My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1962: Doom to find the door (19)

"Mummy, this is not the idea of ​​my sister, it is my ... idea." Pudding whimpered, crying and said.

"Yes? Then when I asked you, why didn't you say it?" Huo Mian stared at the pudding and asked.

"That's because..." Pudding biting his lip seemed to be difficult to talk about.

"Because you are afraid? Are you afraid of taking this mistake and being punished?"

The pudding nodded.

"Then you didn't expect your sister to bear it for you, she will be subject to the same punishment?"

"I didn't expect... Sister, she would say that, so I was surprised... I can't wait until I want to explain."

"In the end, it's because you are afraid, so you can't admit it... But pudding, when you are in trouble, why don't you know that you are afraid?"

"Mummy, tell me the truth, I don't think I am in trouble. I have a reason to go out, not because I am playing, I am trying to buy a gift..." The words of Pudding have not been finished yet, and Huo Mian is angry. Broken.

"Stop, I don't want to listen to your reasons. For whatever reason, you are doing something wrong... Your selfish behavior has caused great trouble and anxiety to your aunt and the second grandfather. Fortunately, there is no accident, otherwise... ...I really said that it was late... Pudding, I always thought that among the two sisters, you are a mature and stable one, like you are a little bit more... but this time you let me down, your pride is just because You are willful, your princess is sick, your little temper... You don’t have the kind of responsibility and responsibility that you are squatting at all. What do you do, you always think about your family, think about Mommy, and you... Always on your own premise... Even if you don’t hesitate to sin for you, Doudou usually looks like a snack, and has no heart, but when it’s true, she has more responsibility than you, that’s Mommy. The daughter, not the coward of you... provoke the evil, the things that I have to provoke, and the sister to give you the sinner..."

"Mummy, I am not... I don't want that." Listening to Mummy's swearing, the pudding is very sad and hard to explain.

"I know what you know, but you just don't want to obey... Are you playing rebellious now?"

"No, Mommy, I just want to go out and buy a gift. I didn't think so much about me. I don't know that Grandpa and my aunt are scared to death. To know their status, I will never. Then do it."

"Pudding, everyone in this world is responsible for making mistakes for their own faults. You can't because of your mistake. I apologize and understate it. People make mistakes and are not terrible. The terrible thing is that they refuse to bear... More, big sin, as long as you are willing to admit, willing to redeem, tomorrow will be a new day, I hope this time... You are really grown up, sensible... See you in the Bean Ding for you I hope you can understand a lot, just like this, you go out, Mommy is tired, rest."

"Mummy..." Pudding seemed to want to talk to Huon, and kept crying.

"Go out." Huo Mian's tone is quite unfriendly.

The pudding just came out and cried out...

Qin Ning knew that the twins were being tried and scared to quickly come to the rescue.

Pudding did not say a word, always head down to his room.

Qin Chu just met with a small pudding.

"Budding, are you okay?" Qin Ning was a little distressed.

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