My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1938: Twins lost (fifteen)

"Yes? She... is it back?" Rick said that he was obviously lacking in strength when he spoke about West.

It seems that there are a lot of things in my eyes...

"You...has you really forgotten?" asked Huo Jin.

"What can you do if you don't forget?" Rick smiled bitterly.

"Rick... I think my sixth sense has been quite accurate... I see people are very accurate... I always think that you like Sicily very much."

"Really, I really like Sicily." Rick only had a rare gentleness in his eyes when he spoke of the words of the West.

Huo Mian is silent...

"But...the emotional thing, not just like it, you can do whatever you want... There are a lot of things in the middle..."

"For example?" Huo Mian frowned and looked at Rick.

"Identity." Rick slowly said two words.

"Do you dislike her origin?" Huo Mian felt a little unbelievable.

"No, it is abandoning myself... Xixi is a good girl of a normal long-term family... but I am not." After reading this sentence, I immediately looked at Huo Mian and continued, "What am I doing? Qin Chu has told You."

"The first big gang in the United States." Huo Mian calmly elaborated.

"Yes." Rick nodded.

"But isn't that your brother is taking care of it? You haven't been in China for years?" Huo Mian did not understand.

"That was before...but three years ago... my brother had been crippled in a car accident... now he can only take a wheelchair..."

Huo Mian was shocked when he heard it.

"It turned out to be like this... No wonder you didn't go to Sisi three years ago."

Huo Jin will now solve the doubts of the past three years.

At the beginning of her full moon feast, she spoke a lot to Rick.

He seems to understand, Huo Mian thought that in the end Rick will definitely go to the West, and then the two people who love each other will return to good.


Later, she heard that Rick went abroad to study, and Rick returned to the United States. Since then, there has been no news.

She is also strange, what happened? How did Rick suddenly leave in that situation?

It turned out that the family had such a big thing.

Rick sighed slightly and continued. "Three years ago, when I left your home, I wanted to go to the West immediately, but at that time, the family came to the news. My brother had a car accident. I didn't care about anything." On the back, I have been taking care of my brother, but he still can't get better. He is basically the same as the waste.... In the family, only me can stand up... I can't look at the fathers. Jiangshan is being eaten by people... I can't afford my brother's heart for so many"

Said here, Rickton paused.

"So you have inherited your brother's position now, and it is a veritable gangster godfather."

Thinking of this time, Rick walked down on the helicopter, it seems that there is a strong murderous body.

Then shot and killed the little punk, but even the eyes are not squatting, it seems that he has not killed less in recent years.

"Yes... I don't think that I am now, I will give Xixi happiness... because I don't know what day I can live?"

"Don't be so pessimistic..." Huo Mian suddenly felt a little distressed.

This man who seems to be cold and cold, but who is hiding in his heart.

"Huo Mian... I have a lot of lives on my hands... No matter whether they are **** or not, they are all killed by me... I have no way to look back now. I can't choose my origin, but she still has... ...She is just an ordinary ordinary girl, graduated from college, went abroad for further study, found a job after returning to China, and then found a boyfriend who loves her, married and had a child, and lived a happy life, but these seemingly the most common, I Can't give her."

"So... Rick, you actually love her very much... is it just for her?" Huo Mian asked.

PS: Baby, pigs go out to do something, first one at noon, and will be filled at eight in the evening.

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