The ghost warrior was just standing there, and in the midst of a burst of passionate music, a pilot came to him.

I didn't see how to operate it, but a platform appeared on the fighter plane on "[-]" and carried him directly into the interior of the fighter plane!

Immediately after, some outlines of the interior!

Although it is fleeting, it can still be seen clearly, it is full of the style of = science fiction world!

And then, it's where you feel suffocated!

I saw the black ghost, under the control of the pilot, slowly heading towards the outside of the hangar!

At this time, the music that I was playing with just now disappeared without a trace in an instant!So much so that the entire screen lost its sound.

Is the screen muted?Obviously not.

Inside came the voice of a fighter pilot.

"Dong Yao asked to take off..."

A bang, an uproar!

The fighter jets bounced up and went out of the warehouse. The whole process was like a lonely boat on a calm lake. There was no sound at all!

Quiet as if there was no such thing at all.

How can this be?

This shows what?

It shows that this fighter does not have an external engine at all!

It also proves that this fighter completely uses anti-gravity technology!

This is incredible!

Scientists in the United States kept shouting God, which shows how shocked they are!

But this is real!

A real scene.

However, this is still not over. After the sound of taking off comes from the communicator...

'Whoosh! ' A huge sonic boom resounded directly.

Everyone watched helplessly, and the black shadow disappeared from the screen in less than a blink of an eye!Moreover, which kind of vertical take-off and landing!Even the plane left the hangar, not even the runway!

"Quick! Play it back for me!"

The President of the United States is eager to see what happened just now!

However, playback is no longer needed, and there is a slow motion in the next video. It is obvious that this is a shot that has been slowed down many times.

Under such a lens, it was clear that the fighter jet was rushing directly into the blue sky at the extremely fast speed!After reaching a certain height, it disappeared without a trace!

The Chinese people are excited.

"My God! Is this still a fighter jet? Are you sure this isn't something out of a sci-fi world?"

"It can be seen that the real world is far more crazy than the movie!"

"Who knows how fast this speed is! Anyway, after so many times of slowdown, I still feel like it's gone! Compared with the previous fighters, the previous ones were like turtles!"

"Haha, my China is amazing! This time it is a complete rise."

Different from the Chinese people.

In the rest of the world, it is God who shouts out!

Their sluggish expressions, if they spit out a little more, it really looks like a second fool!

You can see how shocked it was.

"This is impossible!"

I don't know how many times that American scientist has said this sentence.

After he finished speaking, he roared.

"Quickly calculate how fast it is!"

The speed that is hard to discern with the naked eye, as a scientist, has already broken his cognition!You must know that for ordinary people, in fact, scientists' ability to bear is lower!

This is because they have a clearer understanding of science!

"At least ten times the speed of sound!"

Soon, the calculation results came out!This result made everyone gasp for breath!It was totally frightened.

"This is impossible. At such a speed, the pilot's body can't bear it at all!"

He was the first to question!He thought it was incredible.

He even suspected that the video was made, not real!But in fact, they know very well that this is true!Because they did the research in the first place, otherwise they wouldn't waste time here 0  …

"The main source of stress for the pilot is the enormous pressure caused by the extreme speed... If, if, the interior of the cabin is also gravity-free, then..."

Yes, if the interior is a space environment, where is the pressure problem?

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