desert, river...

Everything is as if a mystery has been solved, making it clear at a glance.

No wonder the country is so tough, no wonder the country does not say a word.

Co-authoring is boring to do things.

"I know, finally I know! It turns out that all the river water has been led to the desert!"

"No wonder I have to care how Tianzhu is clamoring, and even want to go to war with us, the top leaders of our country are not moved!"

"No wonder the country is so resolute, it turns out that it uses river water to green the entire land!"

River... desert!

Such a scene, thinking about it, can't help but make people a little excited.Combined with the greenness of the entire desert now, this is a huge scene.

In other words, the country has paid so much, and finally got such a result.

Huaxia people, everyone is talking about such things.

They may express their excitement online, or express their shock in front of family and friends.

No matter what, the billions of Chinese people have finally found a common ground!A common word!

Such words are enough to make them talk about a day and a night without necessarily stopping.

What can be done after almost one million hectares are less greened?

Some people can't help but think that maybe a new city will stand on that piece of land in the future!

Where, it is no longer a barren and water-deficient place, perhaps in the future, it will become the lungs of the earth, a place that can breathe.

Even, it may become a paradise there in the future, a paradise for people to visit miracles!

Various possibilities exist.

At the same time, the Chinese people do not know how many future scenes have been depicted for this entire desert.

So many people couldn't help it, they either came to this original desert location directly by other means, or by driving their own cars!

When they came to the edge of the desert...

What I see is no longer desolate, it is an endless green ocean, with the wind and waves blowing, making a swishing sound.

What a shocking scene.

At one time, everyone who saw it couldn't help but cheer!

Such a scene is far more shocking than the pictures on the news.

For many people, although they only learned about this later, they were not the participants in greening the entire desert, but after all, they considered themselves to be witnesses.

It is precisely because of this identity that it is enough to make people excited again and again!Can't even express it at all.

But really speaking, the most emotional ones are probably those who were originally greening the desert.

Some people even spend half their lives in the desert.

When they see this green ocean... they all know that their life's work is coming to an end.

The desert doesn't need them anymore, and in fact there is no desert in China anymore.

So, they cried!

I cried very emotionally.

Again, not crying over your lost responsibilities!But because everything you want is right in front of you...

With such a big movement in China, how can it be concealed from the whole world?

As everyone knows, even if there is a little trouble in Huaxia, even if it is a simple matter, when all parties pay attention to Huaxia, it will also spread to the world.

(Qian Zhaohao)

What's more, such shocking news?

What title should I use to describe the greening of one million hectares of desert land?

The Los Angeles Times uses miracles!

Pravda uses an apparition of God!

Other internationally renowned news outlets have either called these miracles or some other way.

In general, they are all in order to express the shock from China and the incredibleness from the millions of deserts.

Of course, they probably never considered the feelings of their audience, those readers.

When the news of Huaxia is delivered to the whole world, with pictures, videos, and even live broadcasts, the whole world is watching this miracle.

When it was known that all of these were made by the Chinese people, and when the millions of deserts became the land of life, the whole world could not calm down, and the whole world could not help but be in an uproar.

Chapter [-] The greatest man of this century

Otherwise, foreigners are always at a loss for words.

Sometimes their sentences don't convey much meaning.

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