My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1960: Doom to find the door (seventeen)

"Sister... Don't talk, let's talk to Mommy. I know that you are my sister, so I want to take care of me, but I am doing my own responsibility... I will admit it with Mommy."

Doudou looked at the pudding and said one word at a time.

"But..." The pudding seemed to have something to say.

"Nothing, this is the sauce purple." Douding is determined and will bear the crime.

"Why are you doing this, don't you know that going out alone is dangerous?" Huo Mian asked.

"I thought... here is the United States will be fine, after all, the bad guys are in the country." Douding thought about what her sister had said before.

"Noisy... Will the bad guys also be divided? You think they won't come here... You know, don't you know, if you have an accident, how should the two grandfathers and the little aunt face us? How much psychological pressure they endure... ... actually disappeared for four hours, and let the second grandfather call the police, alarming the Los Angeles police, you two are too much."

The twins are silent and silent.

"I always thought that you are a friendly child. Even if the occasional littleness is a child's nature, you can understand and accept it... But this time, I can't agree and accept your practice, two are selfish, don't care. And the feelings of others, just thinking about how happy they are... just because they are bound by freedom in the country, so they feel that it is so ridiculous to make such a ridiculous thing, almost made a big disaster, you know?"

"Mummy, are we not okay?" Pudding grinned.

"You shut me up... Don't tell me nothing, you are lucky, if anything happens... What should I do with you? Grandma and grandma, what do they do? What do you do with Uncle Su?" The sound is a little excited.

"Wife... don't get angry, calm." Qin Chu patted Huo Mian back, watching her anger is also distressed.

But on the one hand, the daughters, and on the other, the wife, he is also embarrassed.

"Mummy, we know it's wrong... Sorry." Douding is more obedient, so I will apologize immediately.

Even if it is not true, you will be stunned by your mother.

But the pudding was obviously not convinced, and she always felt that it was not easy to go out and give a gift to Su Yu.

And they have no accidents, fluent English, all the way to a taxi is also smooth, and not as dangerous as Mommy said.

Of course, they are still small, I don’t know that Huo Siqian has always wanted to move them, and I don’t know that there are still terrible demons like Ian who are watching their whole family.

She only thinks that Mommy is too nervous...

"Is it wrong, is it useful? If you provoke a sin in the future, such as killing, you feel that... apologize, say sorry, will be forgiven? Do you have to take responsibility?" Reprimanded.

"Wife, how can it be so serious, don't scare them." Qin Chu still can't bear it.

"It's just so serious... I don't want to establish a right or wrong for them now, but I still have it in the future?"

After that, Huo Mian raised the ruler in his hand...

"Doudou, Mommy finally asks you once, this thing... really your idea, right?"

"Yes, it is me." Douding is hard to resist this matter.

"Okay, then you have to accept punishment."

After that, Huo Mian pulled the hands of the diced beans...

I started to play, I heard the sound and I knew that she was very hard.

Each hand has been played five times, a total of ten.

The ringing of the ring was screaming, and Qin Chu only felt that his heart was smashing, but he did not dare to ask his daughters again.

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