My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1972: I am coming back for revenge (9)

"It turned out that this is the child of Hung Mian's stock... It is like the squat of her mother." Huo Siyi swept the twins coldly.

"Boss... Do you want to slap them now?" The man under his hand made a smear of the neck.

"Are you a pig? If you kill them now, how can you get the ransom?" Hossie glanced at the people under his command.

"How do you deal with these two children now?"

"Go to the warehouse first, go to the normal water feeding, I will ponder over it, and I will have a phone call with Huoming, huh, huh," said Huo Shiyi, who smiled and turned away.

Soon after the twins passed, the effect was over, and they woke up in confusion.

"Hey, what is this ghost place?" Douding eyes were a little dumbfounded.

The pudding was also stupid to get up at this time.

"I remember that we seem to have been hijacked..." Pudding carefully recalled that she and Doudou were at the airport to go to the bathroom, and then heard a noise, then smelled a strange smell, something like smoke, then she I don’t know anything.

"Hijacking, I rub... Is this a horror movie?" How did Douding think that she and her sister would be hijacked.

"Calm, let me see where this is?"

After talking about the pudding, I climbed up and found that it was a cold little warehouse.

The pudding looked at it, only a tall, small skylight, not enough.

"Sister, are we still in the city of c?"

"Unsure, our mobile watches have been picked up." Pudding answered calmly.

"I rub, then we are not dead?" Douding is dumbfounded.

"Don't panic, these people have planned to kidnap us so smoothly in front of Mommy and the ground. It can only be said that they have been planning for a long time. I suspect they should be for ransom. After all... we know our home all over the country. Rich ~ "pudding analysis.

"There are more money, why are you only kidnapping us? Is luck so good?" Douding said the opposite.

"Hey, don't argue, let me see the situation."

After that, the pudding went to the door and slammed the door very loudly: "Someone? Come on, I am hungry, I want to eat~"

Sure enough, in less than a minute, the door was opened.

A sharp-nosed monkey slyly looked at the two of them, "Little devil, what are you calling?"

"I am hungry, I want to eat."

"Oh, there are still thoughts to eat? Do you know where this is?" The man laughed.

"I don't care where I am. In the end, you have to give us food. If we starve together, you will not get a huge ransom."

"Oh! Not bad, actually still know the ransom?" The man was surprised. He couldn't imagine it was a child who didn't seem to be three years old.

"Get rice and water quickly, less nonsense." Pudding's cold mouth.

"I want to eat the chicken leg." Doudou added a sentence later?

"I still want to eat chicken legs? Are you a restaurant here?" The man was annoyed.

"The sea, you come to take the box lunch and give it to the two little devils."

The man told me that the other man immediately took two boxes of lunch and walked directly to the door.

"Who are you? Why are you arresting us?" Pudding glanced at the man and asked.

"What do we have to do with our boss? What does it have to do with me?"

"Who are you boss? Do we know?"

"Hey, little devil, want to cover me, you are too tender... don't worry, you will know, huh, let your parents worry about it for a while, it is easier to meet the conditions."

After saying that the man laughed and locked the iron door.

Pudding lowered his head and picked up the box lunch. "Doudou, you should eat first, first maintain your strength, we can find a chance to escape."

Ps: Baby, pigs have a fever in the clinic. It may be that the smog in the north is too heavy. At noon, the rest is added at night.

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