My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1950: Doom to find the door (seven)

"Little aunt, we are just joking with you, don't you be so serious..." Douding immediately served soft.

"Who is kidding you? You must scare me... I must tell my brother my nephew, you two... just wait for death... Hey."

After that, Qin Ning stood up and turned away.

"What to do? She seems really angry." Doudou smashed.

"It's really crazy." Pudding nodded.

"So, this time, are we two too much?" Douding asked.

Pudding is silent...

"Pudding, Bean Ding, you two are too disrespectful, scared to death, Grandpa.... Heart disease must be scared... You know, we don't know if we are in a hurry... When you go out, why not say it? And did not see how you got out?" Qin Chu Ershu is also a shock.

"Second grandfather, I am sorry... When we went out, we deliberately avoided the surveillance, the dead corner... and it was a good time, not seen by anyone, just want to open the bodyguards and aunts." Pudding lowered his head, with The second grandfather admits the mistake.

"But do you know? If there are any accidents between the two of you, how can I live with your aunt... How do you face your parents and your grandparents?"

"We didn't think so much at the time, just thinking about going out and buying something and coming back... I didn't expect it to be so long." Pudding told the truth.

"Oh my God, it’s okay to come back... otherwise I will drag the entire Los Angeles police to help us find it."

Uncle Qin Chu, I only feel that I can breathe a sigh of relief.

"Second grandfather, I am a little hungry." Douding walked over and stood beside Qin Ning's father.

"Oh, my little baby, you still know that you are hungry..."

The second grandfather squeezed the cheek of the diced bean and immediately turned to the butler. "Go and give the two babies something to eat."

"Yes, sir."

"Wait a minute, tell the kitchen that I want to eat Chinese food today, the amount... squirrel squid, sauce trotters, onion prawn, and... fried mushrooms, right, and want to drink borscht." Bean Ding appetite is wide open.

"Can you eat so much?" The second grandfather was shocked.

"Of course... Grandpa I told you, when I was at home... I might have eaten, and the aunt of our kitchen saw me every time..."

Bean Ding stayed downstairs, shifting the topic to appease the second grandfather, trying to convince him not to make a big noise.

I don't want to know this thing by my parents. I know it is okay because he is petting them and can't bear to say.

If you are known by Mommy, you are really dead.

Mommy’s fire is terrible, they have experienced it personally...

Therefore, the pudding gave the pudding a look, and the pudding immediately turned to the floor and went to the most difficult Qin Ning.

The second grandfather is an elder, and he should be very good at it. If you are a slap in the face, you will be soft.

Will be tight-lipped, but Qin Ning aunt is a small pepper.

And with such a large grievance and fright, it must be very angry with them.

When the pudding went upstairs, Qin Ning just washed his face in the bathroom, his eyes were crying red and swollen.

She is such a strong person, she rarely cries, she must be strong since she was young, and she wants to do her best.

Therefore, I will become a member of the GK Headquarters Board of Directors at a young age, and participate in many large-scale investment decisions.

But today, she was born and cried by two three-year-old girls... and she still cried very badly.

"Hello, little aunt..." pudding probed into the house and shouted.

"Go out, don't want to care about you, hehe." Qin Ning didn't overdo it, it was a stomachache.

I was worried that they would be two or four hours in a row.

Can someone else be good, actually go shopping and shopping, is there anything more irritating than this?

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