My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1939: Twins lost (sixteen)

Rick is silent...

But it is also the default.

"You are really like my Qin family. I would rather bear everything silently, and be willing to give my loved one the best life... Rick, you think about it, have you been happy for the past three years without yours?" What do you think is happiness, is it really true happiness for her? Don't forget... You are not a West, we are not Sisi, we have no right to choose a life for her..."

Rick is silent...

Because he knows what Huo Mian said is very reasonable.

"Actually... I think I should tell you as a friend."

"You said." Rick looked up and looked at Huo Mian with a look of despair.

"Love is not the most important thing in life, but it is the most regrettable... Maybe when you are old, you remember, this life is yours, your family, friends... Being alone is ill-treated in love, this taste is very difficult...because you can't come back again."

"I understand...just my current situation..." Rick seems to have more than enough strength.

"I also understand your situation... I used to be, after I experienced the difference with Qin Chu... I felt that there was no love, and then I went to college and Ning Zhiyuan together... At that time, I felt that I was living with anyone, facts. The difference is great... If you choose an angel, then you will live in heaven in the future. If you choose the devil, then you will live in hell... and if you choose a stranger who does not love, then You will be ready to live with this stranger for many years."

Rick is still silent...

"I said what I said... Rick, I will treat you as a friend and treat West China as a I will say this."

"I know."

"I won't let you choose how to choose... After all, you have your difficulties, I just... I feel that you two really love each other, we are all kind of people, living in this ruthless world, affectionately... others It’s a routine, and we’re gone.”

Rick was lowered again by Huo Mian...

"Okay, I said enough... The rest of you think about it, I go to sleep."

"good night my friend."

Rick is very grateful to Huo Mian for saying so much, really, now that Rick’s side has no friends who dare to tell the truth... This is so rare.

After Hugham left, Rick was in a bad mood...

Pick up a bottle of whiskey from the wine cabinet and pour a full glass.

Then sit on the sofa and drink alone...

"Godfather...the traitor in Oakland, how do we deal with it?" The man under his head came over and asked.

"All kill."

When Rick finished, he looked up and killed all the whiskey.

The strong wine, he was very uncomfortable, and the stomach followed the fire.

But he didn't feel pain, because there was nothing more painful than letting him lose West.

Three years... For three years, he didn’t have her news, and he didn’t even dare to let his hand down.

First, I was afraid to hear her news, and I couldn’t help but look for her.

First, I was afraid that I could not stand the blow when she was married and had children.

Just in Huo Mian’s mouth, I heard that Xixi had just returned to China and had not married yet. I was very happy in my heart.

Because Rick himself does not know, if Xixi is married, how should he face it?

He took out his mobile phone, unlocked the lock, opened the WeChat page, and then tapped the collection.

All of them are photos of the West, and many of them are dazzling.

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