Humans are social animals, and they are also highly intelligent.

Unlike ordinary animals, humans are easily under pressure from other people!

This is the disadvantage of herd animals!

In fact, especially the language.

Unlike animals, which are single, humans have a rich language.These languages ​​can be used both to communicate and to blame others.

Therefore, sometimes language is a bridge for communication, and sometimes it is a sharp sword!

In fact, the U.S. wanted to give Jiang Chen a little more material. It was very simple. It was enough to add a little material behind this incident!

For a huge state machine, this kind of thing is not easy to grasp?

It's just that they manipulated some public opinions a little to guide the direction of things. In an instant, whether it was domestic or foreign, Jiang Chen suddenly became the person that thousands of people were referring to.


And no why!It seems that his remarks have disappointed those who accused him!It seems that these two awards have been tarnished because of Jiang Chen's rejection.

In fact, since the United States intends to start, this is not the end.

Soon, all kinds of people in Huaxia didn't have time to speak, and Western media criticized them one after another, and even various scholars and scientists, etc., publicly published signed articles!

Jiang Chen was severely condemned.

such as.

"Whether it's Nobel or Fields, these two awards are great! They represent the highest achievement in the entire world! A blatant rejection is an insult to both awards!"

"Not all Chinese people are rampant, but this time, whether it's Nobel or Fields, they all gave the award to an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf! He gave Nobel and Fields, Turn a blind eye to the greatest benefit to the world in your life!"

In addition to these, there are even some other harsh criticisms!

Seriously, looking at this, it makes people think that Jiang Chen is the biggest sinner in the world.

In fact, other than that it's not over yet.

Some people couldn't help but dig out the Nobel laureates and Fields laureates.

Where are they fanning the flames!

After all, they are the recipients of awards all the time. If Jiang Chen dislikes these two awards, what does it mean for these award recipients?Slap in the face?

It can be said that for certain purposes, the United States is very good at using public opinion to attack people.

Seeing that Jiang Chen seemed to be the sinner of the whole world, they felt that they had completely succeeded, and couldn't help but be proud of it.

"Look, the Huaxia people have the best face! Even if he really doesn't care about these awards, just the words of others make him have to come to accept the award ¨ˇ!"

"Yes! If you don't come by then, it won't work."

"By the way, gentlemen, by the way, let Nobel and Fields know that since they have decided to give the award to Jiang Chen, they can't give up easily! We must let him accept the award."

"Yes, we do this for his own good."

Where is a group of gentlemen laughing, no matter what kind of influence they have on others because of them.

In order to achieve their goals, they can be considered unscrupulous.

Then, as expected, because of their reasons, Fields and Nobel either reluctantly or sincerely, made remarks again.

"Regarding the rejection of the award, whether it is Fields or Nobel, this is the first time in history, and we are shocked! Even so, we have not forgotten the original intention of these two awards... In fact, we still invite Jiang Chen to The United States accepts the award! His achievements mean that Nobel and Fields are still his!"

Do you think these remarks are giving Jiang Chen a chance?

Do not!In fact, this directly pushed Jiang Chen to the cusp of a bigger storm!

Look, you are like this, they will give it back to you!

What is this like?It's like giving alms to a beggar, and the beggar stole his things while others were unprepared. After being discovered, he said: I forgive you, and still give alms to you!

Of course, this is just a metaphor.Jiang Chen is not that beggar!

However, whether it's Fields or Nobel, Chen Gong's played the good man!

So much so that, not to mention abroad, when he was in China, other people were still talking about why Jiang Chen gave up the award!Why no interest in these awards!

At first, it felt a little arrogant at best!

But after all this fueling, they even lost their minds.

"Bah! You don't know how old you are if you have a little achievement. How much do you really think you are?"

"That's it, what do you think you are? I'm looking at you! What are you pretending to be?"

"Hehe, this person is a brainless man! I suspect that those things were not made by him at all."

"I don't like the Nobel Prize Fields Award? Then what do you think you can like? Why don't you die?"

After they have completely lost their minds, these remarks are just as vicious as they are.

Ordinary people look at these, I am afraid they will vomit three liters of blood.

Even some well-known academics in China can't stand it anymore!

Although some people did not name names, they did.

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