Speaking of which, some of them are smart.

"Look, isn't this soil just sand?"

He saw the bottom of the plant at a glance.

"You mean...this place was originally desert, but now it's all green?"

"if not?"

"This is the desert..."

Yes, this is the desert.

When they reluctantly drove forward again, it was finally clear.

The desert they are familiar with is really covered!The green in front of them has no chance for them to play with cars.

However, this scene not only did not disappoint, but made this group of people short of breath.

"How far? How far have we driven?"

"Hundreds of miles! It's almost time to cross the desert! 323"

"There is no sand, it's all green!!! The desert is greened! Greened!!"

"Gulu... This Nima is a miracle! Why didn't you see the news?"

"Quick, don't worry about it! Get all this filmed! I can't believe my own eyes now."

These people are so excited one by one, for them, it is really like turning the world upside down overnight!In fact, this group of people is definitely not the first nor the last.

Deserts have always been an attraction before, tourists and other people alike.

But when more people discovered this, when they expressed their shock through various channels, when they found that the entire desert had been greened... and finally caught the attention of a media.

When the media came in, they were suspicious, and when they left, they put the news on their own platform with great excitement, it was like a torch lit up!

With a bang, such an incredible scene completely boiled over the whole of China.

A variety of titles appeared in front of them over and over again.

"Shocked, the desert turned into an oasis overnight!"

"Huaxia no longer has deserts."

"The endless green is life..."

It is these titles that make the entire Chinese people completely fried.

Chapter [-] The uproar of the world

For the changes in the entire desert, Huaxia executives did not publicize it!Because for them, only when things have become a given, and when the entire desert is suitable for development, I am afraid they will not say anything.

But since they are not forbidding others to enter the desert!So how could such a big change be hidden from anyone?

When the news was flying all over the world, many Chinese people thought they had seen fake products from PS.

After all, it is a desert, who would believe such a thing?

I am afraid that the first reaction of people who get the news is to sneer.

Honestly, that's how it was from the very beginning.

"Hmph, does anyone still believe such news?"

"Can this PS be any more fake?"

"Now the media really dare to say anything."

They must be unwilling to believe it. Facing such news, they would at most just laugh it off.

However, when more and more media are talking about this matter, it makes people suspicious.

You know, even if it's a fake thing, everyone's mouth is full of gold!When everyone is talking about this, people can't help but believe it.

Besides, this is a real thing in itself?

Especially when an official media, after reporting...

Huaxia is completely exploded.

"Is this really the desert from before? Who will tell me if this is true?"

"This is no joke at all, really! It turned out to be true! Hundreds of thousands of hectares of desert have all turned green!! Miracle!"

"A desert turned into an oasis overnight? Is there anything impossible in this world?"

"My God! Does this mean that there are no deserts in our country anymore?"

"I don't know why, I'm so excited! Maybe some people don't know what desert greening means? But I can tell you! It means that our country has nearly one million more hectares of land...〃"..."

"Yes, these fields, even if they are cultivated alone, can produce a lot of food!"

"How the hell did this happen! The country has no news at all! But it's really too awesome..."

Obviously, the greening of this area is definitely not something that can be done all at once, and it is definitely not something that can be grown out of nothing.

Except for the country, no matter who it is, I am afraid that there is no such ability!This can't help but think of the previous state interception of the river...

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