magical powers similar to the laws of heaven and earth.

Of course, compared to the terrifying magical power of Fa Tian Xiang Di, the seven flesh zombies are much inferior, but they should not be underestimated.

In addition to these thirteen fifth-level zombies that have reached the Nascent Soul realm, the thirty thousand fourth-level zombies have also made similar progress. All of them have entered the Golden Core realm, and five zombies have actually reached the early Nascent Soul level. Condensed physical magical power!

And among the largest number of 10 million level 3 zombies, all of them have reached the peak of the Golden Core!

"The way of refining corpses is different from that of monks. Before reaching Yuanying, you only need to simply accumulate strength, but when you reach the realm of Yuanying, you need to accumulate a lot of energy. Therefore, although all corpse refiners have the strength of the peak golden elixir, but In fact, the Yin evil power accumulated in different batches of refining corpses is different. In the future, the time for fourth-level zombies to break through to the Nascent Soul realm will definitely be shorter than that of these third-level zombies."

Li Yang looked at the changes in these refining corpses and thought to himself. With a thought, he directly received the thirteen level five zombies into his storage bag, and then took the five zombies that had reached the early stage of Nascent Soul with him. Go, and then adjust the entire corpse pit so that the zombies who performed exceptionally well in the corpse refining are all buried at the bottom, allowing them to continue to absorb the evil energy to strengthen themselves, and then look towards the sky, with a trace of light in their eyes. thinking.

After the zombies reach the realm of Nascent Soul, they will not grow at all even if they continue to be buried here, because their foundation is already sufficient. Only when the foundation is fully sufficient to overflow, can their realm pass a little bit. Through his hard work, he accumulated his own genetic power and became stronger and stronger.

After becoming supernatural powers, the growth of these abilities reaches the limit. The power that can be exerted depends entirely on the use of different monks and their own strength. The same goes for corpse refining.

The subsequent practice of the Nascent Soul realm requires the cultivation of more magical powers into the body. This is something that can never be solved by simply burying it here. And no matter how powerful he is now, he is only building a foundation after all, without having any magical powers himself. , how to give these zombies the ability to develop supernatural powers?

Therefore, there is no point in continuing these eighteen early-stage Nascent Soul zombies here. It just so happens that the next trip to the magical world requires fighting, and bringing them with them can also be a help.

Although the remaining zombies are powerful, they still require a lot of water grinding. At this time, there are still a lot of Yin evil solidified objects at the bottom. It is the best choice to leave them in the pit to continue to absorb the Yin evil energy.

After all, there are still so many evil forces here that have not been utilized. Every second they stay here is a second improvement in their own strength.

In addition, Li Yang was thinking about another thing—should he go to the Magic World immediately?

Although, the message conveyed to him by the spirit of the magical world is that the monster can stay in the magical world for a maximum of ten years, and the most important step for the Demon Ancestor to corrode the magical world: to corrode the world with demonic energy, will only take fifteen years.

In other words, the monster's stay has ended and it should have left, and there are only five years left for the demonic energy to corrode the world. this really the case?

Li Yang couldn't help but think of more things, such as the immortality passed down by the spirit of the world, and the time for the arrival of the dark natural disasters getting shorter and shorter every time.

It can be seen from this that the results of the operation of the world spirit in the magical world can be changed.

So the question is, even what he does can be changed. If the Demon Ancestor is so bad, why can't he change the course of the magical world?

If that's the case, could it be that these ten years were just fake news, just to trick him into getting in and kill him instantly?

"I have to say that it is indeed possible."

Li Yang looked at the pit, thought about it, and suddenly calmed down. He felt that it was better not to rush to the magic world for the time being.

Now that more and more of the evil spirit of the apocalyptic world has been cleared away, the feedback from the world spirit of the apocalyptic world to him has further increased. Instead of taking the risk, it is better to digest the feedback from the world spirit of the apocalyptic world here.

By the way, if we wait and see, all the fourth-level zombies may be transformed into Yuanying-level zombies. By then, 30,3 zombies in the early stage of Yuanying will form a corpse-refining formation, and he will have more courage to use magic. The world takes a look at the situation.

With this thought, Li Yang couldn't help but make up his mind, and then simply sat there cross-legged and began to comprehend the knowledge of the apocalyptic world.

This time, surrounded by more world spirits, he had a deeper understanding of the science and technology of the apocalyptic world, going straight to the seventh-level gene potion.

In this way, Li Yang simply sat down in the sky above the city, silently learning to digest and understand various technologies in the apocalyptic world.

These technologies may seem useless for the time being, but they are full of knowledge and may provide him with unexpected help in the future.

Therefore, Li Yang did not give up on enlightenment because these methods were temporarily unavailable, but studied, understood and digested it very seriously.

Let’s not talk too much about it, but just talk about the recent ones. Wasn’t it because of the addition of human-like intelligence that the initial weapon spirit was born in his nine-story pagoda?

When thoughts flashed in his mind, Li Yang spent a whole year learning to digest them in this apocalyptic world.

A year later, Li Yang opened his eyes. As expected, he smiled and harvested five thousand corpses that had reached the early stage of Nascent Soul in the corpse pit. He was about to go to the magic world, but when he left, But then an idea came to my mind: Why don't I just go to the limit of foundation building and restoration in this world?

Looking again, he saw that the five seventh-level female genetic evolvers were still sleeping and recovering. He simply took a few more sixth-level genetic potions, and found Bi Yue with the seventh-level genetic potions produced with the resources he had given him in the past few years. Yue's house.

At this moment, Bi Yueyue was drinking tea at home with the five ladies and the slave girl Chang Yanyan. Li Yang's appearance immediately aroused their surprises. When they saw the genetic potion in Li Yang's hand, they even exclaimed, They scrambled for Li Yang to deliver the genetic medicine into their bodies, and then Li Yang exercised them in different ways.

After exercising like this, several months passed.


In Bi Yueyue's room, Li Yang stood up from several women, the magic power flowing on his body, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

Build the foundation and return to the original state one thousand and eighty times.


“At this point, it’s no longer possible to return to the original state.”

Feeling his own cultivation, Li Yang's heart moved secretly, and the contents of the pill formation immediately appeared in his mind, but he was a little hesitant.

"Now, my mana and body have reached an unimaginable level in this realm, but my soul power is far from the two. If I form a pill like this, it is a bit imperfect."

With thoughts in his mind, Li Yang was hesitant to go to the world of cultivating immortals first to find a way to improve his soul power, but then he thought of the magic world.

After thinking about it, Li Yang simply went to the corpse pit first, felt it, and collected the 3,000 Yuan Ying early-stage zombies that were born from level 4 zombies with satisfaction.

The Yin evil energy of the entire planet has been gathered together to refine the corpse very quickly.

"Forget it, with so many corpse-refining corpses in the Yuan Ying realm as the center, the corpse-refining formation is powerful enough. In addition, with the protection of the world spirit, even if there is an accident, I can respond in time and give me time to withdraw. But if now The magical world is being severely eroded by the demonic energy of the demon clan, and it will be terrible if I am not here."

With a secret movement in his heart, Li Yang looked at the remaining zombies that were still absorbing the Yin evil spirit, and decisively took out all the fourth-level zombies, and also took out a bunch of third-level zombies with perfect golden elixir level, reaching He made a number of two hundred thousand, and then arranged it on the spot to form the [Dutian Xuansha Formation]. In an instant, the terrifying power of corpse refining gathered on him, condensing a powerful force - [Dutian Xuansha] 】

Being wrapped up by this [Xuan Yin Corpse Sect], which could only be condensed with the power of the sect, Li Yang felt a sense of security. Following a movement in his heart, he decisively opened the door to the world, directly using the formation to open it. Entered the [Magic World]!

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