My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1958: Doom to find the door (fifteen) make up two

"Hahaha during the day, night at night."

Qin Ning: ...

"Qin Wei... What are you talking about?" Qin Ning was really angry and blushing.

"Tell the truth... Little aunt, don't you know that Aries is very fond of the inside..."

"Which?" Qin Ning has to collapse.

"Forget it... you don't even have a boyfriend, I guess you won't understand it." Douding bowed his head and continued to lick the fat fat.

Qin Ning: ...

"Well, Bean Ding... Don't bully your aunt, she's still small." Pudding turned his head.

"Know it... wash it quickly, and I will go to the emperor and the empress of the queen for a while, don't know if they both play in New Orleans?" The dialogue between Douding and Pudding.

Qin Ning already feels that he wants to be driven crazy by prostitutes...

A constellation can cause such a big earthquake, my goodness... if I continue to live with both of them.

Will it be brought into a rotten woman? To be more dirty, there will be more pollution...

"Little aunt, I will see more **** magazines in the future... Otherwise, when you have a boyfriend in the future, people will think that you are very boring... Come on."

Before leaving, Douding is also a long-standing 嘱咐 Qin Ning.

Qin Ning only felt that a thunder was kneeling down... Hearing, he was prepared.

"Doudou, I want to tell you Mommy, you are so dirty..." Qin Ning came and roared behind him.

"It’s a little bit fixed, my mommy is used to it... only you are fussing."

Douding whistle, followed closely behind the sister, and walked toward the parents' room.

"Hey? Sister, do you have something to worry about?" The pudding in front of him looked very slow and bowed his head.

Bean Ding is inevitably curious...

"I still think... Mommy is not quite right. I always feel that something is going to happen, and my heart is very panicked." Pudding replied.

"Cut... you think too much, let go, I go ahead... there is something going on, I cover you, you ran..."

After that, Doudan went to the front of her sister in two steps.

The two walked to the door of the room, first politely knocking on the door.

"Come in." There was a crisp sound from Huoming.

"Mummy... let's come." When Douding entered the door, he began to smile.

The pudding carefully followed the sister.

Qin Chu and Huo Mian, sitting on the sofa in the bedroom, wearing bathrobes, apparently also took a shower.

But the parents are sitting in a row, so the official lineup makes the pudding more worried.

"You two come over." Huo Mian hooked his hook and his face was blank.

The twins did not know what they were saying, and they slowly walked over...

Pudding wit a glance at his face and found his eyes dignified.

"Mummy... Are you looking for something for us?" asked Pudding tempted.

"You two first reach out..." Huo Mian’s faint opening.

"Mummy, do you have a gift for us? Wow... I said, you will not forget our city when you go to New Orleans, isn't Uncle Rick bought it for us, eat it or play it?" ”

Doudou is very excited...

The pudding is worried.

However, the two Meng Bao were still stunned according to the instructions of Huo Mian.

The two of them just barely chubby little hands, and Huo Mian pulled out a ruler from behind.

Two times, hit the palm of two people...

Suddenly, the twins were beaten...

"Mummy... Why are you hitting us?" Douding was dumbfounded and full of grievances.

Although Qin Chu was distressed, she decided not to interfere with this time to educate her children.

"Mummy, we need a reason to fight us." Pudding looked up and stared at Huo Mian, very calmly opening.

"Do you want a reason? Well... then I ask you, who is going out alone, who is the idea, huh?" Huo Mian asked sharply.

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