My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1971: I am coming back for revenge (eight)

"Who?" Qin Chu also felt the seriousness of the matter.

"Horse is back."

"Huo Shiyi?" Qin Chu slightly stunned, the name has not been heard for a long time.

From the beginning of the bankruptcy of Huo’s family, Huo Siqian manipulated Huo’s family and even squeezed the foster mother Jiang Hong.

With very cruel means, let Huo Zhenghai die of Huang Quan.

Although the media did not report the incident, the police did not investigate, but Qin Chu can still guess the tricky.

Later, Huo Mian had to be a partner with Huo Siqian. After all, he had to retaliate against Huo Jia.

However, after seeing such a miserable, Huo Mian did not bear the heart, and even met the last side of Huo Zhenghai.

After the incident, Huo Siyi Huo and his mother Shen Jiani were kicked out of the board.

Huo Wei did not go, mixed in the local miserable, Huo Siqian did not start her, let her fend for herself.

Shen Jiani and her son fled to foreign countries with the adulterer... From then on, there was no news.

A few years later, Huo Mian’s pregnancy also gave birth to a baby. Now that the baby is three years old, Huo Siyi suddenly came back.

"When did this happen?"

"I checked the entry information. He has been back for a long time, but we didn't pay attention to it. I was negligent. It is estimated that he has also stepped on it for a long time. After careful planning, he only handed the children down." Gao Ran said.

"Shen Jia Ni ** husband is also back?" Qin Chu heart cool, I feel a particularly bad hunch.

"Unsure, Shen Jiani should have changed her name. I can't find it. Huo Siyi has also changed... but there is fingerprint input here... I compared it. If it wasn't for helping you find this baby, I specially checked it. I really don't know if he is back."

"Is this matter determined to be related to him now?" Qin Chu asked.

"Uncertain, but I have been a criminal police for so many years, my intuition is very accurate, there are very few things that I guess wrong... I think... Huo Siyi will not come back with no big moves... He may be looking for Huo Siqian and Huo Sleep revenge... After all, he always thought that Huo Siqian and Huo Mian were conspiring to frame them... so they wanted to start with the twins."

"Then you are sure that he is still in the city?"

"Still, there is no record of leaving."

"Do you know which hotel he is in?" Qin Chu held his fist tightly. If it was really Huo Shiyi, the baby might be in danger because he must have come back to take revenge.

"I don't know, there are no check-in records for major hotels. He shouldn't live in a hotel... I guess I might be hiding in some abandoned factories and slums... After all, the roads are complicated and easy to hide."

Qin Chu listened to silence...

"Achu, don't worry... I can't listen to it, you can't wait now... because Huo Shiyi caught the twins, it's definitely not a separate one to catch them. It definitely wants to threaten you and Huomian, so I think both of you will soon be threatened with text messages... or by phone."

"My nieces are lost, are you waiting for me now?" Qin Chu was angry. ,

"You calm down first, I didn't let you sit and wait, I mean we can wait for the news first. If it is really planned by Hawthorne, then it is definitely not easy for you to find it. You might as well look it up, Hoss How is Yi mixed in foreign countries in the past few days? What is the background?" Gao Ran proposed.

"No... I don't care about other things. I have to find my daughter first. You can quickly adjust the video of the whole city." Qin Chu was not calm for the first time, because he was just a father who lost his child at this moment.

"Pudding Bean Ding..." Huo Mian woke up from a nightmare.

Desperately yelling... full of sweat.

"Small sleep... Don't be excited..." Su Yu pressed Huo Mian's arm tightly.

I was afraid that she would get rid of the nutrition needle on her arm...

"I dreamed... Beans and pudding are full of blood, shouting Mommy..." Huo Mian finished, his hands squinted and began to cry.

Su Yu is very distressed...

"Small sleep... You calm down first, I don't think the children will have anything to do. They are Fuxing, and they will be able to come back safely."

Abandoned factory in a suburb

"Yi Ge... The child got it back, how to deal with it?" Several men in black-faced pointed-toothed monkeys put the duffel bag on the ground, and Huo Shiyi swept his head and glanced at the unconscious twins, his eyes flashing cold. Over.

PS: Baby, a good news, a bad news, let's say bad. Today, there are only four more every day. The good news is that there will be two days at the end of the month, and dozens of chapters a day, for everyone, and still One day, it will be free for everyone to see. The editor just told me to give you benefits at the end of the month. So in order to save the manuscript, I have to go to this week to be more and more, and I’m going to explode.

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