My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1959: Doom to find the door (16)

As soon as I heard that Huo Mian said, the twins were honest.

Knowing that things have been revealed, it seems that they are still too small to see Mommy's IQ.

Qin Ning's appearance did not allow Huo Mian to fully believe, and finally learned the cause and effect of this incident from the mouth of the second uncle.

The result is that Huo Mian is very angry - the consequences are very serious.

"Don't look at each other, look at me." Huo Mian found that the twins secretly looked at each other, seemingly in the eyes of the message, how to deal with Mommy.

"So... who will answer my question, go out alone, don't have bodyguards, don't let the two grandfathers and aunts know, and avoid all the surveillance videos... The chickens in the house fly and jump, scaring the family to fly away... ... So, who is this ghost idea?" Huo Mian has been unable to suppress the inner anger, the voice is faint with arrogance.

Yes, since she had a baby, she was not as calm as before.

Because the baby will inadvertently make things that make you crazy.

"Wife, don't be excited... little noise, don't scare them." Qin Chu is somewhat unbearable.

Looking at the two grievances with their heads down and biting their lips, Qin Daren has already surrendered in his heart.

"Husband... We said yes, you don't interfere." Huo Mian looked at Qin Chu sideways. 】

"Yes, I really don't interfere... just remind you in good faith."

"You don't have to be reminded, if you can't stand it, you can go out, I will tell them." Huo Mian proposed.

"Don't go, please... please." Douding was scared and immediately asked Qin Chu.

She understands too much that she can be courageous and that her and her sister will be much better off.

If you go out and only have them and Mommy, that is a terrible thing.

"I don't want to go...." Qin Chu looked at the daughters with distress.

The heart of the pudding is struggling at this moment. She knows that once she is admitted, she will face the storm of Mommy.

This time it should be worse than the one that crashed the phone, so the punishment will be even more cruel.

Calm again, calm down, she is a child after all, so she will be afraid.

"Why don't you talk, are you afraid?" Huo Mian asked coldly.

The twins still don’t dare to bow their heads...

"Five seconds, you answer my question, otherwise I will be the idea of ​​both of you, all of them will be punished..." Huo Mian finished, began to count down to count.

"Five ... four ... three ... two ...."

"Mummy, it's my idea."

When the sound fell, Qin Chu slightly stunned, and Huo Mian also had some accidents.

Because the words are diced.

Pudding also looked at her sister with some surprises. She didn't seem to think she would do this.

"Douding, is your idea?" Huo Mian repeatedly asked.

Doudou carried a small hand and was particularly nervous behind him.

Forced to groan, she was nervous when she saw it.

But still raise a small face, said with full confidence, "I am my idea, Mommy."

"This is not like your style..." Huo Yin did not look at her daughter with deep thoughts.

Because she knows their two personalities too much, Douding basically has no idea.

Most of the time is following the pace of my sister. Pudding said where to go, she will agree.

In addition to what attitude to eat will be very tough, other Bean Ding will not interfere excessively.

Obviously, Huo Mian does not believe it.

The pudding was in a hurry and rushed to say, "Mummy, my sister is not right, this is actually..."

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