For this, Jiang Chen can only ha ha!

What's more, you have to go to the United States to receive the award?Jiang Chen knew what the outcome of going to the United States would be.

But even if he is cold, he doesn't care at all!He said "[-]" to see what happened to the so-called two awards.How could he be awarded two of them all at once.

After all, there are some things in Jiang Chen that have not been shown!

So he said over the phone.

"Mom, I don't know about this yet! You can let me read the news."

"What? You don't know yet! My son didn't tell you about it. Others told us about such a big thing. You don't even know it yourself..."

Jiang Ma was nagging for a while, and finally calmed down and said.

"Go, hurry up and have a look, you won the award, there must be a lot of things now."

After finally hanging up Jiang Ma's call, Jiang Chen frowned and turned on the phone!There is no need to search for the news about his award, just browse any news and you can see it clearly.

It saves a lot of trouble!

It didn't take a while for Jiang Chen to see the official description of the Nobel Prize!And, Fields' explanation.

That is why Jiang Chen himself won two awards.

First, in terms of mathematics, it is naturally the main reason for the formula!Second, in terms of physics, it was quantum theory that brought Jiang Chen the honor.

However, according to the situation, Jiang Chen smiled.

"So, the Nobel Prize is fairly fair!"

In fact, he knew that what he showed was absolutely comparable to this award.

As for Fields in mathematics, Jiang Chen will not comment!It's not that he doesn't deserve it, but because of other things.

After closing this news, Jiang Chen browsed other news.

It's still about him. Unlike the official news, some news is full of the professor's high praise for Jiang Chen!What star collective cheered Jiang Chen up!And what happened to Jiang Chen.

Things like these once made Jiang Chen feel that it was his own business, but it seemed that they didn't have to worry about it.

"Is it the one who won the award or did they win?"

Jiang Chen couldn't even smile bitterly.

After reading some other things, Jiang Chen turned off his phone and couldn't help thinking carefully.

In fact, others only saw that they won the Nobel and Fields Medals, and did not think about it carefully.

But Jiang Chen understands that he won the award, not to mention whether he sees it or not, just saying that he will go to the United States to receive the award!Coupled with the fact that various countries are now investing in research into quantum theory...

He smiled.

"Want me to accept the award? I'm sorry, I don't like this award."

The next morning, Jiang Chen packed up and returned to Jiangnan University!

In other words, even though Jiang Chen kept a low profile along the way, many people still recognized him.That caused a burst of exclamations!

After all, about his appearance, some people just saw it.

Of course, what is different from the stars is that when they see Jiang Chen's custom made, they admire and admire!Not to do anything else.

After all, some fans are irrational when facing their idols.

After returning to Jiangnan University, the whole thing will be different!

In the past, Jiang Chen was famous in the university many times at Jiangnan University!Before or about it, it is already known to everyone.

After winning the Nobel Prize this time, it appeared again...

"Jiang Chen! Look, it's Jiang Chen!!"

"Jiang Chen is back!"

"My God, idol!"

"The best person in our Jiangnan University is back."

Excited, a group of students rushed towards Jiang Chen. It was unknown how many of them were directly attacking Jiang Chen, so that Jiang Chen was directly drowned in the crowd.

Fortunately, Daming is still reliable!He quickly brought the school's leaders over, and this ended the farce.

Jiang Chen patted Daming on the shoulder with lingering fears.

"Brother, thanks to you, otherwise I would be in big trouble!"

Isn't it troublesome?Those people just went crazy!He wondered, isn't it just an award?

In fact, the students are crazy, and the teacher can't calm down 0......

Before he could say a word, Jiang Chen was personally called away by the vice-principal!

"Jiang Chen, please come to the principal's office with me!"

It is said that a bunch of high-level schools are waiting for Jiang Chen!Each of them, for Jiang Chen, is eager to see what they see!

While waiting for Jiang Chen to arrive, these people once expressed emotion!

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