My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1940: Twins lost (seventeen)

When the time broke up, Xixi had already deleted him, and they no longer had each other's WeChat.

But before the CSI sent a self-portrait to Rick, and Cassie himself in the circle of friends, Rick also collected.

Look at it like this... I feel more and more uncomfortable.

Especially looking at the bright and splendid West, your child is as innocent as smiling.

He only feels his own heart, and it hurts to be crushed by something.

Upstairs bedroom...

"Wife, you are back... take a shower and sleep." Qin Chu rubbed his hair and walked over.

"Don't wash, no mood." Huo Mian was somewhat lost.

"what happened?"

"A little tired... I want to sleep."

Huo Mian began to spoil the Qin Chu's waist...

Qin Chu immediately put down the towel in his hand, picked up Huo Mian, then glared at her, and they were lying on the bed.

"Is it a chat with Rick?" Qin Chu asked softly.

"You all know... you are god... Qin Daren."

Qin Chu still can see through the eyes of Humian at a glance.

"Not so understanding of you, how can I catch up with you at the beginning..." Qin Chu smiled and touched the head of Huo Mian.

"Husband... You said... In the world, why are there so many people who can't be together?..."

"Love is the need for fate. How many people are always in love, why are they shallow... How many people are because they are young, not stubborn, too stubborn, too self-willed, and missed their favorite people..."

"It’s really... I think so, we can get together, and finally get married and have a baby, really lucky."

"Well, we are really a few and still can hold on to love." Qin Chu said.

"Really by saying this, I think about it. We are still in a state of divorce... We are now illegally living together... ah ah..."

Before Huo Ming thought, Qin Chu was forced to divorce Huo Mian because of Huo Siqian’s conspiracy.

Although it is unilateral, it is also known throughout the city, and it has also been announced.

"Don't worry, I just went to the newspaper to do the job, to give Horsham a look at the expediency... We didn't divorce..."

Hugh sleeps dumbfounded...

"No, I signed a divorce agreement with you..."

"Yeah...but that has no legal benefits, I have not sent it to the divorce registration office... Do you have a divorce certificate?" Qin Chu asked with a smile.

Huo Mian shook his head...


"We are not divorced?" Huo Mian smirked.

"Well Well."

"My God, I always thought that I was divorced..." Huo Mian Yang sighed.

"But... I really owe you a big event."

"What big event?" Huo Mian really didn't think about it for a while.

"Wedding, our ... Shengshi wedding." Qin Chu laughed.

"Yeah... We had a wedding just before... We were all mixed up by the gangster of Huo Siqian... but it was good, and when we re-issued it, the flower girl had it, and it was still two. ”

At the thought of her daughter, Huo Mian laughed and laughed.

"I think they both think about it." Qin Chu silently opened his mouth.

"Qin Daren, you have nothing to do? People don't want us both, why do we want them, I think they are crazy... I forgot my mother." Huo Miao grinned.

Qin Chu smiled and took out his mobile phone and dialed a video call to Qin Ning.

"Hello, brother."

"Oh... scorpion."

Qin Ning’s joy and Qin Chu waved...

“Ningning, pudding and doudding?”

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