As usual, Jiang Chen didn't care about this at all.

"Classmate Jiang Chen..."

These reporters were still chasing after him, but he had already finished what he had to say. Jiang Chen really had no obligation or interest in answering some of the other questions from these reporters.

He looked at the high-level school leaders.

In fact, at this moment, the high-level officials of these schools were obviously dumbfounded by Jiang Chen's words!

not interested?This is Nobel and Fields, he actually said that he is not interested!The principal is messed up!

His first reaction was that Jiang Chen was joking, but seeing so many reporters in front of him, Jiang Chen still said these words, and he knew that this was definitely not a joke.

But how?

Not having any idea of ​​who he is now, the principal directly pleaded with Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, don't be impatient!"

"Yeah yeah!"

While the principal was talking, there was a group of people around him.These are school leaders!Now they are also bitter.

"I know you study hard, but after all, this is a world-class award, and no one can ask for it! You just go to accept the award, it's not far away anyway! Just go to the United States!"

"Yeah yeah!"

These school leaders are like kowtows. Whatever the principal says, they are, yes, yes, and it seems that they don't know what to say.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, unmoved.

The principal said quickly.

"Jiang Chen, you don't know how many people can't ask for these achievements in a lifetime!"

He was not willing to give up his dissuasion against Jiang Chen!I hope Jiang Chen can change his mind.

Jiang Chen said.

"Actually I don't really have much interest in these two awards!"

The principal was still waiting to speak.

Suddenly, Director Liu, who was beside him, opened his mouth.

"'s too late."

The headmaster was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help but stop the words in his mouth. As soon as he turned his head, he saw those reporters working hard on the mobile phone or computer with excited smiles!

They simply seemed to have forgotten what was in front of them.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see what these reporters are doing!Faced with this scene, the principal was immediately dumbfounded.

At the same time, all kinds of news on the Internet came out overwhelmingly.

It can be seen that these reporters are absolutely dedicated!

"Surprise! Nobel and Fields laureates actually said that they have no interest in these two awards?"

"Shocking! Jiang Chen didn't even plan to ask for these two awards."

"The best in China... Jiang Chen, who is out of the limelight, is going to give up the award?"

For a while, the majority of netizens did not understand, and immediately saw the overwhelming news.

This forced them, whether it was out of curiosity about Jiang Chen, or the popularity of Nobel and Fields, 833 and Jiang Chen's names, they couldn't help but click on the news!

Because of this, the hot search list was changed at the first time!

"Jiang Chen gave up the award!"

These big words are simply shocking.

"Crazy, is there something wrong with this person's brain?"

"I wipe, Nobel, if you say no, don't, are you sick?"

"Even though Jiang Chen said it himself in the interview video, I still think he must have been drinking too much..."

In an instant, the entire Internet was flooded with these remarks!Before, they were still talking about Jiang Chen's award, but now, in turn, they all felt that Jiang Chen was crazy.

So much so that no message can be delivered to the whole world faster than this.

Even if the United States on the other side of the ocean at this moment is still at night time.

Such a scene, I really don't know how many people are stunned!

However, there are also some people with bad intentions. In the United States, a special department frowned after seeing the news.

"Abandoned the award? Did he know what we were going to do? No, he must come to the United States!"

"What if he just doesn't want to come?"

"Then give him more material and guide the whole world to condemn him, and don't believe that he won't come!"

They laughed, such a thing is very simple, just fuel it!Who can withstand the pressure of the whole world?

Chapter [-] Explain, do I need to explain?

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