
As scientists, they will think of more possibilities!According to such rhetoric, I am afraid, it is really true!If not, there's really no way to explain everything.

No gravity, anti-gravity... a completely futuristic world!

Mr. President's face changed again and again!Finally, he took a deep breath.

"At such a speed, did Huaxia fly over our heads when China tested the fighter jets? Did it just walk over the White House? But we didn't notice it at all? I believe this video is from Huaxia deliberately showed us..."


Do not!I'm afraid it's true!This speed is obviously not the end.

There is such a fighter, who doesn't even need to do anything, who can discover the existence of a fighter?With such a speed, who can do anything about it?

Mr. President took another deep breath.

"Gentlemen, I have to tell you bad news! The era of China has come! It will replace our country!"

In fact, is just a fighter jet enough?

With a 4.9 anti-gravity technology, if it is only applied to fighter jets, it would be a bit too talented.

What they don't know is that this technology, and some other things, are also used.

For example, an aircraft carrier!

No, it's more appropriate to call it an airship!For example, military vehicles.Tanks, and even nuclear weapons... can be used, and they are no longer limited by their use. The latter is faster and farther!

Of course, it is enough to show only one fighter.

As for the others, maybe in the application, maybe already applied but in the confidential stage!

But no matter what, with the existence of anti-gravity, Huaxia's military power has become the world's number one!

There is no doubt about this!

(ps: Regarding the data, the author can't remember some of them. After all, it is really troublesome to remember so many zeros, please Haihan!)

Chapter [-] Commercial flying cars?

Of course, there may be other shortcomings in Huaxia, which cannot be made up for a while.

After all, compared with the United States, some of China's technologies still need to be improved!

But this doesn't matter, an anti-gravity is enough, and the so-called complementing one's shortcomings is almost what it means.

With anti-gravity technology in the works, who can help Huaxia?As for other things, it only takes the accumulation of time to completely solve it!

Huaxia is never in a hurry on this point!

At the same time, the reaction of each company was different. In the first time, the entire Internet did not know who set off the slogan of the advent of science fiction!

The whole of China can be described as a national excitement.

Even those who are abroad, after seeing the news, walk with their heads held high!I don't even know how many foreigners look at them enviously!

Just because they are Chinese.

The improvement of a country's strength can be seen from various aspects.

An anti-gravity, 09 is enough to make the whole world change for China!Even if it doesn't start today, Huaxia will become the core of the whole world!I don't know how many foreigners want to come to Huaxia.

At the same time, there are probably more people who learn Chinese language.

Although it is impossible to win the status of the United States for a while, it can be seen by individuals. All this is a matter of time.

As for the proud countrymen, let them be proud.

It is time for the pride of China for thousands of years to rise again!

Time is like a white horse crossing the stream, and a long time has passed quickly.

When everyone thought that this matter needed a little time to settle, Huaxia made another big news.

It turned out that in this short period of time, I do not know how many foreign heads of state visited China!They discuss all kinds of things.

Although Huaxia was well received on the bright side, it was decided that there would not be any relaxation because of the interests involved.

At this time, China's anti-gravity-based military force has fully matured!

In view of this time, Huaxia held another press conference.

That's about the last issue, civil anti-gravity in five years, and now it's finally on.

"The first step, we will start in the automotive industry! So as to realize the goal of anti-gravity application step by step! That is to say, within half a year, the car based on this technology will be the first in anti-gravity. A civilian product is produced!

This is not only the gospel of the Chinese people, but also the gospel of the whole world!Although in the initial stage, our technology can only be applied in China!But I believe that in the near future, people all over the world will benefit! "

The content of the conference is very simple, just a brief announcement, that's all.

But that's it, it still caused an uproar in the whole world!

You must know that although you know that this technology is destined for civilian use, when and when will it be available, this is something that many people are very concerned about.

For this, that person did not expect?

The whole world is looking forward to it.

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