My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1961: Doom to find the door (18)

Qin Chu also knows that when teaching a child, if one fights, one pet, it will have no effect.

Therefore, Qin Chu’s only squatting heart does not dare to look again.

For a moment, the hands of the diced bean were red... Maybe it was because of the pain, and the little face was red.

However, she usually loves to cry, but this time she did not cry, just biting her teeth.

After the fight, Huo Mian had not waited for an opening, and the pudding wowed and cried.

Especially sad, because she knows that her sister is guilty of her crimes, and she still has a fight, it must hurt.

"Sister... don't cry, I don't hurt, really... no pain, Mommy didn't hit me hard." Douding smiled reluctantly, and both eyes bent into crescents.

At this moment, Qin Chu’s eyes were wet.

Huo Mian also almost lost his tears...

In fact, Qin Chu and Huo Mian know that this is the idea of ​​Pudding, but they did not expect Doudou to admit it.

Huo Mianming knows that it is not a pudding, but he beats the pudding, so that the pudding is uncomfortable.

Sisters are connected to the heart, plus the twins.

The puddings are so beaten, the puddings seem to feel the same...

"Mummy, not the idea of ​​my sister..." Pudding said as he cried.

Bean Ding went over and grabbed her mouth.

"Mummy... I’m done, we know it’s wrong, so... can you go?”

"You can go, the pudding is left."

"Ah? It’s not a sister, why are you talking about Mommy?" Douding was a little excited.

"I didn't speak without counting."

"Then you want to fight your sister?"

"No, I won't beat her because you have already taken all the fights for her." Huo Mian looked at the Bean Ding.

"Husband, you take the Bean Ding first, I have something to say and the pudding."


Qin Chu nodded, got up and picked up the bean diced, "Go, take you to rub the medicinal wine."

"I don't hurt, I will stay and help my sister." Douding is a little scared.

"Reassure, Mommy said that if she doesn't hit her sister, she won't fight."

In the end, Qin Chu was holding the Bean Ding and went out...

The pudding was still crying with his head down, and the tears had wet the floral skirt.

The two neat little cockroaches are also a bit loose, and the sample looks very embarrassing.

"Doudou, does it hurt?" Qin Chu, holding the Bean Ding, went out and asked her face with distress.

"To tell the truth?" Douding grievances looked at the ground.

"of course."

Douding whispered quietly in Qin Chu’s ear and said, “Super pain, Mommy can be strong, and I’m particularly hard.”

"Then you didn't cry."

"Because I am afraid that I will cry, my sister will be uncomfortable..." Douding said sensible.

Qin Chu’s heart was particularly uncomfortable, and his daughter was only three years old.

I think so much, and usually the peas look, I only know the little teasing of the flattering.

No one thought that she would have been so sensible and thinking about her sister.

"Doudou, ask you slyly... This is obviously the idea of ​​my sister. Why do you want to say it is you? Don't you know that you will be beaten if you say it?" Qin Chu is also very curious, I want to know that Bean Ding is What do you think?

"I know, I am prepared." Douding nodded.

"Then you still confess for your sister?"

"Because... the last time my sister made a mistake, Mommy has already punished her. If this time she still punishes her, I am afraid that she will be sad in her heart... I will be afraid... I will even have a shadow in my heart, I will feel that Mommy does not love her."

After Douding finished this sentence, Qin Chu’s tears brushed down.

It’s really uncontrollable...

"What about you? You will not be afraid, will not be sad, will not have a shadow in your heart?" Qin Chu holds his daughter tightly.

"I'm fine, my heart is bigger than my sister, my sister's personality is more introverted, I am a little worried... This is all skin trauma... It will be good to raise a few days, sly... how do you cry, don't cry... you It’s not handsome to cry."

Doudou said that he wiped away tears for Qin Chu... extremely warm heart.

In the room, Huo Mian looked at the pudding with a heavy heart and was very dignified. "Budding, don't you want to say something to Mommy?"

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