"As expected of the best student in our school! This time, Jiangnan University is also honored."

"Yeah, speaking of which, Jiang Chen's achievements are inseparable from your cultivation!"

"Hey, where, where, classmate Jiang Chen is still working hard enough."

"But speaking of such an achievement, it doesn't disappoint our concern for classmate Jiang Chen!"

"Yeah yeah……"

I was very relieved by the performance of a group of people, and even, from the meaning of their words, it sounded like Jiang Chen had such an achievement, as if he did not have much credit for Jiang Chen.

In fact, even when they said that, these people's faces were a little red.

If you look closely, you can see a row of reporters sitting across from them!The camera in the hand flickers.

In fact, it's not that they are thick-skinned, it's because, according to the words of the principal, they just took the opportunity to promote their Jiangnan University...

Yes, these high-level officials expressed shame that they had to be shameless once again.

It was at this moment that footsteps were heard outside!The sound of the footsteps suddenly made people's ears pricked, and at the same time, those keen reporters, with long guns and short guns, aimed at the door of 3.2.

The next moment, a young figure appeared in front of him!The eyes of a group of reporters lit up. After waiting for so long, the master finally came!

"Jiang Chen, what do you want to say about winning the Nobel and Fields Medal!"

"How did you learn at such a young age? Can you share it with your peers!"

"Also ask, how are you feeling now?"

"Do you have anything to say about this selection of the two awards?"

With so many reporters, Jiang Chen couldn't help but be taken aback.

After reacting, he looked at the school leaders and knew what had happened!Then he restrained his mind and smiled casually in front of the reporter in front of him.

"Are you asking me about the award?"

A group of reporters nodded hastily.

It's just that Jiang Chen's words were amazing in the next moment!

"Sorry, I have no interest in these two awards myself!"

Chapter [-] American Additions

Jiang Chen's words were astonishing, and everyone was stunned in an instant.

It was hard for them to believe that Jiang Chen actually said such words.

However, reporters are reporters after all, and they reacted in a short period of time. Jiang Chen's award is news, but compared to the award, the remarks from his mouth are bigger news.

After they reacted, the long guns and short guns directly aimed at Jiang Chen, one by one excited, and hurriedly asked.


Those photographers' shutters are just crazy!Those flashing red lights indicated that the VCRs didn't stop at all.

"Mr. Jiang Chen, please ask why you don't care about these two awards? Is it because you don't like these awards?"

"Mr. Jiang Chen, is it because you don't think these two awards match your achievements?"

"Mr. Jiang Chen, please tell me the reason for your rejection of these two awards! And what kind of trouble they have caused you by awarding you the award without your consent..."

"Please tell me, why did you refuse to receive these rewards for 09!"


What is news?It is not surprising that a dog bites a man, but it is news when a man bites a dog.

Compared with winning the award, the current situation only increases the excitement of these reporters.

Crazy, they're all crazy!

They all agreed in their hearts that this trip to Jiangnan University was the right time for them.

It's so right.

As far as Jiang Chen's remarks are concerned, I am afraid that this year, there will be no more explosive news than this.

It has to be said that reporters are reporters, and they are definitely professional when it comes to making things up.

Originally it was just a simple interview, but after Jiang Chen said these words, their eyes simply lit up.

If you ask again and again, you don't need to say anything.

Even, the words are obviously misleading!It made people feel that Jiang Chen looked down on these two awards, as if these two awards were not worthy of Jiang Chen's achievements.

In fact, what did Jiang Chen say?He only said that he has no interest in Nobel!not these things.

No interest, and dislike, the gap between them is huge.

These reporters are completely watching the fun without taking it too seriously!In fact, he wished Jiang Chen could speak madly.Maybe this is what they want!

If you were an ordinary person, you might actually be led into the ditch by them!But is Jiang Chen an ordinary person?No, when these words came out of the reporter's mouth, he clearly knew the trap.

Facing such a scene, Jiang Chen frowned.

But even so, he still didn't explain much!In fact, whether the reporter is intentional or really misunderstood, so what?

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