My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1949: Doom to find the door (6)

"You don't have it? The red envelope that the little aunt gave us, plus the one we won the grandfather, is enough."

"Why do you count me as well? I didn't say that I want to send Su Shuai's belt." Douding squinted and couldn't bear to save money.

"Then what are you going to send? Don't tell me, come back for a while, don't bring anything to Su Shuai, you have to know how much he usually hurts us. Do you want to be a white-eyed wolf?"

"Of course not, how good Su Shuai is for us, this thing does not need you to say, I also have a number in my heart." Douding retorted.

"So... what are you going to send?" Pudding continued to question.

"Amount... I haven't thought about it yet." Douding is not good at thinking about things, it is a lazy one.

"Then don't talk nonsense, take the money first, just lend it to me, I will go back to you... my stock can be cashed."

Pudding forced...

In the end, Doudou sipped, and although he was unwilling, he took the money out.

"I don't want you to return, you have to tell Su Shuai, the belt is bought by us, hehe."

"Yes." Pudding agreed quickly.

In the end, the twins paid more than 5,000 dollars in the huge gaze of the beauty clerk.

With a bonus of more than 30,000 yuan, buy this exquisite belt.

In fact, when I came, Pudding thought, and when I go back, I will give Su Yu a gift.

After all, I came to such a faraway place, so I thought about Su Shuai and let him move it.

And when she came, Mommy told her that the entire itinerary was only half a month.

The pudding counted the next day, and returned to China in a few days, so I thought about sneaking out to buy gifts.

"The things of the gift are kept secret first. When you are talking with Su Shuai video, don't you say it, don't you hear it?" Pudding.

"Know it."

When the twins came out, they took a taxi and said that they would go to the most prosperous commercial street.

When I go back, it is naturally a taxi. Because English is too fluent, communication is not difficult.

Moreover, the residence of the second grandfather is not remote. There are no special places where people are sparsely populated, so there is no need to worry about safety.

The twins disappeared four and a half hours later...

The family has already rushed into a group, and the Los Angeles police have begun to look for plainclothes police officers.

At this time, the twins have gone home...

"Miss, sir, the children are back."

The security inside line at the door is notified by telephone.

"What? Come back, man?" Qin Chu's two uncles were really excited about heart disease.

"Just at the door, just got in... I will send it right away."

Hanging the phone for less than a minute, the security at the door will send the two little guys back.

After Qin Ning saw them, they immediately rushed over and hugged them, and died.

Then wow, I cried...

"Little aunt... What are you doing?" Douding and Pudding did not expect the family to react so much.

"Where do you both go, do you know how much we worry?" Qin Chu Ershu was finally relieved.

If people don't come back, he really wants to go crazy...

The most important thing is that Qin Chu and Huo Mian’s eight-point plane arrived in Los Angeles at night.

When the child is gone, how can I explain to them? Is this not an eternal sinner?

"We just went out shopping... but only." Douding is not enough.

"Then why don't you tell me, I will take you there." Qin Ning is really anxious and getting angry.

"We want to go out on our own. We don't like the feeling of people going there when we go. It is like this in China... Mommy said there are bad people, so we understand, but in the United States, I feel that this is a rare opportunity." Pudding explained.

"Why doesn't the phone come with it?"

"There is no electricity, it has been charging."

"Qin Dynasty, Qin dynasty... You two are too much. When your parents come at night, I must tell them about it."

Qin Ning's tears have been flowing... Fortunately, the twins are back.

Otherwise, it is really a dead heart.

As soon as I heard that I had to tell my parents, the twins suddenly became scared.

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